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Prescription Drug Prices


Oct 30, 2008
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I've been dealing with the issue of outrageous prices for prescription drugs for most of my adult life. I confess that many others have it worse than I do when it comes to meds or treatments that are stratospheric in costs. I haven't had to beg insurance companies to cover meds or injections that cost sums like $30K per month or more. But I have (in the past) been up against trying to get coverage for drugs that cost about $300-$900 per month. (In 2007 dollars.) That was not fun to say the least.

What I'm going for in this particular thread though is to let people know (who may still be unaware), that there are wonderful sites out there which offer discount prescription drug coupons on just about every medication available. Even if you have good prescription drug coverage, don't just assume that the price you're being charged with insurance is the final word on the best price. You may be able to get an even further discounted price off of your insurance co-pay price. Even though my insurance plan this year (Part D) is pretty good, I am still finding coupons that are less than my out-of-pocket co-pays. These sites show you the discounted price they offer. You can then print off a copy of the coupon if you have a printer. Or you can have them text it to you. Or you can even have them emailed to you.

You show the pharmacy techs your coupon, email or even the code in the text mesage on your phone. It can be for a script they have already filled and have waiting for you, but which you have not picked up or paid for yet. I don't know if they can program in the discounted price for a drug you haven't filled yet. (But of course you can always ask.) It's best to do this from the separated prescription drop-off line rather than the pick-up line. You have more privacy there anyway, so you're not sharing all your financial business with everyone within 6 feet. haha They will usually not be able to readjust the price downward for you from the registers in the regular check-out line itself. Even if they could, they also don't want to hold up the line of people waiting behind you.

One of my saving graces over the years has also been to use a Canadian mail order pharmacy to get certain drugs that are just ridiculously expensive here in the U.S. Some drug companies claim to not have any generics available for some of their gold plated brand name drugs you need. And then you find out that in Canada (and many other countries too) that there is indeed a much much cheaper generic available for that same drug. But oddly enough not eligible to be sold legally in the U.S. ( Go figure.) But using Canadian pharmacies (as well as some of the pitfalls of using them) are a subject for another time. For this first post I want to stay focused on the discount coupon sites.

Here are some of the best prescription discount coupon sites I've found in my travels so far. If any of you know of others I haven't shared here that are also really good for low prices... Please do share! haha

I'll share these in an order that I think goes from best to fair in the prices they offer. You'll need to specify the name of the drug and whether you want the generic, or if you insist on the name brand. Then you'll plug in the exact dosage in milligrams, milliliters, sometimes tablets or capsules, etc. Then specify the exact quantity of pills you want. Is it 30 pillls for a 30 day supply? Is it 90 pills for a 90 day supply? Is it 60 pills for a 30 day supply when you take the pill twice a day? And so on.

The only personal identifying information they'll ask you for is a zip code. A zip code is necessary in order for them to be able to tell you which specific pharmacies in your area honor their coupons. Here in Florida a few of the major pharmacy players include CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, Publix and Costco. If you're in the midwest it may tell you the best coupon discount for a particular drug is offered at Meijer. (Which many of us in Florida have never heard of. haha) Of course there are other regional pharmacy chains that are specific to your address. They might even be something like Kroger's or some other local grocery store chain(s) with a pharmacy.

For emphasis though... While I am trying to share the list in the order I think shows the best first... I encourage you to check all of them for each individual medication. Sometimes I've found much better prices on sites farther down the list than just the first two.

I hope this helps someone out there.

GoodRx ~ https://www.goodrx.com/

Singlecare ~ https://www.singlecare.com

WellRx ~ https://www.wellrx.com/

America's Pharmacy ~ https://www.americaspharmacy.com/

RxSaver ~ https://www.rxsaver.com/

Optum Perks ~ https://perks.optum.com/
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I've been dealing with the issue of outrageous prices for prescription drugs for most of my adult life. I confess that many others have it worse than I do when it comes to meds or treatments that are stratospheric in costs. I haven't had to beg insurance companies to cover meds or injections that cost sums like $30K per month or more. But I have (in the past) been up against trying to get coverage for drugs that cost about $300-$900 per month. (In 2007 dollars.) That was not fun to say the least.

