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Same ole same ole!


New Member
Nov 30, 2009
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So I'm wondering... Every thread talks about which boys you want to see again; but if you could say which ones your tired of seeing. I would love to know
We always go overboard unfortunately when decrying our least faves. This thread could be fun if the forumites who post on it could be polite, circumspect and amusing. Otherwise...
I can see this thread going both ways...there hasn't been arguing lately so I hope this doesn't open up any old wounds....

Half of them are so new, I haven't had a chance to be tired of anyone yet....not that I would tell anyone.
I'm not into Nu, CJ or Tyler. I like Anthony, but I've seen him get fucked enough. Let him fuck somebody else for a change. On the positive side, Jake is a diamond in the rough who could be a real star if they'd pair him with hotter, more eager guys.
:lol: I could have bet 1 million that the first name would be Tyler. Amazing how this model is hated and loved. We should call him JesusTyler ... it's like religion, some hates it, other love it :lol::lol:

Otherwise, I would love not to see anymore CJ :blink:
:lol: I could have bet 1 million that the first name would be Tyler. Amazing how this model is hated and loved. We should call him JesusTyler ... it's like religion, some hates it, other love it

Otherwise, I would love not to see anymore CJ :blink:

I have stayed away from this ridiculous discussion about Tyler but I can no longer stand by & see Tyler put to the sword by a few people who have know idea who Tyler is. I for one do not know him so I would never criticise him as a person, I may be critical of some of his work & pass on my criticism in a constructive way.
Therefore I feel the word "hated" is a bit strong - to hate someone infers you actually know that person. I am certain, with the exception of one or two members, none of us truly knows Tyler.
If you are not into Tyler then that is fine. I know he doesn't do a lot for me & the same goes for many other models I have watched but I don't bag them just because they don't do it for me. I think the work he has done has been great, I have seen a lot of other so called professional models on other sites who have performed abysmally.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion & I will defend their right to express their opinions but I get rather annoyed when a handful of people make statements about a subject or person they know nothing about.

Enzo - please don't take this as a criticism of you or your post, I just had to say something about the use of the word "hated"

Shit - where did that all come from? :blink:
Ray, yeah, hate is a word we use a lot, but half the time doesn't mean what the dictionary will try to tell you it does. If I say I hate the logo on your baseball cap, or that I hate BMW 4x4s, or the color she's dyed her hair, I'm just expressing my critical faculties, not odium or abhorrence. But unfortunately it makes a sentence look ugly, so we should try to broaden the range of terms we use to say what we really mean.

The "Tyler, you love him or you hate him" cliché only means that he's central enough to the whole scheme of Broke Straight Boys, to provoke almost everyone to express an opinion of him. If a "lover" speaks up, it means a "hater" isn't more than a post or two away and so on.

Rather than just saying "get rid of...", it might be even crueler to the Brokie to give a few thoughtful reasons for not wanting to see him on film again, but if we kept the language civil there would be fewer hurt feelings from the fans.
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Ray, yeah, hate is a word we use a lot, but half the time doesn't mean what the dictionary will try to tell you it does. If I say I hate the logo on your baseball cap, or that I hate BMW 4x4s, or the color she's dyed her hair, I'm just expressing my critical faculties, not odium or abhorrence. But unfortunately it makes a sentence look ugly, so we should try to broaden the range of terms we use to say what we really mean.

The "Tyler, you love him or you hate him" cliché only means that he's central enough to the whole scheme of Broke Straight Boys, to provoke almost everyone to express an opinion of him. If a "lover" speaks up, it means a "hater" isn't more than a post or two away and so on.

Rather than just saying "get rid of...", it might be even crueler to the Brokie to give a few thoughtful reasons for not wanting to see him on film again, but if we kept the language civil there would be fewer hurt feelings from the fans.

