Broke Straight Boys, where is your professionalism in all of this allowing your contractors to speak so openly about your practices, and speaking so openly on what happens behind the scenes? I’m disappointed
I haven't watched the video yet. But just from what I'm reading I don't see how Broke Straight Boys can enforce a strict NDA on performers. Fortuntely or not, talking about former coworkers or "telling the truth" usually falls under free speech. And it's not like Broke Straight Boys encourages it. It's only if you falsely accuse someone of a crime or damage their future career prospects through false or unprovable claims that any legal action can be taken.
There is slander if false accusations are spoken about someone else. And there is the issue of libel if it is printed on paper or online. But again those claims have to be either demonstrably false or unprovable to be deemed illegal.