It is Saint Patrick's day and it is on March 17th.
Don't do much to celebrate it. Was supposed to get inked again but I had to reschedule. Kids and their sports and fake blizzards... *sigh*
Oh, and it's a real holiday! All the Irishmen I know will tell you that!
haha fake blizzards?
We will have lovely celebrations all across ireland,
and drink a lot, for me guinness(the tridional)
We were supposed to have a blizzard here in Colorado on Saturday. Didn't you hear that? lol We got maybe 4 inches at my house. But it cancelled all sporting events.
oh dang..well hey, at least it wasnt super bad!!
What are everyone's plans for st. patties day? and do you think its just another excuse to get drunk or a "real" holiday
I think it worked out for Mark and Damian while the guys were in town! I'd have enjoyed a good 8-10 inches
hahahahaha thats hilarious..yeah i was sort of snowed when i was there ..but not THAT much
In San is a big holiday. A lot of Irish folk still living here.
There is a big parade and people go nuts. I in most places.
Come check SF out sometime.
We haven't had a good snow in a long time. Not that I'm really complaining. All I really want is a school snow day! That's the best part of being an educator! And I love having my kids as a captive audience. We get to watch all our favorite movies, like The Mummy, and Men in Black. Snow days are awesome. Haven't had one in a while.... (lament lament lament)
hmm...well i can honestly say that ive never experienced a snow day once..we have hurricane days here in florida..and only about a week intotal off of school in my younger years, but boyyyyy was that an awesome week..imagine all of the fun of a rainy day multiplied by 1000
You guys suck. MN got like 6-8 inches of snow yesterday, with temperatures in the teens and below. I'm freezing my prettily little patootie off here, and lovelumps thinks snow days are awesome! I beg to differ, my dear. LOL. I'm not-so-patiently waiting for spring to hurry its butt up!
if it makes you feel any better theres other parts of the world that are colder and more miserable