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Recent BTS Vids


Oct 30, 2008
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I just wanted to thank Sha, Thunder and the rest of the Broke Straight Boys's for the recent new BTS vids. I have really enjoyed them. Of course not all of them are going to hold your interest for every second. It's more of a reality TV series.

My favorite of the recent series was the Southern Decadence 2. With Logan and Jace. My favorite part was not the skimpy outfits the guys wore. Although I enjoyed that too. My favorite part was when they chatted with the guy in New Orleans and he was trying to guess their ages. Like some guy at the carnival booth.

I identified with that guy on so many levels because he pointed out the kind of organization that Broke Straight Boys runs. I felt very much like him when I went to an event. He was so appreciative and grateful to them for how well they treated him. He wasn't anybody especially important. His youthful looks were starting to fade. He was not wealthy. Yet the boys stopped and gave him the time of day. And allowed him to chat them up for a while. It really meant alot to him to have the hot Broke Straight Boys boys and staff stop and talk to him. He felt very blessed. As did I when I met the Broke Straight Boys's.

The models and staff really ARE that nice and down to earth. That one little part of the scene is a very accurate view of how the Broke Straight Boys staff treats everyone at the events.
Hey Tampa24,

I haven't been lucky enough to meet any of the Broke Straight Boys staff but wanted to comment on the street scene you mention in NOLA. I am a local in NOLA and must tell you that I enjoyed the dude chatting them up but I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. A lot of people con the tourist in NOLA and that gives the city a bad name. I am glad that either didn't happen or the Broke Straight Boys staff cut that part out of the tape. Either way I kind of think the boys had a look of apprehension on their faces. But they did pull it off like champs. I hope they have a good time at SouthernDec this year.
Hey Tampa24,

I haven't been lucky enough to meet any of the Broke Straight Boys staff but wanted to comment on the street scene you mention in NOLA. I am a local in NOLA and must tell you that I enjoyed the dude chatting them up but I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. A lot of people con the tourist in NOLA and that gives the city a bad name. I am glad that either didn't happen or the Broke Straight Boys staff cut that part out of the tape. Either way I kind of think the boys had a look of apprehension on their faces. But they did pull it off like champs. I hope they have a good time at SouthernDec this year.

If you are in town the week we come we would love to have you come out for a drink. I know we are going to be doing some stuff outside of the events and would love to know what are good things to take in :)
Hey Tampa24,

I haven't been lucky enough to meet any of the Broke Straight Boys staff but wanted to comment on the street scene you mention in NOLA. I am a local in NOLA and must tell you that I enjoyed the dude chatting them up but I kept waiting for the other shoe to drop. A lot of people con the tourist in NOLA and that gives the city a bad name. I am glad that either didn't happen or the Broke Straight Boys staff cut that part out of the tape. Either way I kind of think the boys had a look of apprehension on their faces. But they did pull it off like champs. I hope they have a good time at SouthernDec this year.

I did notice the apprehension with Logan. But that was true of him the whole time. He is more conservative and cautious around the whole gay scene. You could tell he was really out of his comfort zone through most of the trip. But he did soldier on and seemed to do well with it. And he certainly looked good in the shorts. haha
Logan Rules!!!!

I did notice the apprehension with Logan. But that was true of him the whole time. He is more conservative and cautious around the whole gay scene. You could tell he was really out of his comfort zone through most of the trip. But he did soldier on and seemed to do well with it. And he certainly looked good in the shorts. haha
I too viewed that BTS episode Tampa, solely because I love Logan so much, and want to see him in any form or setting that he may still be available.

But I agree 100% that he was out of his comfort zone and the gay scene was overwhelming to him. But he is such a cool confident person, that he was able to muster up the courage to go forward and represent Broke Straight Boys admirably at the event.

While I love Tyler, Mike R, Tank Shane, Alden, Jordan and other straight type boys on this site very much, I would have to say that for the overall total package of looks, personality and sexiness Logan is # 1 on my list. :thumbup::thumbup:
One of Broke Straight Boys's greats

I too viewed that BTS episode Tampa, solely because I love Logan so much, and want to see him in any form or setting that he may still be available.

But I agree 100% that he was out of his comfort zone and the gay scene was overwhelming to him. But he is such a cool confident person, that he was able to muster up the courage to go forward and represent Broke Straight Boys admirably at the event.

While I love Tyler, Mike R, Tank Shane, Alden, Jordan and other straight type boys on this site very much, I would have to say that for the overall total package of looks, personality and sexiness Logan is # 1 on my list. :thumbup::thumbup:

I, too, have a special place in my heart for Logan. I have many, many Broke Straight Boys models I really enjoy, but Logan has something special and I don't want to creep him out by saying this. I have complete respect for his privacy. I may live vicariously through him in his episodes, but it is his glowing simle and charm that has captivated me, even if totally unintended on Logan's part.

Logan is a class act!!!!!!!