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Preston, Ashton & Other

Realistic cute boys are the type of boys you see working behind the counter at Starbucks, or the college student between the age of 18-23 years old. These type of boys have a grungy type look wearing baggy jeans or shorts and wear flip/flops on there feet, although may not be perfect and my look dirty, or often have tattoos these boys have a different style and look but are really clean. These type of boys you can't tell if they are gay, straight or bisexual. There fashion is not of the typical (they are not preppy and perfect) and some of these type of boys have long hair and some with short hair and will sport beards or goatee or will not shave and have a scruffy facial look (after 5pm shadow). Some have toned bodies, some can look frat type guy, but still have that grungy look and shaggy hair or short hair.

These guys seem to be more down to earth, very approachable and realistic. These type of boys are the boys that have personality and fun and you can talk to and get to know. These are the type of models we hire here at D&E Productions and built our success on.....................................

Which group would you prefer to see and watch?
Without a doubt David, I'm into realistic type college aged dudes, as you say "boys have a grungy type look wearing baggy jeans or shorts and wear flip/flops on there feet".

So what if they don't shave, or style their hair like A & F models, or have "god forbid" dirty feet. :001_tongue: I joined Broke Straight Boys because you've featured mainly these real guys, who I might see at the beach, on the basketball court, at the mall, chillin' with his buds, hittin' on the chicks.

No if's, ands or buts about it for me David. I'm very attracted to the type of guy's that you've been shooting since I first discovered this site. And I will keep searching if need be, to find more of the realistic type guy. Do a search for gay porn, and you will find dozens and dozens of the "clone" type. I like what I've found here in the past, and that's why I'm a loyal member of this site, and will continue to be, as long as this type is represented here.

Thank you for posting David. You've been missed. :001_smile:
Realism! There are several types of looks and attitudes out there when we are dealing with hiring models. Realistic cute boys and Realistic untouchable boys.

Realistic cute boys are the type of boys you see working behind the counter at Starbucks, or the college student between the age of 18-23 years old. These type of boys have a grungy type look wearing baggy jeans or shorts and wear flip/flops on there feet, although may not be perfect and my look dirty, or often have tattoos these boys have a different style and look but are really clean. These type of boys you can't tell if they are gay, straight or bisexual. There fashion is not of the typical (they are not preppy and perfect) and some of these type of boys have long hair and some with short hair and will sport beards or goatee or will not shave and have a scruffy facial look (after 5pm shadow). Some have toned bodies, some can look frat type guy, but still have that grungy look and shaggy hair or short hair.

These guys seem to be more down to earth, very approachable and realistic. These type of boys are the boys that have personality and fun and you can talk to and get to know. These are the type of models we hire here at D&E Productions and built our success on.

The models we don't hire or just don't seem to attract:

Models that are too polished we call Realistic Untouchable Models. These are the type of guys that have a perfect body. These type of models are hot, they have perfect facial features, perfect haircuts, ultra jock, Frat dude kind of guys. You really can't tell if they are gay or straight or bi, but they work out at the gym everyday, the have the perfect body and the perfect ass and a perfect dick and they know it! As one member in one of his posts "wax on/wax off". These are not your realistic models. Although much hotter, these guys are fantasy, untouchable and usually you don't see them working in the mall, or behind the counter of a Starbucks or as a stock boy in your local grocery store. These type of boys are very mechanical, they don't have much to say and they are all unapproachable.

Then there are the gay guys that are like the realistic untouchable models as we call the "gym bunnies" but once they open there months and speak, they are very "Queenie" Usually attend circuit parties and hang out in fire island and province town and usually this group of gay guys refuse to do porn, but look good and will try mainstream modeling but will look down on doing porn. Only the desperate type of guy that I mentioned in this paragraph will do porn, only when he no longer has a "sugar daddy" to rely on.

Then you have the very femme flaming gay twink boy. Smooth hairless body and worships Paris Hilton and has more drama then a soap opera. Normally these type of boys will do porn but others won't. Just like the "gym bunny" model, if the twink femme boy doesn't have a sugar daddy to pay his way and out of desperation will he do porn. But if this type of boy has a sugar daddy or lives home with parents, they will not do porn. You will see more of these type of boys doing porn then the "gym bunny" guys.

Hiring models is not all just looks, personality and good direction goes a long way. Many of the models we hire are limited to what they are willing to do but the unrealistic untouchable model are normally gay and will do anything you ask them to do. On the rare occasion that you have a "gym bunny" type model, they too will do what you ask and twink femme boys will also do what you ask them to do.

Which group would you prefer to see and watch?

When you sit down at your keyboard dude you don't get up till you've said it all. There's so much to think about in this post David. Again, you've given us a look into your world, where the kids come to you from all sorts of demographics, carrying all kinds of baggage, with all manner of labels attached, every one with half a story to tell, and half a one to invent.

It's not in your nature to be smug, but you have every right to be proud of what you've put together for Mark at Blu, month after month, all these years. He's gotta be terrifically grateful for that.

