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Ricky & Darron - Scene Thread

I guess I just have to believe you, except I don’t. I’ll be taking a step away from this forum for awhile me thinks.

I would also ask you tyrgineer to stay with the forum. When you originally mentioned that you saw Ricky bottom elsewhere, I said that we should wait for David to tell us when Ricky did his bottoming here. I have been in contact with David for many years, on this forum during his original stint of filming and through emailing and on another forum while he was not doing Broke Straight Boys, and now back to this site.

While you may have criticisms of Broke Straight Boys, (as I do too), I can assure you that David has always been 100% honest with us, sometimes to a fault. And I can vouch that David is a stand up, 100% real guy, which is part of his charm. What you see is what you get. I would ask you to stay with us here. I like your level of participation and I don’t care if we agree or not on everything, as I love reading your perspective on porn, music and life in general.

A fresh younger voice is needed and appreciated by me on the forum. I hope you stay!
I don’t know how far ahead Broke Straight Boys is on scenes that have been filmed but I will say this. I spoke to Chris Star back in the beginning of January and he was on his way home from filming with Broke Straight Boys I think he takes the train. That’s been over 2 months ago and those scenes still haven’t been released. So they’re at least 2 1/2 months ahead of schedule.
Thanks Jay, I was wondering what happened to Chris the last scene we saw him in was a great threesome back in Oct 2022? So, David it's been almost 5 months when will we see Chris again?
We film a lot and too keep ahead of ourselves for many reasons. The site only updates once a week at this moment in time and we only film 4-guys at a time which gives us 6-scenes for the week. We have very limited space and we hire models from all over the United States so we have to house and feed them while they are here and we only have room for 4-guys at a time. With that amount, we film 6-scenes. Since the site updates once a week, each week you guys will be seeing the same models over and over again so I have to keep filming with new guys so we have new fresh faces on Broke Straight Boys Once I film the scenes and all are edited, the footage goes to management and they mix & match the scenes in a certain order so we don't see the same old model over & over again on the site.

However, its very difficult these days to find models so out of the group of 4-guys I try to have at least 2 new guys with 2 repeat guys and mix & match up the scenes, in some cases we don't have new guys so I have to take the existing guys choose 4 guys that we already filmed but not worked together so we don't have repeat performances and in some cases you will see the same guys but in different sexual positions but we only do that if a model flakes out, or they don't clear the full panel tests and we have to film the required 6 scenes. In some cases we can only do 3-scenes or 4-scenes for that week if the model is crazy or doesn't show up or we discover they have drug issues, some don't get onto the flight. We have had guys in the middle of the night while we are all sleeping leave and we never see them again...I can write a book about the crazy that goes one...but that is another subject.

We also film College Boy Physicals.com site so there are weeks we don't film Broke Straight Boys and we film College Boy Physicals site and we do the same over at that site and do our best to mix & match but if you go over to College Boy Physicals, you will see the same guys every week but with different partners because with College Boy Physicals we are 2-months ahead with footage.

As for Broke Straight Boys site, we have a lot in the "can" so its easier to mix & match scenes so it shows we have new guys and we have repeat guys and we have several months of footage already in the "can". Its also important to be ahead of the curve in this business because at times we go through a dry spell and can't find models and finding models for Broke Straight Boys is super challenging because we just can't use any model. We do our best to get guys that are new to filming porn, new to gay sex, straight acting or bisexual on the straight side of the fence, have limited porn experience and not over-exposed and that can be difficult so if we have limited footage and we are at the end of the line with footage and we can't find anyone to film, then we have no updates and we have no cushion to fall onto (and I don't think you guys will like us not having an update).

Also we film in South Florida so we may get a hurricane and have no electricity for several days or a major disaster will happen and in that case, we will not be able to film but at least the management has footage to upload to the site in case of an emergency. I also have a life and there a times I take a vacation or I need a break from filming so there are times we are not filming for 2-3 weeks at a time so we can recoup mentally and physically from the weeks we do film.

