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Should we rename BSB?


Well-known Member
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
Padre Island Texas
I have been a member since 2008. The site for the most part be it BSB1 or BSB2 has been good. And I like the fact that
management treats the models well.

I am not an avid viewer of the site as my nephew and his boyfriend are. But have seen enough this past year that
I really am starting to wonder why it's not the "Paul & Damien" Show or Kaden Alexander & Tyler Show, for a while it was the Johnny Forza Show. Thankfully he is gone. I am not a fan of the models that can't stop talking about how great they are (Kaden Alexander & Tyler included).

I read posts of the last couple of videos and I saw several that like me, miss down to earth guys with a great personality doing whatever on camera for us. Like Dimitri, Ronan Kennedy, many of the earlier Broke Straight Boys 1 & 2 guys. Vadim Black is OK. I like Paul & Damian and their relationship but give us some sort of break with some new guys.

I know Dimitri is probably out now and we do finally have a new guy "Brody" coming up. Where is Ronan Kennedy?? I also know this is a tough business finding guys and keeping things fresh. But the repetitiveness is getting to be too much.

Frankly I mostly watch "Fratmen" as 99.9% of their guys are amazingly hot and the filming shows them off very well. Extra treat if they pair two guys and play together. I avoid or fast forward the weekly Broke Straight Boys updates depending who is featured.

I don't post very often but I had to give my thoughts. Perhaps it's time to find something new. Even Brad & Rick agree with me.

Some sort of realistic update on Broke Straight Boys -TV would be nice too.
It's funny you brought up this thread. I woke up this morning remembering there was a new scene with Tyler and Skyler. Yet, I could not get into the mood to watch it. For me personally, this site has lost the magic I had grown to love. There is something definitely missing these days. I know I share these same sentiments with other members here. I remain a paid subscriber but it is more for the interaction in the forums rather than in the scenes being produced. If I hear one more "Wadup" I am going to scream.

We get a newbie and that is exciting. He is paired off with a veteran to teach him the ropes and that is also exciting. Get two veterans to do a scene together, then let them show us what they have learned. The scene with Zeno Kostas and Ian still blows my mind away. In my fantasizing, perverted mind I saw two straight guys who had learned that sex between between a man and a man could be as sensual as a man and woman or a woman and woman.

My suggestion is to throw the script away. Let the newbies learn what they need to learn and the veterans do what they have learned. Man, just let the boys do their thing.

I have been a member since 2008. The site for the most part be it BSB1 or BSB2 has been good. And I like the fact that
management treats the models well.

I am not an avid viewer of the site as my nephew and his boyfriend are. But have seen enough this past year that
I really am starting to wonder why it's not the "Paul & Damien" Show or Kaden Alexander & Tyler Show, for a while it was the Johnny Forza Show. Thankfully he is gone. I am not a fan of the models that can't stop talking about how great they are (Kaden Alexander & Tyler included).

I read posts of the last couple of videos and I saw several that like me, miss down to earth guys with a great personality doing whatever on camera for us. Like Dimitri, Ronan Kennedy, many of the earlier Broke Straight Boys 1 & 2 guys. Vadim Black is OK. I like Paul & Damian and their relationship but give us some sort of break with some new guys.

I know Dimitri is probably out now and we do finally have a new guy "Brody" coming up. Where is Ronan Kennedy?? I also know this is a tough business finding guys and keeping things fresh. But the repetitiveness is getting to be too much.

Frankly I mostly watch "Fratmen" as 99.9% of their guys are amazingly hot and the filming shows them off very well. Extra treat if they pair two guys and play together. I avoid or fast forward the weekly Broke Straight Boys updates depending who is featured.

I don't post very often but I had to give my thoughts. Perhaps it's time to find something new. Even Brad & Rick agree with me.

Some sort of realistic update on Broke Straight Boys -TV would be nice too.