What I'm going for in this particular thread though is to let people know (who may still be unaware), that there are wonderful sites out there which offer discount prescription drug coupons on just about every medication available. Even if you have good prescrition drug coverage, don't just assume that the price you're being charged with insurance is the final word on the best price. You may be able to get an even further discounted price off of your insurance co-pay price. Even though my insurance plan this year (Part D) is pretty good, I am still finding coupons that are less than my out-of-pocket co-pays. These sites show you the discounted price they offer. You can then print off a copy of the coupon if you have a printer. Or you can have them text it to you. Or you can even have them emailed to you.

You show the pharmacy techs your coupon, email or even the code in the text mesage on your phone. It can be for a script they have already filled and have waiting for you, but which you have not picked up or paid for yet. I don't know if they can program in the discounted price for a drug you haven't filled yet. (But of course you can always ask.) It's best to do this from the separated prescription drop-off line rather than the pick-up line. You have more privacy there anyway, so you're not sharing all your financial business with everyone within 6 feet. haha They will usually not be able to readjust the price downward for you from the registers in the regular check-out line itself. Even if they could, they also don't want to hold up the line of people waiting behind you.

One of my saving graces over the years has also been to use a Canadian mail order pharmacy to get certain drugs that are just ridiculously expensive here in the U.S. Some drug companies claim to not have any generic available for some of their gold plated brand name drugs you need. And then you find out that in Canada (and some other countries too) that there is indeed a much much cheaper generic available for that same drug. But oddly enough not eligible to be sold legally in the U.S. ( Go figure.) But using Canadian pharmacies (as well as some of the pitfalls of using them) are a subject for another time. For this first post I want to stay focused on the discount coupon sites.

Here are some of the best prescription discount coupon sites I've found in my travels so far. If any of you know of others I haven't shared here that are also really good for low prices... Please do share! haha

I'll share these in an order that I think goes from best to fair in the prices they offer. You'll need to specify the name of the drug and whether you want the generic, or if you insist on the name brand. Then you'll plug in the exact dosage in milligrams, milliliters, sometimes tablets or capsules, etc. Then specify the exact quantity of pills you want. Is it 30 pillls for a 30 day supply? Is it 90 pills for a 90 day supply? Is it 60 pills for a 30 day supply when you take the pill twice a day? And so on.

The only personal identifying information they'll ask you for is a zip code. A zip code is necessary in order for them to be able to tell you which specific pharmacies in your area honor their coupons. Here In Florida a few of the major pharmacy players include CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, Publix and Costco. If you're in the midwest it may tell you the best coupon discount for a particular drug is offered at Meijer's. (Which many of us in Florida have never heard of. haha) Of course there are other regional pharmacy chains that are specific to your address. It might even be something like Kroger's or some other local grocery store chain with a pharmacy.

For emphasis though... While I am trying to share the list in the order I think shows the best first... I encourage you to check all of them for each individual medication. Sometimes I've found much better prices on sites farther down the list than just the first two.

I hope this helps someone out there.

GoodRx ~ https://www.goodrx.com/

Singlecare ~ https://www.singlecare.com

WellRx ~ https://www.wellrx.com/

America's Pharmacy ~ https://www.americaspharmacy.com/

RxSaver ~ https://www.rxsaver.com/

Optum Perks ~ https://perks.optum.com/
One advantage of being disabled and poor is I have medicaid that helps greatly, but they are tightening their requirements as well.
One advantage of being disabled and poor is I have medicaid that helps greatly, but they are tightening their requirements as well.
Yes. Being on Medicaid is extremely helpful for those who qualify. In Florida especially though, power-hungry DeSanctimonious is trying not just to tighten eligibility requiremtents, but to cut as many people off the Medicaid rolls as possible. He thinks it makes him look tough, decisive and more attractive to conservatives on the national stage for his presidential run. Of course he has no care for the collateral damage done to families. Like those who have to choose between mom's, dad's or grandma and grandpa's meds or medical treatement at the hospital vs. groceries on the table. Or next month's rent or utility bill.
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Great post thanks Tampa. Sorry you have to deal with that. It is ridiculous that they still get away with this outrageous prices still especially in the US. It is all greed and makes me sick. Thanks for the helpful links. :)
Thanks Mark,

