You ma main man Jaybabe. Burroughs wrote, in either Wild Boys or Naked Lunch, about a boy to whom an orgasm was like nothing more than a sip of cool water (contrasting him to other characters who had more spectacular ones). When a Broke Straight Boys can keep silent--with his eyes open, checkin' out his dick--while he ejaculates, I reckon that's the cool sip of water type. When his whole body quivers and jerks and he has to hold onto something for support, that's the other end of the scale. Nelson had one of those when he ejaculated on Ryan, the boy who gargled his own and Tyler's cum. What other Straightie or Sophomore has had a genuine Wild Boys Nelson style orgasm on the two main sites? I can think of a couple.
Yes, those quivers and jerks are amazing moments. The beauty of it is that the person has ascended through celestial body to the ethereal plane for mere moments before they are pulled back into their body to experience the physical ecstasy...

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