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Romeo's Memerable Solo


BSB Addict
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
DFW, Texas
Oh I like this boy: talkative, confident and knows how to enjoy a good prostate massage. I see him as a good versatile guy who can give as good as he gets! I think he needs "to be Blaked!":001_tongue:
Beth, I'm with you on your assessment of Romeo. I do believe that MikeY will have a very positive response about Romeo because he has all the makings of a Broke Straight Boys!
Beth, I'm with you on your assessment of Romeo. I do believe that MikeY will have a very positive response about Romeo because he has all the makings of a Broke Straight Boys!

Hahaha...I love watching the models and then trying to figure out which of the forumites would love to "tap that!" And you're so right, when I saw Romeo's performance, I immediately thought of Mikeyank too! Great minds think alike!
Romeo seemed a bit disappointing based on pre-release photo. I read the photo like we had another Washington Monument look-alike on our hands, based on the angle of the camera and its proximity to his dick.

The photo needed a disclaimer which read "BEWARE: Object in mirror may appear larger than it is in real-life daily traffic". I don't blame Romeo for this. Rather, the picture should have never been used in the first place. I don't think one needs to be a "size queen" to have had the same initial erroneous expectations I had, when the link for this episode first appeared. Beware of prominently displayed "trouser snakes at full mast":dancingpenis: as they tend to bite in the end.

I know he needs the $$$$. With a little luck and ideal partners, perhaps there will be a future for Dear Romeo. That remains to be seen! :e020: Romeo did have a nice generous cum shot!


Don't like solos, but I gave it a 4 because I would like to see him again. The upcoming with Skyler looks promising, but I've learned not to get my hopes up after that Super Dud three-way last week. If I were directing, I would tell them exactly what I want to see based on members' comments.
Little too confident and, I think, a little older than his proclaimed 22. But he is good looking, has a nice dick, and shoots a nice big load. Be interested in seeing him bottom.
I really liked Romeo. I gave him a 4, which is higher than I rate most solos. At first glance I didn't think I would care for him. As he talked more though his personality started to win me over. I also thought he was older than his proclaimed 22. (Not that that's a bad thing if he is slightly older) If he is indeed 22 then he's not aging very well. Too much hard living I would guess. The stress is taking a toll on him. Hopefully if he can get over his fondness for the bottle then the troubles in his life will become much more manageable. I can only imagine how much he owes in fines and possibly lawyers' fees with 3 DWI's. I just wish him the best and hope he can get his life under control so the stress (and no doubt some past incarcerations) don't take a further toll on his health.

Having said all that, the fact that he has a badboy edge to him is kinda hot sexually. While I don't claim to have perfect gaydar or psychic powers, he is convincingly straight enough for me to really enjoy. Watching a straight edgy guy being introduced (against his natural inclinations) to try sex with another dude...and watching the results...is the whole premise of what Broke Straight Boys is supposed to be about. I like it! More Romeo please! :)
Beth, I'm with you on your assessment of Romeo. I do believe that MikeY will have a very positive response about Romeo because he has all the makings of a Broke Straight Boys!

Hahaha...I love watching the models and then trying to figure out which of the forumites would love to "tap that!" And you're so right, when I saw Romeo's performance, I immediately thought of Mikeyank too! Great minds think alike!
Thank you to both Mac and to Beth for thinking of me in regard to Romeo, and you are right that he has the kind of "edge" in a straight boy that usually gets my motor running.

He is not my ideal or a "perfect 10" in the Mikeyank ranking system, which I exercise all day long checking out young hotties, as I go about my days, but he is definitely very "do-able".

While my perfect 10 would be somewhat more boyish, this kid does have a real hot body and the confident, cocky attitude that turns me on, and he has a very nice suckable cock as well, and he would be welcome in my bedroom for me to relieve him of a load of his creamy man juice any time.

However, he was a bit too open to stimulating his ass with his finger to my taste, but that is my own personal prejudice. I like my "straight boys" to be much more of a top willing to get sucked or to fuck, but who usually consider their asshole to be an exit and not an entrance.

But overall Romeo is definitely hot and I look forward to his return engagement later this week with Skyler. We have had a bunch of lesser caliber models do solos in recent months, and as I said Romeo is someone I would welcome in my own home, which is not how I feel about some of the lesser solo models so overall I do like Romeo! :drool:
Nice headlights on Romeo. I like this bad boy but I think you are going to have to get to him between government enforced vacations
Blah - gave him a 2 - fair in my grading system. He said he had 3 DWIs; didn't say it was alcohol. If his demeanor in this video is any indication, it was probably pot.
Blah - gave him a 2 - fair in my grading system. He said he had 3 DWIs; didn't say it was alcohol. If his demeanor in this video is any indication, it was probably pot.

Hey, can you go through your grading system again please. Also what is a DWI ?
DWI means Driving While Intoxicated. It gets confusing comparing the terms DWI and DUI. DUI means Driving Under the Influence. They are giving different meanings and severity of punishments depending on the laws of the state in which it occurs. I've always understood that DWI means you're guilty of driving drunk on alcohol. Whereas I've always thought that DUI meant driving under the influence of illegal drugs.

