Patience is definitely a virtue when it comes to this. I would say that 20% of brand new guys back out or don't show up. My usual MO is to have a guy in for a solo, and then talk him into doing more for extra cash. It usually works. We have some amazing guys who have been on recently and will be on soon who were ONLY down for a JO, and after certain powers of persuasion and lots of cash in their face, were willing to do more. After that first time with another guy it makes it a lot easier to talk guys into other stuff for money.
Thanks Clay, for a bit more of the inside info of what goes on behind the scenes, in creating your scenes. The 20% "no show" rate makes a bit more sense to me than the 50% that Blake mentioned.
However, I think that the site would be so much more enjoyable for me, if we the viewer got to see some of the persuasion, or at least a re-enactment of your negotiations on screen trying to convince the "straighties" to go further for more cash.
When BSB2 debuted fourteen months ago, Mark promised us more real straight guys, but the critics on the forum were turned off by the blatant "throwing money" at models, but in my opinion the pendulum has swung too far the other way. A big turn on for me is to watch the models have to decide how far they will go for more compensation.
When a scene begins when you ask a model who is back for his third or forth time on set, "What are you going to do today for us, "Fill in the blank", and he says, "I'm going to suck his cock and then he is going to fuck me", I feel like I missed out the persuasion, and his decision to do all of what was said.
While I also believed that David's on screen negations were phony, as were your's in the early days with the tossing of money and making them say demeaning things, ("I will do anything for money"), while in reality they knew exactly what they were going to do, and how much they were going to be paid, before the cameras were ever turned on. But if you could even talk with them on camera about how they felt after their solo, or after a guy sucked them for the first time, we could more clearly see that they are truly straight guys here for money, and not just bi or gay guys who are eager to get fucked.
I would love to see a happy medium between over the top phony negotiations and a guy just reciting what was discussed off camera. I totally agree with Tampa that this is a fetish site, and that would help separate it from all the other sites where the models are ready and eager to "do it all" when the lights go on.