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Sad Heart


BSB Addict
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
State of Confusion
How sad it is that our forum has lost two more members to petty bickering, misguided or misdirected comments, and general bitchiness in defense of one's own thoughts or ideas. GL brought a lighthearted sense of humor, as well as a pointed sense of video correctness to our group. Rifle brought a deep sensibility and a wonderful historical view, and now both are gone. On a personal level, I will miss them both. On a proffesional level, I see them as victims of a trend here in the forum towards an intolerance of non-compliance.

Many years ago, a good friend told me that the reason he avoided social situations with Drag Queens, was only because they were overly bitchy and sarcastic in their responses. he hated the way they would tear into each other both publicly and privately. Now it appears this disease is spreading its nasty visage into our little group.

To the Forum:

If I have engaged at any time in behavior like that described above, and/or have harmed or insulted any one of you, I sincerely apologize.

GreatLakes; Rifle, that includes both of you. Please, I beg you both, forgive us and come back. I personally shall miss you both a great deal.
One of our members told me once not to let bitterness or comments by the membership be a reason to deprive myself of this forum. Now I say this to you as well. I will promise to watch my tongue,and temper my thoughts. Please?

Some of you may know that I lost two dear family members in the last ten days. I mention this only because they led exemplary lives, accepting and loving all the variety in the people around them, and are now at peace with their Creator. When the particular time comes for each of us here in Forum, I pray our Creator uses a less critical eye for judging, than we seem to use on each other. If not, we have condemned ourselves already.

Peace, Love and Tolerance,
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How sad it is that our forum has lost two more members to petty bickering, misguided or misdirected comments, and general bitchiness in defense of one's own thoughts or ideas. GL brought a lighthearted sense of humor, as well as a pointed sense of video correctness to our group. Rifle brought a deep sensibility and a wonderful historical view, and now both are gone. On a personal level, I will miss them both. On a proffesional level, I see them as victims of a trend here in the forum towards an intolerance of non-compliance.

Many years ago, a good friend told me that the reason he avoided social situations with Drag Queens, was only because they were overly bitchy and sarcastic in their responses. he hated the way they would tear into each other both publicly and privately. Now it appears this disease is spreading its nasty visage into our little group.

To the Forum:

If I have engaged at any time in behavior like that described above, and/or have harmed or insulted any one of you, I sincerely apologize.

GreatLakes; Rifle, that includes both of you. Please, I beg you both, forgive us and come back. I personally shall miss you both a great deal.
One of our members told me once not to let bitterness or comments by the membership be a reason to deprive myself of this forum. Now I say this to you as well. I will promise to watch my tongue,and temper my thoughts. Please?

Some of you may know that I lost two dear family members in the last ten days. I mention this only because they led exemplary lives, accepting and loving all the variety in the people around them, and are now at peace with their Creator. When the particular time comes for each of us here in Forum, I pray our Creator uses a less critical eye for judging, than we seem to use on each other. If not, we have condemned ourselves already.

Peace, Love and Tolerance,

MarkyMark and all the other members of the forum:

I can only reiterate what Markymark has so eloquently and heart wrenchingly said before me. I, too, apologize for any hurt I have caused, intentional or not, real or perceived, to any member of this forum. I can only hope that both Rifle and GL2 will come back and grace us with their humor and wit. As I have stated before, civility is the price we pay for civilization.

And to Markymark, my condolences on your loss. May the Creator grace you with peace and healing, and receive your loved ones with open arms and welcome them home.

Blessings on one and all,

I agree whole heartedly..

And Mark i to send you all my best and a big hug, at this time.

As well as a reminder our walk though this world is a short one, in comparision with our afterlife..where we meet up with everyone waiting for us.