The cohort of Brokies that you've had pass through the studio and perform on the futon is a brilliant cross section of modern youth. Remember that joke about shapes that encompass "everything from Auschwitz to Weight Watchers" and intellects that range from MENSA to Remedial Reading? Maybe it's a dubious achievement, but you've given dozens of unlikely kids the opportunity to make some money, experiment with their sexuality, and fulfill Warhol's ambition for everyone in the world, to be famous for 15 minutes. A good proportion of these kids haven't been obvious pornstar material, which only makes the fantasy more real and the people and their stories more accessible. And is one of the things about Broke Straight Boys that is due to your genius: hitting the right note and creating the right atmosphere for the magic to take place. Thank you so much, for everything.
Realism! There are several types of looks and attitudes out there when we are dealing with hiring models. Realistic cute boys and Realistic untouchable boys.

Realistic cute boys are the type of boys you see working behind the counter at Starbucks, or the college student between the age of 18-23 years old. These type of boys have a grungy type look wearing baggy jeans or shorts and wear flip/flops on there feet, although may not be perfect and my look dirty, or often have tattoos these boys have a different style and look but are really clean. These type of boys you can't tell if they are gay, straight or bisexual. There fashion is not of the typical (they are not preppy and perfect) and some of these type of boys have long hair and some with short hair and will sport beards or goatee or will not shave and have a scruffy facial look (after 5pm shadow). Some have toned bodies, some can look frat type guy, but still have that grungy look and shaggy hair or short hair.

These guys seem to be more down to earth, very approachable and realistic. These type of boys are the boys that have personality and fun and you can talk to and get to know. These are the type of models we hire here at D&E Productions and built our success on.

The models we don't hire or just don't seem to attract:

Models that are too polished we call Realistic Untouchable Models. These are the type of guys that have a perfect body. These type of models are hot, they have perfect facial features, perfect haircuts, ultra jock, Frat dude kind of guys. You really can't tell if they are gay or straight or bi, but they work out at the gym everyday, the have the perfect body and the perfect ass and a perfect dick and they know it! As one member in one of his posts "wax on/wax off". These are not your realistic models. Although much hotter, these guys are fantasy, untouchable and usually you don't see them working in the mall, or behind the counter of a Starbucks or as a stock boy in your local grocery store. These type of boys are very mechanical, they don't have much to say and they are all unapproachable.

Then there are the gay guys that are like the realistic untouchable models as we call the "gym bunnies" but once they open there months and speak, they are very "Queenie" Usually attend circuit parties and hang out in fire island and province town and usually this group of gay guys refuse to do porn, but look good and will try mainstream modeling but will look down on doing porn. Only the desperate type of guy that I mentioned in this paragraph will do porn, only when he no longer has a "sugar daddy" to rely on.

Then you have the very femme flaming gay twink boy. Smooth hairless body and worships Paris Hilton and has more drama then a soap opera. Normally these type of boys will do porn but others won't. Just like the "gym bunny" model, if the twink femme boy doesn't have a sugar daddy to pay his way and out of desperation will he do porn. But if this type of boy has a sugar daddy or lives home with parents, they will not do porn. You will see more of these type of boys doing porn then the "gym bunny" guys.

Hiring models is not all just looks, personality and good direction goes a long way. Many of the models we hire are limited to what they are willing to do but the unrealistic untouchable model are normally gay and will do anything you ask them to do. On the rare occasion that you have a "gym bunny" type model, they too will do what you ask and twink femme boys will also do what you ask them to do.

Which group would you prefer to see and watch?
David offered us this look into the various types of models in the gay porn industry today, including his own studio, and questioned us as to what types we prefer. I'm surprised that only Slimvintage and myself have responded. I appreciate David taking the time to offer his insight to us, and was wondering if any other forumites have any thoughts on David's comments.
Realism! There are several types of looks and attitudes out there when we are dealing with hiring models. Realistic cute boys and Realistic untouchable boys.

Realistic cute boys are the type of boys you see working behind the counter at Starbucks, or the college student between the age of 18-23 years old. These type of boys have a grungy type look wearing baggy jeans or shorts and wear flip/flops on there feet, although may not be perfect and my look dirty, or often have tattoos these boys have a different style and look but are really clean. These type of boys you can't tell if they are gay, straight or bisexual. There fashion is not of the typical (they are not preppy and perfect) and some of these type of boys have long hair and some with short hair and will sport beards or goatee or will not shave and have a scruffy facial look (after 5pm shadow). Some have toned bodies, some can look frat type guy, but still have that grungy look and shaggy hair or short hair.

These guys seem to be more down to earth, very approachable and realistic. These type of boys are the boys that have personality and fun and you can talk to and get to know. These are the type of models we hire here at D&E Productions and built our success on.

