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Russia Invades Ukraine


Oct 30, 2008
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The news today is not good in Eastern Europe. Russia has dropped any pretense of sending "retired" military advisors or "aid convoys" that were likely trying to smuggle weapons to the increasingly desperate Pro-Russian separatists. Who were losing their battle against Ukrainian troops until today. There is no pretense now like they tried before that these are soldiers of unknown origin like the ones that invaded and annexed Crimea. Today they have launched a military invasion of Ukraine proper. Whether this is truly the beginning of a new Cold War is yet to be determined. What is very likely though is there will be much tougher sanctions against Russia, and lower economic growth in Western Europe and the U.S. as a result. The sanctions may hit Russia harder than EU countries or the U.S., but they will inflict economic pain and loss both ways. Sanctions will be tried though because it's the only non-military alternative we have.

Western Europe is dependent on the Russian gas pipeline for heating of homes, cooking and all manner of industrial output. If the Russians try to cut or curtail gas shipments or at least threaten to...it could be very bad. But they also need the money from the sales of that natural gas and the oil to keep their own economy afloat. As Obama said, the current Russia under the dictatorship of (a for now very popular) Putin is a "petro-state" like many Middle Eastern ones, living off oil sales to fund its infrastructure and consumption. The wellbeing its whole economy hinges on the market rates of oil and natural gas.

Ukraine is not a NATO member. So there will be no western military response. Nevertheless this is likely to get very ugly. :(
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The news today is not good in Eastern Europe. Russia has dropped any pretense of sending "retired" military advisors or "aid convoys" that were likely trying to smuggle weapons to the increasingly desperate Pro-Russian separatists. Who were losing their battle against Ukrainian troops until today. There is no pretense now like they tried before that these are soldiers of unknown origin like the ones that invaded and annexed Crimea. Today they have launched a military invasion of Ukraine proper. Whether this is truly the beginning of a new Cold War is yet to be determined. What is very likely though is there will be much tougher sanctions against Russia, and lower economic growth in Western Europe and the U.S. as a result. The sanctions may hit Russia harder than EU countries or the U.S., but they will inflict economic pain and loss both ways. Sanctions will be tried though because it's the only non-military alternative we have.

Western Europe is dependent on the Russian gas pipeline for heating of homes, cooking and all manner of industrial output. If the Russians try to cut or curtail gas shipments or at least threaten to...it could be very bad. But they also need the money from the sales of that natural gas and the oil to keep their own economy afloat. As Obama said, the current Russia under the dictatorship of (a for now very popular) Putin is a "petro-state" like many Middle Eastern ones, living off oil sales to fund its infrastructure and consumption. The wellbeing its whole economy hinges on the market rates of oil and natural gas.

Ukraine is not a NATO member. So there will be no western military response. Nevertheless this is likely to get very ugly. :(

People ask, "When will all this stop?" It will not, as long as there are men out there motivated by hate: hate for other countries, races, religion, envy and the list goes on. Every new day brings us news of a another new crime against humanity. What is the answer? I don't have one. However, speaking as an American I feel our country has been stretched to it's limits and drained of all optimism for peace in those areas of turmoil. We help one and another falls. The cycle goes on and on.

What IS the answer?

Tampa, a Nato member country is obliged by treaty to assist member countries. A non-member country can ask Nato for assistance and Nato can agree if it so votes. Moreover Ukraine could ask member countries for assistance bilaterally
Putin says several thousand Russian soldiers were seized by a patiotic fervor and volunteered to take thier annual leave to go and fight in Ukraine. Purely a private decision on their part.

No tanks, SP artillery, APCs or supply columns accompanied them. The satellite images purporting to show different are actually video game clips.

Reports all over Russian internet of paniced parents (unable to contact draftee sons) confronting police and government officials demanding to know what's happening to their kids are probably just Western propaganda.
Putin says several thousand Russian soldiers were seized by a patiotic fervor and volunteered to take thier annual leave to go and fight in Ukraine. Purely a private decision on their part.

No tanks, SP artillery, APCs or supply columns accompanied them. The satellite images purporting to show different are actually video game clips.

Reports all over Russian internet of paniced parents (unable to contact draftee sons) confronting police and government officials demanding to know what's happening to their kids are probably just Western propaganda.