Which of course you already know.
This is a porn site, a fantasy land, where we can cum and see our favourite Broke Straight Boys doing what they do best and we get enjoyment out of it.
Who carers who has the bigger cock, who bottoms best, who shoots the furthest, its fantasy.
For me real life is pain, heartache, sadness, and tears.
As most of you will know i am a senior nurse in an NHS hospital, i was on nights the week of Easter i had to tell 2 men who where brothers that they had both lost not only their wifes in an RTA ( road traffic accident ) but also their children, so i come onto this site to escape, watch porn and hang out with my mates.
So lets all get along please.
With love to you all.
PS Markymark i have sent you a pm
MarkyMark and all the other members of the forum:

I can only reiterate what Markymark has so eloquently and heart wrenchingly said before me. I, too, apologize for any hurt I have caused, intentional or not, real or perceived, to any member of this forum. I can only hope that both Rifle and GL2 will come back and grace us with their humor and wit. As I have stated before, civility is the price we pay for civilization.

And to Markymark, my condolences on your loss. May the Creator grace you with peace and healing, and receive your loved ones with open arms and welcome them home.

Blessings on one and all,


Gosh Jayce. That's a tough act to follow. :001_smile: I'm at a loss for words. Ditto?... You have said it all masterfully. Well done!

Markymark please accept my condolences on the losses you have suffered recently. Take comfort in knowing that you will be reunited with them. Earthly time can seem very long and slow during the saddest moments of our lives. In heavenly time though this lifetime is but a blip in the course of eternity. When we reunite with our loved ones in heaven it will seem like we have scarcely been away from each other.

I too apologize if any of my posts have offended or hurt anyone. Lord knows that I for one can be outspoken at times. I do hope that Greatlakes and Rifle will come back. It seems like we are back to our old dilemma once again. Many do not want serious issues in the forum to be discussed like a 24 hour Sesame Street lovefest. I certainly don't mind getting on here when I am feeling down, lonely or ill and to feel like I am among loving friends. A little bit of lovefest is good for the soul. (And the health of the body as well)

I realize that many of the serious topics we discuss are controversial and can arouse a lot of passion. I for one don't want to see our debates turn into episodes of Grand Theft Auto. I don't want to see us getting down into the dirt, scratching and clawing at each other, going for the jugular over a strong difference of opinion on something. We can disagree on many things and still be civil to each other personally. We have to find a balance between the two extremes. Please let us stop with the personal insults and name calling. We have already lost 2 good people. I don't want to see the body count go higher. We are gentlemen. We are SO much better than that.

I feel very blessed to be in here with such a great group of people. I have always been impressed with the intelligence of our serious discourse and the humor of our lighthearted conversations. All of you bring your own unique personalities and perspectives. I learn something from you guys every day. That's something I've been wanting to say for a while. :wink:

Love and Peace to All,

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How sad it is that our forum has lost two more members to petty bickering, misguided or misdirected comments, and general bitchiness in defense of one's own thoughts or ideas. GL brought a lighthearted sense of humor, as well as a pointed sense of video correctness to our group. Rifle brought a deep sensibility and a wonderful historical view, and now both are gone. On a personal level, I will miss them both. On a proffesional level, I see them as victims of a trend here in the forum towards an intolerance of non-compliance.

Many years ago, a good friend told me that the reason he avoided social situations with Drag Queens, was only because they were overly bitchy and sarcastic in their responses. he hated the way they would tear into each other both publicly and privately. Now it appears this disease is spreading its nasty visage into our little group.

To the Forum:

If I have engaged at any time in behavior like that described above, and/or have harmed or insulted any one of you, I sincerely apologize.

GreatLakes; Rifle, that includes both of you. Please, I beg you both, forgive us and come back. I personally shall miss you both a great deal.
One of our members told me once not to let bitterness or comments by the membership be a reason to deprive myself of this forum. Now I say this to you as well. I will promise to watch my tongue,and temper my thoughts. Please?

Some of you may know that I lost two dear family members in the last ten days. I mention this only because they led exemplary lives, accepting and loving all the variety in the people around them, and are now at peace with their Creator. When the particular time comes for each of us here in Forum, I pray our Creator uses a less critical eye for judging, than we seem to use on each other. If not, we have condemned ourselves already.

