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Pussy Porn


Well-known Member
Aug 13, 2011
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One of the things I like about BSBs is that they don't play pussy porn in the background and if it is on, we never know it. My take is that most guys, straight or gay, are horny enough that they can get it up anytime. And BSBs is good evidence of that. So kudos to whoever made that executive decision.:thumbup1:
I congratulate you on your observation Larkster. Of all the years I have viewed Broke Straight Boys, I never picked up on the kind of porn they played for the models; or even that they did played porn nevermind what kind of porn.
I might be living in an alternate universe, but in watching many of the BSB1 episodes, almost all the time David would ask if they wanted gay, bi or straight porn. There were some instances when he would even show a glimpse of the porn-a few episodes with Mike R and Jordan and a third party come to mind. There was even one episode where there was a straight guy and a gay guy and he had two laptops and he announced that he would play straight porn on the one and gay porn on the other. While I am not going to review all BSB2 episodes now, it seems to me that early on in this phase of Broke Straight Boys there was porn mentioned, but not for quite a while now. And using porn doesn't offend me. It is just another form of fluffing, and fluffing has been around forever. It is used in straight and gay porn by gay and straight actors. Back in what seems another lifetime, I had a brief relationship with the late and great (at least to me) porn actor Matt Gunther. He was gay and many times he used a fluffer. Admittedly he made so-called feature length movies and there is a lot of standing around, etc. But our Broke Straight Boys guys have some of the same things to deal with (albeit on a smaller scale) such as lights, camera(s) and a person or two in the room while filming. And I don't know how long they are in the "green room" before the scene is shot. And if these guys are as straight as they say they are, we shouldn't assume that they will get hard just because they are young. Some will and do, others might need help whether a video fluffer or the little blue pill. And that doesn't offend me. (Hell, back in the day, I use to keep some straight porn in my stash for the straight hustlers I'd bring home. I'd pop it in, it would help [along with my excellent cocksucking - he says with all modesty-lol!!] get them harder faster; I'd turn it off and we'd get down to the fucking which is what I wanted anyway.) What does offend me is anything but the best effort from everyone.
As Stowie stated, I have no illusions that it's not playing in the background, as well as a collection of pussy mags available for inspiration. While it isn't mentioned on BSB2, it was an integral part of the BSB1 routine with David. In fact, it was such a routine, it was something I came to expect him to say. It didn't bother me then or now either way. As long as I don't have to hear it, I'm good. This goes on with all g4p models and studios that use them. Even on bts vids by Sean Cody site, the str8 models can be seen perusing str8 mags, and watching str8 porn. I don't care as long as the finished product gets me off and they give a great performance.
I might be living in an alternate universe, but in watching many of the BSB1 episodes, almost all the time David would ask if they wanted gay, bi or straight porn. There were some instances when he would even show a glimpse of the porn-a few episodes with Mike R and Jordan and a third party come to mind. There was even one episode where there was a straight guy and a gay guy and he had two laptops and he announced that he would play straight porn on the one and gay porn on the other. While I am not going to review all BSB2 episodes now, it seems to me that early on in this phase of Broke Straight Boys there was porn mentioned, but not for quite a while now. And using porn doesn't offend me. It is just another form of fluffing, and fluffing has been around forever. It is used in straight and gay porn by gay and straight actors. Back in what seems another lifetime, I had a brief relationship with the late and great (at least to me) porn actor Matt Gunther. He was gay and many times he used a fluffer. Admittedly he made so-called feature length movies and there is a lot of standing around, etc. But our Broke Straight Boys guys have some of the same things to deal with (albeit on a smaller scale) such as lights, camera(s) and a person or two in the room while filming. And I don't know how long they are in the "green room" before the scene is shot. And if these guys are as straight as they say they are, we shouldn't assume that they will get hard just because they are young. Some will and do, others might need help whether a video fluffer or the little blue pill. And that doesn't offend me. (Hell, back in the day, I use to keep some straight porn in my stash for the straight hustlers I'd bring home. I'd pop it in, it would help [along with my excellent cocksucking - he says with all modesty-lol!!] get them harder faster; I'd turn it off and we'd get down to the fucking which is what I wanted anyway.) What does offend me is anything but the best effort from everyone.

I'm so jealous! Matt Gunther was such a hottie and one of my favorite porn stars. I would love to know more about him.:w00t:
One of the things I like about BSBs is that they don't play pussy porn in the background and if it is on, we never know it. My take is that most guys, straight or gay, are horny enough that they can get it up anytime. And BSBs is good evidence of that. So kudos to whoever made that executive decision.:thumbup1:

hey larkster im glad to hear from you...start posting your opinions more...but i have to strongly disagree any straight guy fucking another man needs "pussy porn" i understand men are horny but if your a "straight boy" that genarally means you dont get turned on by men...ther for it should be virtually impossible to be staring at a naked man and just have your dick jump lol trust me larkster any Broke Straight Boys model who can get hard with no help is not BB not a Broke Straight Boys
hey larkster im glad to hear from you...start posting your opinions more...but i have to strongly disagree any straight guy fucking another man needs "pussy porn" i understand men are horny but if your a "straight boy" that genarally means you dont get turned on by men...ther for it should be virtually impossible to be staring at a naked man and just have your dick jump lol trust me larkster any Broke Straight Boys model who can get hard with no help is not BB not a Broke Straight Boys

I agree with you, Jimmy, based on my experience with straight guys as noted in my earlier post on this thread. During the many years I was in the closet I had more than my fair share of sex with straight guys. As I noted, some would need porn in addition to my blowing them to get hard, but once hard, the porn went off, and they didn't lose their stiffys while they were fucking me. Not a one. Then there were some who just needed a blowjob to get hard, but that was true of many gay guys as well. You should know that just because two gay guys want to have sex it doesn't necessarily mean that their dicks will jump (to use your phrase) just because they are gay. All the sexual, pyschological, and emotional elements that make a straight guy's dick jump at the sight of a woman to whom he is attracted are present in a gay guy whose dick jumps when he sees another gay guy to whom he is attracted.

