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Since we have so many people from Arizona in here...


Well-known Member
May 26, 2009
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Has anyone else noticed that allergy season this year is out of control?!?! What the hell?!
It's bad down here in Florida too. Headaches, runny noses, sneezing.

On top of that we have had to deal with foul smelling chemicals for miles around. Think of the smell of of Tide laundry detergent in the powdered form. Imagine opening the box and getting a strong whiff of it. That is what we were dealing with for several days. And the source of it was the oil spill all the way off the coast of Louisiana. It was the chemicals they were dumping on the large oil spill out there in the gulf. To try to disperse it and break it down. The winds carried the chemical smell all the way to west coast of Florida.

It didn't work though because the spill is too big and it's still growing. They haven't been able to cap the source. They switched tactics to trying to burn it before it can reach marshlands and fragile ecosystems on the mainland. Now they say it's no longer a question of if this large spill will reach the U.S coastline, but when.

Drill baby drill! Right Sarah Palin? #@!*!!!

Now Obama caved and said he's willing to let them drill of the coast of Florida too. Hopefully cooler heads will prevail in light of recent events.

Sorry for hijacking your thread Ariz. haha
Sorry for hijacking your thread Ariz. haha
Speaking about hijacking threads, with all the folks from Arizona on the forum, how about some comments about the new law there that seems to permit racial profiling. It sounds like something straight out of the Bush administration.
Yeah. That's a controversial one too.

In foreign countries the police have the right to walk up to anyone on the street and ask to see their passport or national ID card. Not here in the U.S. of course. If you are breaking no laws or are not under suspicion of breaking a law they don't have the right to stop and question you.

The new law in Arizona stands to change that. With loss of liberty for all of us. Not just hispanics.
well i figured since two corners of the us answered already, i'd put in my two cents as well. Pennsylvania is horrible for allergies as well. i've been sneezing non-stop for the past week. thank goodness i dont have to deal with any chemical smells though! anyone from oregon or washington care to weigh in? something tells me allergies are bad all over the US
California has also been dealing with a bad allergy season..... It is an el nino weather year and allergies are worse than they have been the past couple of years. I have friends that have never had an allergy problem and this year they are being effected.
bad allergies and asshole politicians....guess who has 2 thumbs and is not proud to be from Arizona?


But on another note...now we can conceal all the weapons we want!
Speaking on allergies, I live up in Tacoma, WA (Seattle area) and right now the tree pollen is high. Yes this has been an unusual winter and spring for us too since this is El Nino. We had a much warmer winter and less precipitation. Our spring so far is acting like it is suppose to.

Jeffv, I have relation that live down in the Clear Lake area and she keeps me posted on their weather.

Has anyone else noticed that allergy season this year is out of control?!?! What the hell?!

Don't remind me. :001_unsure: I think it is Mother nature's way of cleaning the planet or something.... Yikes.:biggrin::001_unsure:
I'm so glad I don't suffer from allergies.
Speaking about hijacking threads, with all the folks from Arizona on the forum, how about some comments about the new law there that seems to permit racial profiling. It sounds like something straight out of the Bush administration.

Allergies and politics don't really mix that well. Maybe another thread for the politics might be in order.
I don't tend to suffer from allergies. More the dust and change of weather. We did have a goodly amount of rain this winter which lead to a flowering desert (better than usual but nothing spectacular). Plus since we had a cold winter then warm then cool then warm then cool (you get my drift) spring, the trees and cacti are blooming early. The saguaros are blooming now when they don't usually bloom till June. Plus the fact that many people moved here in the 60's and 70' because of allergies, it makes it all the worse. For me it has been the constantly changing weather. I guess it's a good deal for the makers of Zyrtec, but not for anyone else! LOL
my apologies

Allergies and politics don't really mix that well. Maybe another thread for the politics might be in order.
Sorry Jayce, you are right. But when I saw the title of the thread was about so many people being from Arizona here, and recently hearing the disturbing news about this new seemingly unconstitutional law being passed there, I automatically assumed that was what the thread was about.

But now that I have expressed my shock and dismay, it's up to someone else to start that thread, if they feel that it's worth talking about it. Otherwise I will go back to discussing hard cocks, and just how straight a particular young straight boy may be. :wink:
Sorry Jayce, you are right. But when I saw the title of the thread was about so many people being from Arizona here, and recently hearing the disturbing news about this new seemingly unconstitutional law being passed there, I automatically assumed that was what the thread was about.

No problem guy..... I can completely understand. If someone does open the thread, then I'll put my two cents in.
I heard that AZ used to be perfect for people with allergies but when people moved there they were homesick for trees and grass so they planted them and the allergies came with them.
I heard that AZ used to be perfect for people with allergies but when people moved there they were homesick for trees and grass so they planted them and the allergies came with them.

That is absolutely true. When I moved to AZ back in '81, I was allergy free, and so were my parents. Fast forward several years and they hit us all with a vengeance. I've always dreaded this time of the year, but so far this year, I've been allergy free.

My cat on the other, poor thing is affected-she snnezes several time a day now.