The models we don't hire or just don't seem to attract:

Models that are too polished we call Realistic Untouchable Models. These are the type of guys that have a perfect body. These type of models are hot, they have perfect facial features, perfect haircuts, ultra jock, Frat dude kind of guys. You really can't tell if they are gay or straight or bi, but they work out at the gym everyday, the have the perfect body and the perfect ass and a perfect dick and they know it! As one member in one of his posts "wax on/wax off". These are not your realistic models. Although much hotter, these guys are fantasy, untouchable and usually you don't see them working in the mall, or behind the counter of a Starbucks or as a stock boy in your local grocery store. These type of boys are very mechanical, they don't have much to say and they are all unapproachable.

Then there are the gay guys that are like the realistic untouchable models as we call the "gym bunnies" but once they open there months and speak, they are very "Queenie" Usually attend circuit parties and hang out in fire island and province town and usually this group of gay guys refuse to do porn, but look good and will try mainstream modeling but will look down on doing porn. Only the desperate type of guy that I mentioned in this paragraph will do porn, only when he no longer has a "sugar daddy" to rely on.

Then you have the very femme flaming gay twink boy. Smooth hairless body and worships Paris Hilton and has more drama then a soap opera. Normally these type of boys will do porn but others won't. Just like the "gym bunny" model, if the twink femme boy doesn't have a sugar daddy to pay his way and out of desperation will he do porn. But if this type of boy has a sugar daddy or lives home with parents, they will not do porn. You will see more of these type of boys doing porn then the "gym bunny" guys.

Hiring models is not all just looks, personality and good direction goes a long way. Many of the models we hire are limited to what they are willing to do but the unrealistic untouchable model are normally gay and will do anything you ask them to do. On the rare occasion that you have a "gym bunny" type model, they too will do what you ask and twink femme boys will also do what you ask them to do.

Which group would you prefer to see and watch?

If I have a say I want the "Average Joe" kind of guy. The jeans wearing not waxed, trimmed, body sculpted, has no problem eating at McDonalds, doesn't have a gym memberhip that uses daily, supporting himslef, kind of guy! Do you have anyof those in stock?

I have no problem with Leon, I just think that he looked better in the earlier videos with shorter hair. BUT it is his body and hair and he has the right to keep it the way he wants to keep it.

The kind of guys that I do not like to see on here are the "Queenies with the little weenies" that as soon as they speak you know they are gay. I really don't like the completely shaved body and don't mess my perfect hair kind of guys.

As lng as they are stright acting bring them on!!!!

Also, if you could add a little chest hair to the guy your looking for in your stockroom I would appreciate it.

Just don't supersize it!

Thanks david and Crew!:thumbup:
When you sit down at your keyboard dude you don't get up till you've said it all. There's so much to think about in this post David. Again, you've given us a look into your world, where the kids come to you from all sorts of demographics, carrying all kinds of baggage, with all manner of labels attached, every one with half a story to tell, and half a one to invent.

It's not in your nature to be smug, but you have every right to be proud of what you've put together for Mark at Blu, month after month, all these years. He's gotta be terrifically grateful for that.

The cohort of Brokies that you've had pass through the studio and perform on the futon is a brilliant cross section of modern youth. Remember that joke about shapes that encompass "everything from Auschwitz to Weight Watchers" and intellects that range from MENSA to Remedial Reading? Maybe it's a dubious achievement, but you've given dozens of unlikely kids the opportunity to make some money, experiment with their sexuality, and fulfill Warhol's ambition for everyone in the world, to be famous for 15 minutes. A good proportion of these kids haven't been obvious pornstar material, which only makes the fantasy more real and the people and their stories more accessible. And is one of the things about Broke Straight Boys that is due to your genius: hitting the right note and creating the right atmosphere for the magic to take place. Thank you so much, for everything.

I agree with Slimmie here, 100%. Now that you put it this way David, I agree with what you're saying for the most part as well.

I do think that for the most part, most -- if not all -- would agree that the grungy, down to earth look can be really hot on the right guy. But, and maybe my perception is way off, but Leon went beyond looking grungy though.

Slimmie, you did point out that his feet looked that way because of wearing flip flops a lot. But to me, not only his feet, but everything about him, looked...well...unclean. Filthy, as if he hadn't showered in several days. To me there's a big difference between looking grungy and approachable, and being downright filthy and like he might not be well. But, the camera doesn't always reveal things properly, and maybe it was just me.

I won't say another word about Leon, unless there are more scenes with him in them and he looks like he cleaned himself up...at which time I'll be the first to applaud, and cheer him on!!!

Thanks to Slimmie, and David both for helping to open my eyes.

I'll concede that the "natural" straight boy is what you're after. What I would like to add is that if you hire someone with a certain look, you should ensure they keep the look that they got hired for. Deteriorating to greasiness isn't sexy, in any book. It would be just as bad as having this gorgeous, hairless, perfect bodied twink bottoming for you and having the ever threatening shit stick come out. It just wouldn't be sexy and turn you off completely for awhile.