Thanks for writing in! We are hard at work recruiting, filming, and introducing new boys. Many of the guys you mentioned have become member favorites (our veterans as we call them) and have appeared on the site often due to demand. However, we understand the need for variety and are doubling our efforts to bring in new hot, straight, cool guys to entertain our members. We have a full time recruiter now and it is his job to find those "hidden gems" that will be a hit for the site. On the show, and in some of our BTS, you will see that many guys simply don't show up as scheduled due to a myriad of reasons. For the ones that show up, they all share stories of wanting to pull out the night before due to nerves or other factors. One episode of the show deals with that and how we deal with it.

Kaden Alexander and Tyler are two guys with energy for days, and hearts of gold. It's unfortunate that they come across as ostentatious onscreen because they are far from that in their personal lives. All of our guys are "characters" of some sort and have a good time during their time here. Maybe seeing them in a safe environment which is convivial makes them seem over the top to viewers. Kaden Alexander is probably one of the most respected models internally and has never caused a problem while he is here filming. Ronan Kennedy was just here this past week and you will be seeing more of him.

We would love to bring back some of our older models, but as you see with Dimitri, many of them have lives that sometimes comes with complications. Bringing some of them back is often very difficult or impossible.

As far as Broke Straight Boys TV, when you're dealing with networks, attorneys, agents, advertisers, promoters, sponsors, and other industry agents, it makes for a very long and often frustrating experience. We aim to bring Broke Straight Boys TV to not only the US, but to make it available worldwide. I can't tell you when it will debut, but it will be soon. We're hard at work in negotiations with several networks. Trust me, I can't wait for it all to be over with and get it on the air.

Hope that helps. :-)


Thanks for writing in! We are hard at work recruiting, filming, and introducing new boys. Many of the guys you mentioned have become member favorites (our veterans as we call them) and have appeared on the site often due to demand. However, we understand the need for variety and are doubling our efforts to bring in new hot, straight, cool guys to entertain our members. We have a full time recruiter now and it is his job to find those "hidden gems" that will be a hit for the site. On the show, and in some of our BTS, you will see that many guys simply don't show up as scheduled due to a myriad of reasons. For the ones that show up, they all share stories of wanting to pull out the night before due to nerves or other factors. One episode of the show deals with that and how we deal with it.

Kaden Alexander and Tyler are two guys with energy for days, and hearts of gold. It's unfortunate that they come across as ostentatious onscreen because they are far from that in their personal lives. All of our guys are "characters" of some sort and have a good time during their time here. Maybe seeing them in a safe environment which is convivial makes them seem over the top to viewers. Kaden Alexander is probably one of the most respected models internally and has never caused a problem while he is here filming. Ronan Kennedy was just here this past week and you will be seeing more of him.

We would love to bring back some of our older models, but as you see with Dimitri, many of them have lives that sometimes comes with complications. Bringing some of them back is often very difficult or impossible.

As far as Broke Straight Boys TV, when you're dealing with networks, attorneys, agents, advertisers, promoters, sponsors, and other industry agents, it makes for a very long and often frustrating experience. We aim to bring Broke Straight Boys TV to not only the US, but to make it available worldwide. I can't tell you when it will debut, but it will be soon. We're hard at work in negotiations with several networks. Trust me, I can't wait for it all to be over with and get it on the air.

Hope that helps. :-)



Thanks DC for your prompt and honest answer. Sure I know how difficult it is dealing with some of the models or people in any business for that matter.

I will be patient and hope everyone is well at Broke Straight Boys

I wanted to add something to my original post but my editing timed out.

I wanted to say to the guys. If you are straight, then you are straight. If you are bisexual, then you are bisexual. If you are gay, then you are gay. Just be up front with us and forget the fake persona.

One of the guys I have major respect for here is Tate. At the end of one of his scenes he was asked if he would ever do this outside of the studio. He admitted, Yea if the situation was right he would.
I have been a member since 2008. The site for the most part be it BSB1 or BSB2 has been good. And I like the fact that
management treats the models well.

I am not an avid viewer of the site as my nephew and his boyfriend are. But have seen enough this past year that
I really am starting to wonder why it's not the "Paul & Damien" Show or Kaden Alexander & Tyler Show, for a while it was the Johnny Forza Show. Thankfully he is gone. I am not a fan of the models that can't stop talking about how great they are (Kaden Alexander & Tyler included).

