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Regarding the conspiracy


Nov 29, 2008
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I am here to say farewell and to admit my guilt in sharing information. I do not know who did what with that information and for that I will also admit my part in all of this.

I would assume that what David has said is true. However I had no knowledge of that. As far as the stone rolling and getting bigger, or rather the passing of information on and getting garbled that may the case as well.

Who was in this secret society? I don't know if David and I are on using the same definitions and numbers. I know to whom I told about the behind the scenes stuff and it was NOT a large group.

However Management and even the moderator have shared information that could have been used to find, harass or otherwise do harm. In that they couldn't control the information, they are as guilty as I am.

They have shut down all communications with the membership. I can understand that, however, they say I am guilty of assumptions, but they have acted unilaterally themselves based on whatever information they have. Yes they are hurt, and I am sorry for that. But I am also afraid that they haven't looked in the mirror lately either.

I received my e-mail from David. In it he mentioned maybe it's better not to meet your heroes. Amen David, it works both ways. Until now I still had a great deal of respect for you. Yes, I had issues with the public image vs. the reality. I will not go into what those are as we both know.

Your actions have hurt people who didn't do anything and don't deserve to be hurt. A family in fact. Yet you put the blame on me. I was not the one who made that decision. You did. If you are angry at me, direct it at me.

I have just read your last and ultimate e-mail David. I will comply. You have indeed done things that I have said. If you choose to deny it, well that's that.


I am here to say farewell and to admit my guilt in sharing information. I do not know who did what with that information and for that I will also admit my part in all of this....


Farewell to David, or farewell to the forum? Get real, that wasn't even vaguely a farewellable offense. David was hurt, but I've heard him say he's got some potent big-boy pills he takes when things get rough. I can't be totally sure, but I don't think any of the half dozen people you were gossiping with did any of the stalkerish, invasive stuff he was most upset by. Those lunatics were random members who probably have never set foot in this forum.
For once I have not got a clue what this is all about. It's an enigma and more difficult to solve than the da vinci code.
For once I have not got a clue what this is all about. It's an enigma and more difficult to solve than the da vinci code.
It's amazing to me how in less than two days, all hell has broken loose on the forum, from a moderator controversy, to angry posts by David, to illegal break ins, folks seeking personal information, conspiracies and long time members quitting either the forum or the entire website. I feel like a war has broken out in Forum Land, and perhaps after the Fourth of July weekend, we will have to count the casualties and see who is still surviving.

Jon, if you solve the riddle of what the hell is going on here, please let us know.
It's amazing to me how in less than two days, all hell has broken loose on the forum, from a moderator controversy, to angry posts by David, to illegal break ins, folks seeking personal information, conspiracies and long time members quitting either the forum or the entire website. I feel like a war has broken out in Forum Land, and perhaps after the Fourth of July weekend, we will have to count the casualties and see who is still surviving.

Mike, I’m in the trenches with you my friend. With all that I’ve read on this forum it’s really shame that good people have gotten hurt and that many threads of the forum are convoluted. As you and others know I am relatively new to this site and for the last few days have basically spent my time in the bonus section. When I returned to take a longer look at Forumland, I could not believe what I was reading. There is really no sense or need for all of this.

This forum has given me an opportunity to interact with new found friends and share insight, likes and dislikes about what we have been looking at, all done with what should be proper decorum. O well, so much for the proper way to act and respond to each other. I think it was Tampa or someone stated that, in so many words, gay men have enough to deal with being criticized and made fun of in real life that when you step into this fantasy life, it just ought not to be.

Come on men, let’s love each other, what do you say? If we don’t who will?

I guess I’m off to Bonusland now where you can honestly be lost for days.
I know my true Yankee friend that you will as always stay above the fray (?) where eagles soar.
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"Why Can't We All Just Get Along?"

Mike, I’m in the trenches with you my friend. With all that I’ve read on this forum it’s really shame that good people have gotten hurt and that many threads of the forum are convoluted.

This forum has given me an opportunity to interact with new found friends and share insight, likes and dislikes about what we have been looking at, all done with what should be proper decorum. O well, so much for the proper way to act and respond to each other.
Come on men, let’s love each other, what do you say? If we don’t who will?

I know my true Yankee friend that you will as always stay above the fray (?) where eagles soar.
Thank you mactee for your kind words. I've tried not to get too deeply involved in this convoluted mess that has occurred in forumland. As I said previously, this fracas seems to have been the culmination of several separate unrelated skirmish's that have been unjustly tied together, with the result being some of the finest folks on the forum deciding to withdraw. I do not believe that anyone was banned, but I know a lot of feelings were hurt by the mostly unfounded accusations.

David says that his studio was broken into, and personal information was illegally obtained, and there have been incidents of harassment and stalking to him and to some of the models. If this is all true, then it is reprehensible, and I hope that the guilty parties are arrested and prosecuted. However I think it is a far leap to connect the dots and come up with the conspiracy theories that have been posted in the last few days by both David and member's of the forum.

Whatever happened to "innocence until proven guilty"? Apparently a member or two of the forum have used social networking sites to find some of the models pages, and requested being friended. While this is discouraged by management of Broke Straight Boys, there is no illegality to that simple act. But somehow the "offending" parties who wanted to friend these young adults have been painted as "dangerous stalkers". And some of the ensuing posts on the forum reminds me of the Salem witch hunt, or even McCarthyism, with innuendos and accusations flying around the room.

I joined Broke Straight Boys because I like to watch good looking young guys who call themselves straight, get naked on camera, play with their cocks until they get hard, and eventually shoot their load, often with the assistance of other good looking young guys, to entertain excited folks like me watching on our computer screens. The forum became a bonus where we like-minded folks could discuss the episodes and the models as well as other issues that interest us, men and now women who enjoy watching porn involving basically innocent young men.

I'm still amazed that this forum for lovers of young men jerking off and sucking cock and fucking each other has turned into this nasty minded wolves den of folks out to "get" other folks. There seems to be a mob mentality out for blood.

It would be so cool if the accusers and the conspiracy theorists would now settle down, and those of us remaining here could go back to watching young guys with hard cocks do what we enjoy watching for our monthly subscription fee, and the forum could return to be a place to discuss hot bodies and hard cocks, as well as other non inflammatory issues that are not designed to discredit our fellow forumites.
Mikeyank, you've said so reasonably, and with such care not to offend the excited sensibilities of those friends of ours who feel that the accused forumites, the social networking guys, are actually criminals, that I'm more than glad to have you speak for me. Elsewhere I've gone overboard in my pleas for reason, overstated my case, run it in the ground, jeered at people who didn't understand the difference between the fan club and the stalkers, and got myself called a cyber bully. Thanks for your post.