Agreed. It's all about the greed. And no consideration for the literal harm being done to people and families.

In 2007 I spent almost a fifth of my annual income just on presecription meds that I neeeded to keep myself alive and breathing. At one point I forked over about $4,300 (on my bloated credit card of course) to put myself into catostrophic coverage for my meds. After which the co-pays for the rest of the calendar year were minimal from that point on. But I had still paid high co-pays prior to the catastrophic threshold. That was in addition of course to other medical bills and doctor co-pays I had for medical treatment. The equivalent of over a fourth of my annual income went to scripts and specialized medical care. And I could only do that by going farther into debt. 2007 was hell.

Since then I have done my best to educate myself on as many alteranatives as possible in finding both better coverage and cheaper prescription drugs.
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I wanted to mention that for those who would like to save the list of coupon discount sites without having to keep returning to the specific forum page... You can follow the links and then add each one of them them to your favorites on your computer. Then you would have the list available with more ease.
Yes. Being on Medicaid is extremely helpful for those who qualify. In Florida especially though, power-hungry DeSanctimonious is trying not just to tighten eligibility requiremtents, but to cut as many people off the Medicaid rolls as possible. He thinks it makes him look tough, decisive and more attractive to conservatives on the national stage for his presidential run. Of course he has no care for the collateral damage done to families. Like those who have to choose between mom's, dad's or grandma and grandpa's meds or medical treatement at the hospital vs. groceries on the table. Or next month's rent or utility bill.
I am aware . He is trying to out trump , trump .
I feel for you Tampa, as many of my friends are in the same boat as you. Fortunately for me, my three prescription medications are Tier One and fully covered by my Medicare Prescription supplemental plan covers them all. In fact I use Optum and they ship me 90 day refills at zero co-pay, so they are sent to me for free. But if I develop any conditions that need heavy duty drugs, I will need to scramble too. It is a problem for many folks. .
I feel for you Tampa, as many of my friends are in the same boat as you. Fortunately for me, my three prescription medications are Tier One and fully covered by my Medicare Prescription supplemental plan covers them all. In fact I use Optum and they ship me 90 day refills at zero co-pay, so they are sent to me for free. But if I develop any conditions that need heavy duty drugs, I will need to scramble too. It is a problem for many folks. .
Yes. You are very fortunate to only be using the Tier One generic drugs. But like you say, if anyone's health status changes and requires new Tier Three brand name drugs... You may be scrambling (and paying through the nose) until the next open enrollment in order to hopefully find a plan that covers your newer meds at a better rate.
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I use Amazon Pharmacy for 3 of my medicine now, they have the Rx pass which is a flat $5 per month for any of the drugs on the list (I have only one and it is also sold OTC but cheaper when prescription is written). I pay cash for two other generics at Amazon Pharmacy for a 6 month supply (about equal to my insurance copay price) and I get two others from Caremark mail order as they are more expensive generics.

Look into Mark Cuban's https://costplusdrugs.com as well, they only charge cost plus 15% profit and a minimal shipping fee. I have not ordered yet from them but if Amazon is higher next order cycle I'll be sending it that way.

Also look into any manufacturer assistance copay cards you may qualify for. I am on a brand name drug for my type 2 diabetes, it would cost me about $300/month if I didn't have that card (once I hit deductible it is like $60 per month) with the copay card I pay $25 for a 3 month supply.