Various state laws around the country tend to blur the lines a little bit though. In some states a DWI charge for drunk driving can be reduced to a less harsh DUI charge if the alcohol content in the blood is not extreme. So sometimes DUI's can be used in the case of drunk driving. I haven't heard of people charged with driver under the use of "only" illegal drugs being charged with a Driving While Intoxicated. I've always heard illegal drug use on the road being called a DUI. (Though Minnesota is an exemption possibly)

I found the following online:

"Depending upon the state where you live, the severity of the offense may vary. In some states, the drunk driving laws differentiate between a DUI and a DWI, where the DUI is a lesser charge. In these states, a DUI usually signifies a lesser degree of intoxication, which is determined by a person's blood alcohol level at the time of arrest. Sometimes, states will allow the charges of a DWI to be reduced to a DUI. In the case of a reduction from a DWI to a DUI, certain conditions typically must be met, such as the incident being a first offense, the defendant’s display of remorse for the action, and a blood alcohol level that was not drastically over the legal limit. For example, the state of New York differentiates between DWI and DUI by establishing a blood alcohol level of .08 as the legal limit for DWI. If a person has a blood alcohol level of .07, the charges may be reduced to a DUI, which carries a lesser punishment.

DWI Sobriety test
Some states (like Virginia and New Jersey) do not recognize any difference between a DUI and a DWI. As far as the laws of these states are concerned, any blood alcohol level over the specified limit is a crime that will be punished in the same manner.

In Minnesota, on the other hand, there is technically no such thing as a DUI because they only use the term DWI.

In some states, the terms DUI and DWI are used to indicate whether a person was driving impaired under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In this case, DUI is reserved for illegal drugs."
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OK... he has a decent body... but, personal preference wins out... way to hairy for my tastes ! No thanks !
I have to agree with Beth on this one, and yes solo's are not my thing but I did enjoy this one I gave it a 5 and that is good for me give it that score. He is very confident and a nice body and a nice cock and loved the load he gave us great job Romeo cant wait to see the upcoming scene with Skylar.
Hey, can you go through your grading system again please. Also what is a DWI ?

I presume you are being facetious with respect to my grading system. However with respect to DWI/DUI:

Once upon a time each state set its own rules with respect to what constituted drunk driving. After a heavy lobbying campaign lead by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), the Federal government set a limit of 0.10 or higher reading of alcohol in one's system as the legal definition of drunk driving. Since the Federal government could not constitutionally impose this on the states what it did was make it a part of the Nation Highway Safety and Transportation Act (NHSTA) which funnels Federal money to the states for highways and bridge construction and maintenance. Generally the Feds fund 80% of such projects. NHSTA said if a state did not pass its legal alcohol limit to conform to the NHSTA limit of 0.10, then that state would not receive any Federal highway and bridge money. Given the 80% amount, all the states changed their limit to conform to the Federal limit. Subsequent to that the Feds lowered the legal limit to 0.08 (which is the current limit) and the states followed. A state is not prohibited from having a limit lower than the Fed limit; nor really is it prohibited from having a higher one. Just in the case of choosing a higher one, the consequence of that decision is loss of Federal highway money.

In so far as the DWI/DUI nomenclature, each state use to have its own usage; some using one, some the other. I believe that under the NHSTA law the DUI acronym is used (but I'm not 100% sure of that). In any event, now each is inter-changeable with the other in a legal sense and can apply to alcohol or drugs.
Nice nipples! What I could do with those babies!!! Wish he would be teamed with someone who would give his nipples some loving attention. I also think he is older than 22 yrs. If not, I think he has had a hard life and is not aging well.He had a nice cum shot and he liked the taste. Maybe he will be open to taking cum from another guy. Good job Romeo.
I presume you are being facetious with respect to my grading system. However with respect to DWI/DUI:

Once upon a time each state set its own rules with respect to what constituted drunk driving. After a heavy lobbying campaign lead by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), the Federal government set a limit of 0.10 or higher reading of alcohol in one's system as the legal definition of drunk driving. Since the Federal government could not constitutionally impose this on the states what it did was make it a part of the Nation Highway Safety and Transportation Act (NHSTA) which funnels Federal money to the states for highways and bridge construction and maintenance. Generally the Feds fund 80% of such projects. NHSTA said if a state did not pass its legal alcohol limit to conform to the NHSTA limit of 0.10, then that state would not receive any Federal highway and bridge money. Given the 80% amount, all the states changed their limit to conform to the Federal limit. Subsequent to that the Feds lowered the legal limit to 0.08 (which is the current limit) and the states followed. A state is not prohibited from having a limit lower than the Fed limit; nor really is it prohibited from having a higher one. Just in the case of choosing a higher one, the consequence of that decision is loss of Federal highway money.

In so far as the DWI/DUI nomenclature, each state use to have its own usage; some using one, some the other. I believe that under the NHSTA law the DUI acronym is used (but I'm not 100% sure of that). In any event, now each is inter-changeable with the other in a legal sense and can apply to alcohol or drugs.

I wasn't being facetious i just thought that 2 and fair was rather kind. Anyway thanks to you and Tampa for explaining the DWI but what does 0.08 mean in relation to how many drinks you can have before being over the limit. In the UK they reckon one and a half pints should just get you under the red line but it differs from person to person. Best thing to do is if you're gonna drink then don't drive. BTW what is the punishment for being caught DWI ? Over here it's a 12 month driving ban and massive future car insurance premiums. Some companies have been known to fire employees who have been convicted of DWI.
Hahaha...I love watching the models and then trying to figure out which of the forumites would love to "tap that!" And you're so right, when I saw Romeo's performance, I immediately thought of Mikeyank too! Great minds think alike!

Beth, are you sure? I thought it was: "Great minds fall into the same rut!" lol

Regardless of what it is, I'm glad and happy to be in there with you, I feel safe!!