Peace, Love and Tolerance,

There is nothing more that I could add to these comments except to pass on my thoughts & well wishes to you Marky & your family
Marky, my prayers and condolences go to you and your loved ones in this time of sorry and loss. My God be with you and strengthen you in the days to come. I was sadden to hear of your loss. Peace be with you.


I offer my prayers for you and your recent losses. You reminded me what is important in life which does not include petty bickering over issues that really don't matter. To me what only should matter is God, family and friends.

Recently I contributed to that petty bickering over a topic that really doesn't matter to anything which was on the Who is the super star thread. I over reacted to some comments. I want to make a general apology to everyone for just being a dick.

I will try to be more of a positive influence in the future.

Thoughly embaressed,

Canada (I still don't know why I picked that name).
To all my dear friends in Forum:

Once again I find myself in the position of humble gratitude.
Your kind words and prayers have been a great support. And along with that, many of you have shared a humorous word or thought or cartoon, lifting my spirits. I just finished telling Jayce and Rifle how good it feels to laugh again, and I have all of you to thank for that. I have even shared some of what you sent with Carl and my mother, and they thank you as well.
Whither goes my beloved, there also shall I be. It gives me great joy to be in forum with each of you.

Ubi caritas et amor, Deus tibi est. Thank you Creator, for the friends you have blessed me with.

In Peace, I am,
First, I want to apologize for any rude/offensive posts I have made, and I know there have been at least a couple. For that I am sorry. Crabby mood, and the written word appears much more severe than the thought behind it. I'm sorry. Second, I make a lot of stupid posts, sadly, you can't fix stupid, so forgive me in advance, please.

Marky, I am so sorry for your loss. You being you, you know you have a lot of friends here to lean on if you need to. Including me.

The past few weeks have been just about impossible for me. Life stuff and then I got sick 2 weeks ago, and am just now starting to mend. A week and a half ago, my GF mother was taken by ambulance to a hospital in my city. She lives in another state. Heart issues. The next day my GF only aunt passed away in San Francisco. She was such a sweet lady. As I was sick, I couldn't visit the MOM, and she was right here! It didn't help that none of the sisters or my GF, paid me a visit. They did call me or email me. "I thought of you as I drove past your exit." Selfish sick me felt bad. Of course, they couldn't see me for fear of getting sick themselves. MOM has a pace maker, and is doing ok. Still iffy, but it looks promising.

Another sad story, but it has to do with the people you meet in forums, and how much they mean to you.

I post on 3 other forums. Between them and here, I have made more than 5,000 posts. I have made good friends on these forums, in fact, I have met some of them in person. They are not porn related, they are all PG.

On one of the forums, I became posting buddies with a lovely lady in the US, and a young man in the Netherlands. Sometimes the 3 of us would be on the forum at the same time. One of us would start a thread and the giggles would start. One goofy comment after the other. Soon, other posters would join in the laugh fest. Good times!! I have lost touch with the young man. He knocked up his girlfriend. That did NOT set well with the parents. They wanted the baby, and he left the forum as he didn't have time anymore. Had to work to support his little family.

The lovely lady disappeared several months ago. I thought of her often, but didn't hear from her. Yesterday I logged into the forum to see a post from her. It wasn't her. It was her daughter posting to let us all know her mom passed away April 4th. I was in tears as I didn't know she had been ill. The tears really flowed as I posted to her daughter. This lovely lady has received well over 200 posts in 24 hours, expressing sympathy to her daughter. Most of these people are newbies and didn't know her. Many of the old posters have come back to post their admiration for this lady. Well over 2,000 views of this thread, and it keeps growing. I feel badly as I never told Bettyjo how much her friendship meant to me. I am really missing her. Tears again.

What I'm getting at here, is I have made some new friends on this forum. What I want you to keep in mind, is that you just never know how much a forum friendship can mean to someone.

Love to you guys, and as Vicekid says: Live long and prosper.
