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Found a movie: Billy Grey Micheal Lee & Sean Preston Porn, it's on an official site: gaycollegesexparties.com

Checkout the trailer: http://www.gaycollegesexparties.com/trailer/5383/?revid=46349&xref=pvhdgall%2CgalleryId%3A19621&trailerQuality=7&device=pc

And that movie is indeed still availble for Broke Straight Boys members via the HSBoys bonus site. Choose in the horizontal black menu-bar at the top for video's, and next in the vertical bar WILD GAY COLLEGE PARTIES
"We throw a party. Buy a shitload of booze. Invite only the hottest college and frat studs. Then we tell them they have to use their pals for booze"

On page 6 you'll find Billy a.k.a. RabiD

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Rabid did only three other videos after leaving Broke Straight Boys:

1. The one for Wild Gay College Parties is still available through the HSBoys site at: http://www.hsboys.com/members/?PSSO...udzRTKzJPdEIxdWFoenBVM2hGVERxRkxWS1VRVThFNgo*

2. He did two videos for a site that used to be called Epic Men. It's now called Boys4Porn. The videos he did there were with Jeff Taylor and was a "Part 1" and "Part 2" thing. You can check out the preview here: http://www.boys4porn.com/tour.php?page=4

I have all three of his videos.