Exactly right. President Putin is acting (VERY RELUCTANTLY) only to send band-aids and yoghurt to Russian-speaking Ukrainians, who are being mercilessly slaughtered by fascist Ukrainians, who are the direct ideological descendants of the Nazis who encircled HIS beloved St. Petersburg (then Leningrad) in W.W.II. (These are Putin's very own words, BTW.)

BTW, if anyone is hungry for more of this sort of propaganda, just go to http://rt.com/. You'll get a story a minute about how the United States, the U.K., and the E.U. are persecuting their own citizens, collapsing economically, and threatening peaceful nations . . . and how only President PUTIN is sticking up for honesty, candour, and human rights, in the world!

"A" ;-)))))

*"Above all, we should acknowledge that the collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century." ~ Vladimir Putin, April, 2005. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U06jlgpMtQs
OK, guys,

Let's get this straight. (And I'm going to speak candidly, because I DO have a dog in this fight - having both LOTS of RUSSIAN, and LOTS of UKRAINIAN, friends.)

It is clear that Putin HAS invaded the eastern part of Ukraine. Whereas these operations were initially carefully camouflaged, as actions by "local volunteers" - they are becoming increasing overt.

*In recent days, not just "white humanitarian trucks" have entered into Ukraine, without the inspection or leave of the Ukrainian authorities - but so have tanks, artillery, and hundreds of Russian regular troops. http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/0...orces-leading-major-stealth-invasion-in-east/

*The Ukrainian army has captured numbers of Russian soldiers involved in these operations - soldiers who were NOT told what their mission WAS. http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/0...russian-soldiers-beg-vladimir-putin-for-help/

*Regular-army Russian troops have been killed, in operations fighting to destabilize Ukraine - and they have been dumped in the ground, given a quick spritz by the attached Russian Orthodox clergyman, and left to rot, anonymously: with neither their lives NOR their deaths NOR their names, having been acknowledged, to their grieving parents. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-28949582

*Putin WILL keep going with this. It is his plan, if not to annex the eastern regions of Ukraine, at the very least to decentralize and federalize the country to the point that the eastern regions will be a permanent, and subservient, client of Moscow. http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articl...he_predator_saakashvili_putin_ukraine_georgia


Why is Putin doing this? Well. . .

*His regime is getting old. There are not that many middle-class Russians (it is a very new, and relatively small, but still influential class): but those who are IN that class, are getting tired of him. He is falling back for support now, on the bureaucracy, and the security forces - whom he can BRIBE: and on the lower classes, whom he can stir with patriotism, and religion.

*The Russian economy, very robust a few years ago, is foundering, as global energy prices have fallen - due to two factors: global recession, and the discovery of greater oil reserves embedded in SHALE, in the West. Putin's legitimacy as a leader has been founded on two things: his restoration of prosperity to a significant minority, after the economic chaos of the Yeltsin years; AND - his TOUGHNESS as a leader, dealing with both internal and external, strife. Now that the economy is in trouble - TOUGHNESS is his sole card to play.

*A lot of people forget that Putin's modus operandi has never really changed. He MADE his name, and got to be President, based on his tough military crackdown in Chechnya. When times got tough, a little later, he annexed (virtually) South Ossetia, and Abkhazia. And, many Russian people loved him, for doing so.

*Now, he's up to his same old tricks - but on a larger scale. As those of you who are well-versed in Slavic history know, EVERY good Russian (and I mean, even the NICE, LIBERAL ONES) view Ukraine as an integral part of Russia. KIEV was the city from which Russian civilization AROSE - while MOSCOW was still a collection of mean, frozen, HUTS. And Ukraine as a whole - with its verdant wheat-fields, and rich OIL-FIELDS, was always the prime star in the Tsarist, and then the Communist, constellation. HITLER wanted Ukraine, more than ANY other prize, but Paris (and he got part of it). So, no wonder, the Russians want it BACK.

*Jon, just to modulate, for a moment - you would be very surprised, I think, about how some Russian minds work - if you knew some of the Russian guys I do: and I have had the chance to meet a few nice (and really SEXY!) ones. These are sweet, totally friendly and kind guys, in their mid-to-late twenties. NICEST PEOPLE EVER. And very gentle and loving and caring, too.