The only problem with this situation is when we do get a new model and we film them first here on Broke Straight Boys, normally now the new model will go to another studio they have lined up. Or the model has an agent. I have an agreement now with certain agents if they have a new model that we have them first, and normally we do, but that doesn't mean the agent or the model himself goes out and gets other gigs after we film them. We don't have exclusive with the models and they are free to film with whomever they like.

For example, when you watch a "hollywood" mainstream movie, they film it in some cases years ago and when we as the public get to see the film, its already been 2-years in the making. For the general public the movie is just released but for the actors and the folks filming the movie, they wrapped up production a year or two prior, that is how production works.

What I think that will correct this issue is perhaps instead of once a week update, and not necessarily 3X a week but a compromise to update Broke Straight Boys 2X a week and that will help with getting to the new models quicker but that is not a decisions I can make at my level. So I hope what I write makes a bit more sense.
Thank you for your explanation.
Man I hate when someone doesn't like the explanation then threatens to quit the forum, then probably reading all the "please don't leave bullshit" I've seen this so many times over the years and it's just pathetic. Sorry just my two cents!!!!
Thanks Jay, I was wondering what happened to Chris the last scene we saw him in was a great threesome back in Oct 2022? So, David it's been almost 5 months when will we see Chris again?
I am not sure when. We just film the footage and send it off to the management and they schedule the updates. But Chris Star will be returning back.
Man I hate when someone doesn't like the explanation then threatens to quit the forum, then probably reading all the "please don't leave bullshit" I've seen this so many times over the years and it's just pathetic. Sorry just my two cents!!!!
I'd prefer no response to my message, just my 2 cents. I would rather tell you all I am leaving vs just doing it. I am still reading because it's difficult for me to sever a bond, but in a few days from now and this will all be behind me. I am sorry to hear that this has happened so many times, and if I could do everything over again I should have never came here to begin with. I will do better next time and thank you and everyone else that is part of this community for any growth you helped me with over just the last few months.
I'd prefer no response to my message, just my 2 cents. I would rather tell you all I am leaving vs just doing it. I am still reading because it's difficult for me to sever a bond, but in a few days from now and this will all be behind me. I am sorry to hear that this has happened so many times, and if I could do everything over again I should have never came here to begin with. I will do better next time and thank you and everyone else that is part of this community for any growth you helped me with over just the last few months.
This forum is very personal and more intimate so don't think you made a mistake by coming here on the forum. If you do leave, that is up to you but you can always leave your comments below the actual videos of the scene when they appear online in the public areas of the site without having this intimate moment with other members and those comments that other members leave below the actual scene are very much welcomed and we read them as well as many other members prefer to leave there comments under the scene oppose to coming here on the forum.

Either way we do appreciate your membership and your feedback is always welcome.
I am guilty of threatening to leave the forum many times and causing drama. I confess and admit. I also deal with personal issues in my personal life that cause me to be unhinged at times and jump to conclusions. If most of you knew how my life changed 7 years ago and everything I have to deal with on a daily basis many of you would understand. It’s just too personal and confidential that I don’t wish to share. I do apologize to anyone I’ve offended and I have tried to refrain from posting as much.
the forum can be a wonderful place but it does have a lot of different personalities and some that I just don’t gel with and that‘s ok. I do believe at the core of my soul that I am a good person.
I am guilty of threatening to leave the forum many times and causing drama. I confess and admit. I also deal with personal issues in my personal life that cause me to be unhinged at times and jump to conclusions. If most of you knew how my life changed 7 years ago and everything I have to deal with on a daily basis many of you would understand. It’s just too personal and confidential that I don’t wish to share. I do apologize to anyone I’ve offended and I have tried to refrain from posting as much.
the forum can be a wonderful place but it does have a lot of different personalities and some that I just don’t gel with and that‘s ok. I do believe at the core of my soul that I am a good person.
No problem