I read posts of the last couple of videos and I saw several that like me, miss down to earth guys with a great personality doing whatever on camera for us. Like Dimitri, Ronan Kennedy, many of the earlier Broke Straight Boys 1 & 2 guys. Vadim Black is OK. I like Paul & Damian and their relationship but give us some sort of break with some new guys.

I know Dimitri is probably out now and we do finally have a new guy "Brody" coming up. Where is Ronan Kennedy?? I also know this is a tough business finding guys and keeping things fresh. But the repetitiveness is getting to be too much.

Frankly I mostly watch "Fratmen" as 99.9% of their guys are amazingly hot and the filming shows them off very well. Extra treat if they pair two guys and play together. I avoid or fast forward the weekly Broke Straight Boys updates depending who is featured.

I don't post very often but I had to give my thoughts. Perhaps it's time to find something new. Even Brad & Rick agree with me.

Some sort of realistic update on Broke Straight Boys -TV would be nice too.

Hey good post my friend. I cannot understand why your nephew and his boyfriend would have so much time to watch this lot, when they have so much lost time to make up. :angel:
I cannot understand why your nephew and his boyfriend would have so much time to watch this lot, when they have so much lost time to make up. :angel:

I don't what you're implying here Jon. What else should two young healthy twentysomethings be doing together after so many long, lonely and mostly celibate years apart? Besides watching the site of course. Maybe they could take up ceramics? LOL :)
with Broke Straight Boys 1, it could at various times have been named the tyler, the diesal, or the mike show. with early Broke Straight Boys 2, it was the jimmy show. now with Broke Straight Boys 3, we have tag teams. Kaden Alexander and tyler, and Damien and paul.
I remember a time when 3 to 5 episodes were the most you could get from a guy. 15 to 18 was a high number of episodes. now 15 to 18 episodes are common. now paul and johnny join tyler, diesal, and mike in the over 30 episodes club.
you cannot tape with the models you wish you had, you tape with the models you have. the larger the pool of models taped, the higher the drop out rate. until the last 9 months, the drop out rate (one and done rate) was 20%. it is now at 12.5%. you get fewer new faces, but more reliable performers.
with Broke Straight Boys 1, it could at various times have been named the tyler, the diesal, or the mike show. with early Broke Straight Boys 2, it was the jimmy show. now with Broke Straight Boys 3, we have tag teams. Kaden Alexander and tyler, and Damien and paul.
I remember a time when 3 to 5 episodes were the most you could get from a guy. 15 to 18 was a high number of episodes. now 15 to 18 episodes are common. now paul and johnny join tyler, diesal, and mike in the over 30 episodes club.
you cannot tape with the models you wish you had, you tape with the models you have. the larger the pool of models taped, the higher the drop out rate. until the last 9 months, the drop out rate (one and done rate) was 20%. it is now at 12.5%. you get fewer new faces, but more reliable performers.
Dear another1
I always like your feedback. And you have been around a lot longer than I have.. I even had the pleasure of seeing you on film.
Fewer new faces TRUE..But Reliable ????? Maybe ..If you like the same faces over and over and over and over.
While you are recruiting how about more mature guys. It's not just age but in the way they act. Law permits 18 but Id like to see the minimum 25. Broke and straight boys are boys all life long.
I wanted to add something to my original post but my editing timed out.

I wanted to say to the guys. If you are straight, then you are straight. If you are bisexual, then you are bisexual. If you are gay, then you are gay. Just be up front with us and forget the fake persona.

One of the guys I have major respect for here is Tate. At the end of one of his scenes he was asked if he would ever do this outside of the studio. He admitted, Yea if the situation was right he would.

I agree with you on this one. However, some of these guys are between 18-21 years old and live in small, intolerant, towns and have families that aren't as supportive as they could be when it comes down to sexuality. Rarely do we get guys from major metropolitan areas where it is more accepting. I was engaged to a woman at 19 and didn't figure things out until much later. Look at Dimitri, his coming out as a transgender is mind blowing and a testament to the issues that our youth/ models go through everyday. I would have never guessed it, but good for him. He is a beautiful guy and a beautiful woman. Go figure! lol

In the show we explore this and the result is fascinating. We were actually just contacted by a major university that wants to do a study on Broke Straight Boys and our models. Kinsey, while i agree with him on some things, is somewhat outdated. We're due for a new major study on human sexuality as it pertains to today's society and overall acceptance.
I have been a member since 2008. The site for the most part be it BSB1 or BSB2 has been good. And I like the fact that
management treats the models well.