*But, Jon, I had a nice evening with my friend Dmitri, one night, a decade ago. We drank some Scotch, we talked about poetry (and that is ONE BIG MARCH young Russian guys have over anybody of comparable age, in the West - poetry is still loved and revered, there), and we had a lovely evening. BUT JON, toward the END of that bottle of "FAMOUS GROUSE" (thank you, Princess Margaret, for being there in spirit ;-). . . . Dmitri began to wax on and on about how. . . "A, you know when I was a little boy (he could have been only in diapers, at most) - RUSSIA was the world's GREATEST POWER. We ruled half of Europe, and half of Asia, and even the AMERICANS were f***ing AFRAID of US!!!" (And he smiled, a sweet and wistful, little smile. . . )

*Well, Jon, this is PRECISELY the kind of nostalgia that Putin is playing upon. The nostalgic dream that Russia could ONCE AGAIN be the mightiest force in world politics, and RULE half the globe. Because, if you can't give people bread - you have to give them circuses: and, this is Putin's CIRCUS.

*Jon, I am not an economist - that's for sure!!! LOL!!! And I am not someone schooled in the military sciences. What I have spent my life, studying, is IDEOLOGIES: and the way people THINK, and convince others to think, as they do. And Putin has done something QUITE NOVEL - he has invented his OWN IDEOLOGY. It is half-fascist and authoritarian, and half-communist and communitarian ~ it rests partly upon nostalgia for BOTH the Tsars AND Stalin; partly upon the desire to RESTORE Russia to imperial greatness; partly upon greed and the desire many have to seize upon Russia's natural riches; and partly upon an ancient affinity (both sweet AND sour) for the pieties of the Orthodox Church, and family, and faith. (It is interesting to note that, in the U.S.A., right UP to the invasion of Ukraine, there were quite a number of Republican statesmen who were praising Putin as PREFERABLE to Obama, both because of his effective realpolitik. . . and because Putin puts GAYS in their PLACE.)

*The best article you could possibly read, on this subject, is one written by the very brilliant David Remnick (whom I greatly admire, and who has spent a lifetime studying Russia, and all things, Russian): http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2014/08/11/watching-eclipse


So, what can we, in the West, actually DO, about the Russian invasion of Ukraine??? I'm sad to say, the answer is F***-ALL. As Putin told a troop of Russian boy-scouts, last week, "We're one of the world's leading nuclear powers - - - so the West better not MESS with us." (And, of course, he's right.) http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/0...lear-powers-and-its-best-not-to-mess-with-us/

Ladies and gentlemen, it's BACK to the DAMNED COLD WAR again (though on a lesser scale): like it or not. And the word of the day (like it or not) is going to be that old word that HARRY TRUMAN used. . . containment.

We can't beat the Russians by force. All we can do - if North Americans and Europeans stick together - is gradually, GRADUALLY, cinch up sanctions on Putin and his cronies, so that eventually, his cronies get tired of HIM - OR his designated successor. So that destroying Ukraine doesn't seem like quite the luscious meringue-pie, it originally did.

Getting Russia back to being a safe place for GAY people to live - well, that's a whole different story. Gay people were persecuted, jailed, and killed under Stalin, Khrushchev, and Brezhnev. . . after the fall of the Soviet Empire, they had about EIGHT YEARS of freedom and happiness (even though they had nothing to EAT). . . and now, under Putin, it's back to the same old, same old.

Our governments (in all the Western countries) will be hard-pressed to HELP Ukraine. This is going to be a long-term struggle: JON may live to see the end of it, but I will NOT. The only answer will be tougher and tougher sanctions ON Russia - and more and more economic support for Ukraine to establish itself. And, the discernment to find effective ways to wean Western Europe off Russian oil and gas. . . which is becoming to Western Europe, now, the same kind of millstone that Saudi oil has been to North America, for generations.

AND - PLEASE don't forget. . . Russians are human beings, too. It is not their fault that their leader thinks he is the new Peter the Great (with just an oregano-dash, of Mussolini). Right now, in Russia, I know (personally) gay Christians, Jews, Muslims, and atheists - all of whom could be arrested, beaten, or sent to prison AT ANY TIME, if the wrong, over-zealous policeman caught them looking at their boyfriend, from the wrong direction.

We have it easy. Russian gays have it tough. Please think of them, pray for them, work with Amnesty International for them, or whatever you can do. Just don't FORGET THEM.


*Russian Orthodox Choir, Moscow, singing Chesnokov's "Gabriel Appeared" ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzK5YEVMHn4

P.S. Sorry for typo's - but I want to get this sent - - - before I accidentally delete the whole post ;-)

Last P.S. Here is a tweet the Canadian Embassy recently sent the Russian Embassy. I understand it made the Russians really, REALLY, mad ;-)

Russia and not-Russia.jpg