And by the way, I thought your scene with Colin and Mark was great and posted a thread stating that you had scored a touchdown in that episode.
I did notice in this last vid that they were looking off at something. Hadn't noticed that in others. The important thing to me is that we don't have to listen to some gal screaming her fake orgasms like I've had to endure on other sites. Hope I'm not being premature in my assessment.
maybe as an audition for new BSBs dont use any porn and see if they can get it going without it or show them gay porn and if they get hard they are hired for further scenes
hey larkster im glad to hear from you...start posting your opinions more...but i have to strongly disagree any straight guy fucking another man needs "pussy porn" i understand men are horny but if your a "straight boy" that genarally means you dont get turned on by men...ther for it should be virtually impossible to be staring at a naked man and just have your dick jump lol trust me larkster any Broke Straight Boys model who can get hard with no help is not BB not a Broke Straight Boys

hahahahaha, Jimmy you never cease to crack me up and I couldn't agree more!

I am a horny mother $*%Ker but something about sweaty balls and cock just doesn't do it for me. :blink:
Rob, you're a true professional to be able to do those great performances with guys and be true to your real orientation. I know that I couldn't do it; that is, do women and be gay. When I watch your scenes, you never for a single moment hesitate or switch your mood when you engage with other men. You are fluid and natural giving a aura of control and sensitivity. Boy, you're gooood!
I might be living in an alternate universe, but in watching many of the BSB1 episodes, almost all the time David would ask if they wanted gay, bi or straight porn. There were some instances when he would even show a glimpse of the porn-a few episodes with Mike R and Jordan and a third party come to mind. There was even one episode where there was a straight guy and a gay guy and he had two laptops and he announced that he would play straight porn on the one and gay porn on the other. While I am not going to review all BSB2 episodes now, it seems to me that early on in this phase of Broke Straight Boys there was porn mentioned, but not for quite a while now. And using porn doesn't offend me. It is just another form of fluffing, and fluffing has been around forever. It is used in straight and gay porn by gay and straight actors. Back in what seems another lifetime, I had a brief relationship with the late and great (at least to me) porn actor Matt Gunther. He was gay and many times he used a fluffer. Admittedly he made so-called feature length movies and there is a lot of standing around, etc. But our Broke Straight Boys guys have some of the same things to deal with (albeit on a smaller scale) such as lights, camera(s) and a person or two in the room while filming. And I don't know how long they are in the "green room" before the scene is shot. And if these guys are as straight as they say they are, we shouldn't assume that they will get hard just because they are young. Some will and do, others might need help whether a video fluffer or the little blue pill. And that doesn't offend me. (Hell, back in the day, I use to keep some straight porn in my stash for the straight hustlers I'd bring home. I'd pop it in, it would help [along with my excellent cocksucking - he says with all modesty-lol!!] get them harder faster; I'd turn it off and we'd get down to the fucking which is what I wanted anyway.) What does offend me is anything but the best effort from everyone.

Wow Stowe, now there is a name from the past. I didn't know who Matt Gunther was so I just googled him, and I definitely remember seeing an old scene that he was in back in the day (I probably still have it on VHS tape packed away in boxes somewhere that haven't been opened since circa 2002 or so).

I had no idea that Matt Gunther is no longer with us, and was saddened to read that he passed away in 1997.

It's hard to believe that beautiful tall, muscular, long legged hottie with the impossibly big pointed nipples and 9 inch cock would be nearly 50 if he was still alive. DAMN time has a way of getting away from us sometimes.
I agree with you, Jimmy, based on my experience with straight guys as noted in my earlier post on this thread. During the many years I was in the closet I had more than my fair share of sex with straight guys. As I noted, some would need porn in addition to my blowing them to get hard, but once hard, the porn went off, and they didn't lose their stiffys while they were fucking me. Not a one. Then there were some who just needed a blowjob to get hard, but that was true of many gay guys as well. You should know that just because two gay guys want to have sex it doesn't necessarily mean that their dicks will jump (to use your phrase) just because they are gay. All the sexual, pyschological, and emotional elements that make a straight guy's dick jump at the sight of a woman to whom he is attracted are present in a gay guy whose dick jumps when he sees another gay guy to whom he is attracted.

And by the way, I thought your scene with Colin and Mark was great and posted a thread stating that you had scored a touchdown in that episode.

Thanks for the support and sorry if i give the vibe that i think all gay guys dick jump that easily...i know exactly what you mean i could be with a beautiful naked girl but that doesnt mean my dick will get hard without a good blow job (;
I did notice in this last vid that they were looking off at something. Hadn't noticed that in others. The important thing to me is that we don't have to listen to some gal screaming her fake orgasms like I've had to endure on other sites. Hope I'm not being premature in my assessment.

i do the best i can to not make it obvious im watching porn and its alot easier now to do that then when i first started...so your right and wrong i dont watch the porn very much during the scene but to get hard i watch it...
maybe as an audition for new BSBs dont use any porn and see if they can get it going without it or show them gay porn and if they get hard they are hired for further scenes

hey joey first time ive read one of your posts...so your saying for the tryouts see if they can get hard alone with no porn? sounds like a good idea tell them they dont get paid if they cant finish lol