I am not an avid viewer of the site as my nephew and his boyfriend are. But have seen enough this past year that
I really am starting to wonder why it's not the "Paul & Damien" Show or Kaden Alexander & Tyler Show, for a while it was the Johnny Forza Show. Thankfully he is gone. I am not a fan of the models that can't stop talking about how great they are (Kaden Alexander & Tyler included).

I read posts of the last couple of videos and I saw several that like me, miss down to earth guys with a great personality doing whatever on camera for us. Like Dimitri, Ronan Kennedy, many of the earlier Broke Straight Boys 1 & 2 guys. Vadim Black is OK. I like Paul & Damian and their relationship but give us some sort of break with some new guys.

I know Dimitri is probably out now and we do finally have a new guy "Brody" coming up. Where is Ronan Kennedy?? I also know this is a tough business finding guys and keeping things fresh. But the repetitiveness is getting to be too much.

Frankly I mostly watch "Fratmen" as 99.9% of their guys are amazingly hot and the filming shows them off very well. Extra treat if they pair two guys and play together. I avoid or fast forward the weekly Broke Straight Boys updates depending who is featured.

I don't post very often but I had to give my thoughts. Perhaps it's time to find something new. Even Brad & Rick agree with me.

Some sort of realistic update on Broke Straight Boys -TV would be nice too.

Well sayed. Know matter who you like or hate after 5 or 9 scenes its time to move on. I usde to like coming in here and watching all the scenes. They were new faces some good some now but love to watch. Love to see new models with new model let them do there thing thats the straight boys we come to see. When you take a new model and put him with a older model to as they say to show him how to do it and takes away from the scenes. Make all the scenes alike. there are about 4 models that i dont watch there scenes at all any more because they have ben in so many you can tell they just go thur the moves and go. So models talk so much about them self and think Broke Straight Boys cant run with out them and do what ever to get what they want it takes away from Broke Straight Boys . If you look at most of the guys on Broke Straight Boys they drink do drugs alot make it look ok to do there are a lot fo young guys watching Broke Straight Boys Now there are so very nice guys on here that dont do that but its going down hill. I know i am just one guy in 100s and i my be the only one that thinks like this. Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Well sayed. Know matter who you like or hate after 5 or 9 scenes its time to move on. I usde to like coming in here and watching all the scenes. They were new faces some good some now but love to watch. Love to see new models with new model let them do there thing thats the straight boys we come to see. When you take a new model and put him with a older model to as they say to show him how to do it and takes away from the scenes. Make all the scenes alike. there are about 4 models that i dont watch there scenes at all any more because they have ben in so many you can tell they just go thur the moves and go. So models talk so much about them self and think Broke Straight Boys cant run with out them and do what ever to get what they want it takes away from Broke Straight Boys . If you look at most of the guys on Broke Straight Boys they drink do drugs alot make it look ok to do there are a lot fo young guys watching Broke Straight Boys Now there are so very nice guys on here that dont do that but its going down hill. I know i am just one guy in 100s and i my be the only one that thinks like this. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

I agree with your thinking. Here is what I said on another thread (Paul and Damian);

"I do think we do need to see more newbies (first timers to under 5 scenes) vs. the "regulars". At what point is Broke Straight Boys no long Broke or ??? When you look at models like Paul, Damien, Kayden, Tyler, Brandon, etc. at what point are they no long Broke Straight Boys and now are "porn stars". This would not just apply to these current models and I am sure others could be added to the list) but for some from David's time (Tyler, Diesal, CJ, and others I can't think of, etc.).

I am not at all suggesting that models like Paul, Damien, Tyler, Kayden, Brandon, Blake (Bennett) be eliminate. Perhaps they can be more spaced out to allow more new models to get their teeth wet amongst other things)."