Hi Slim,
I certainly understand what you are saying & I agree with you & in the main it is acceptable.
It's just that there has been a couple of members who have been commenting about Tyler, for whatever reason, in the truest sense of the word. That is what triggered me off.
I have stayed away from this ridiculous discussion about Tyler but I can no longer stand by & see Tyler put to the sword by a few people who have know idea who Tyler is. I for one do not know him so I would never criticise him as a person, I may be critical of some of his work & pass on my criticism in a constructive way.
Therefore I feel the word "hated" is a bit strong - to hate someone infers you actually know that person. I am certain, with the exception of one or two members, none of us truly knows Tyler.
If you are not into Tyler then that is fine. I know he doesn't do a lot for me & the same goes for many other models I have watched but I don't bag them just because they don't do it for me. I think the work he has done has been great, I have seen a lot of other so called professional models on other sites who have performed abysmally.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion & I will defend their right to express their opinions but I get rather annoyed when a handful of people make statements about a subject or person they know nothing about.

Enzo - please don't take this as a criticism of you or your post, I just had to say something about the use of the word "hated"

Shit - where did that all come from? :blink:

I like this post and i think it great your standing up for Tyler..... I have made it clear i am not a Tyler fan... i dnt know the guy personally... only through the work he has done here.
I am sure he is a really nice guy or whatever in his personal day to day life, bu from the day iu joined i found Tylers shoot kind of dull and I tend to avoid watching shoots he is in. the "either love him or hate him" category i fall into neither because i am indifferent to him. (kinda like they way i am with NU). I do not find the guy sexy and he doesnt turn me on. I am tired of seeing him because he has been shown in ALOT of the recent updates and as a paying member i find this really frustrating, for the reasons i have just mentioned.

Also this thread was made for people to say which models they were tired of seeing... So it should be expected for his, or any other name, to appear!
Hi Slim,
I certainly understand what you are saying & I agree with you & in the main it is acceptable.
It's just that there has been a couple of members who have been commenting about Tyler, for whatever reason, in the truest sense of the word. That is what triggered me off.

If I thought "Tyler" was affected by any of it, I'd feel really bad. For all the reasons I've been spouting for almost 2 years I think he's a totally exceptional boy and probably able to get past the carping about his person and behavior without going into deep depression. It would in any case be sad (maybe I mean counter-productive) for him if he kept on sharing the futon with other hotties very far into his twenties. And sad for me if he quits any time soon.
If I thought "Tyler" was affected by any of it, I'd feel really bad. For all the reasons I've been spouting for almost 2 years I think he's a totally exceptional boy and probably able to get past the carping about his person and behavior without going into deep depression. It would in any case be sad (maybe I mean counter-productive) for him if he kept on sharing the futon with other hotties very far into his twenties. And sad for me if he quits any time soon.

the people that make decisions see those who "hate him" and might limit his being in future scenes and that would hurt him. Hope it doesn't happen I never tire of seeing Tyler. He is the center of the logo at the beginning of the site and well belongs there. Love his attitude and of course when he cums love to see that.
sorry wrldfrnd.

I don't think wrldfrnd intended this to turn into another Tyler thread. We have enough of those.:scared:

I would be one happy camper if I never saw another CJ scene.:bored:
Ray, thanks for your post about the use of my word "hate" and you are right ! I will think twice before using it form now :001_cool:

And because the discussion became too much Tyler orientated after my post, may I ask to return to the initial subject ? :scared:

So CJ and NU !!

You're right Mike.

David has informed us that CJ is no longer a model for Broke Straight Boys, so as long as you only look at new episodes, you will never see him again.

You're right. I wanted to throw an obvious choice out there that would not rile anyone.:001_smile:

I'll take a risk and say that Jimmy is not someone who interests me. I think other threads have called him "Little Jimmy".
Hate is a horrible word and I don't think anyone really hates Tyler, CJ, Nu etc etc. They may well be tired of them or other models but as they don't know these guys then how can they, or anyone hate anyone. I would rather hate myself than hate anyone else.