Here is another idea that could be useful (also in another thread):

Mark has a thread about look back Friday. It would be nice to have something similar where they bring back to the studio a popular model from the past. Chat and Torrence are two great examples. Other I would add include: Kodie, Spencer, Jasons M. Blake Bennett, Adam Baer, Denver Grand, Carter Blane, Max Flint Bobby, Trey Evans. Maybe they would come in to do one or two shoots. Just a big surprise for us. In the coming attractions they would list one model and leave us in suspense for the returnee. More than likely a number of these models may no longer be reachable. Some may be out of the industry. For those we wish them well and will have fond memories of their times with us.

Damian C. does make a good point about getting back other models, however, sometimes the best words are $$$$$.

What do you all think?????

Live Long and Prosper,

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It seems the general consensus is that people aren't getting the "product" they want to see. You can't make all of the members happy all of the time, but it seems that Broke Straight Boys needs to move into a BSB4 era.

The models are obviously important, but the direction they get is really more important. After all the complaints that have been on the forum over the last few months, you would think someone would take the time to think "outside the box". I think that the site is on the back burner and that the Broke Straight Boys TV effort is taking up everyone's energy.

I for one am really sick of that God damn set that has been used forever. The last time it was even remotely interesting was when Zeno Kostas pushed Ian up against the Flat Iron building and fucked the hell out of him. Damian's outdoor scene was a real treat. Why can't there be more scene's outdoors or with different settings? Even a massage table used as a prop would be nice. Have a veteran give a brief massage to a newbie to get him relaxed and then move to the bed and let the sex begin. Do a fuck scene in the shower. THINK OF NEW THINGS TO DO!!!!! Three positions, cum on the bottom and then rub your dicks together is SO TIRED!

Get rid of the post sex interview or at least shorten it. It's rarely interesting to hear what the guys say and it seems all they really want to do is shower and then eat.

I'm glad new talent is in the works. I hope that the direction they're given when doing a scene is thoughtful, respectful and ultimately successful in producing great porn. It is a porn site. A different kind of porn site, but the sex still needs to be hot. Watching a model do poorly in a scene and then listening to them complain and pout about what they are being well paid to do is not what I signed up for. If they're allowed to do that, then the director is really responsible to a large degree. He is the director. He's supposed to tell them what's expected, set boundaries, hold hands, tell them they're great when they are and not doing well when they aren't and manage to get at least some moments of hot sex in the scene.

I think that the site is on the back burner and that the Broke Straight Boys TV effort is taking up everyone's energy.
I think that Stripe hits the nail on the head in his assessment that BSB TV has taken the focus off the site itself, and that everything we see and read now seems to be about the TV show, much more than the actual models and the porn.

Damian Christopher was brought in ostensibly to supervise all aspects of the TV show based on his background, as well as his beautiful photography. He is a very talented young man, but he has also become the primary spokesperson for the site, and is now directing the sex scenes as well. It seems that in most of Damian's comments and responses to our questions and complaints, he tells us that we will learn a lot more about what really goes on behind the scenes when the television show airs.

I am a huge fan of Broke Straight Boys and have been for many years, and I am definitely interested in viewing the television program, but I am paying each month for Broke Straight Boys the porn site, (and the forum) and I believe that the scenes and the choice of models have suffered due to the overbearing emphasis on the TV show. I am hopeful that the promise of new models, and the new recruiters to bring the models here will become apparent in hotter scenes, with more variety of guys in the coming months, but everything has become stale and is in need of a quick sprucing up.
I don't what you're implying here Jon. What else should two young healthy twentysomethings be doing together after so many long, lonely and mostly celibate years apart? Besides watching the site of course. Maybe they could take up ceramics? LOL :)

Hey Tampa:

Not ceramics but you are very close! It's "underwater basket weaving" that keeps us occupied in what little spare time we have!
Rick is trying his best to weave me a necklace but finds that the "pearl necklace" is much easier and more fun to create!!!

;-) Brad
If the TV show is like the scenes on here now don't start the TV show. If your going to have the same old models over and over don't start the TV show .don't let two models run it like they do here. Whey do one or two of the same models get to do different scenes but not the others. It's getting old fast.