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Prayers/thoughts, Please!


BSB Addict
Jan 9, 2009
Reaction score
Castle Rock, CO
For those of you that know me, I am not 'that close' to my Father. However, I do give him credit, over the past recent years, he has tried to rebuild our relationship.

That being said, he calls me 2 times a week, to 'check in/check up' on how I am doing. Today no exception. HOWEVER, in addition to wanting to know how I was doing, he informed me that he had gone to the doctor's/dermatologist-(a first I had heard of this), and that he had some scrapings taken off his face, and that the dr had informed him that they are/were pre-cancerous.

I thank you for letting me post this!

Your friend
For those of you that know me, I am not 'that close' to my Father. However, I do give him credit, over the past recent years, he has tried to rebuild our relationship.

That being said, he calls me 2 times a week, to 'check in/check up' on how I am doing. Today no exception. HOWEVER, in addition to wanting to know how I was doing, he informed me that he had gone to the doctor's/dermatologist-(a first I had heard of this), and that he had some scrapings taken off his face, and that the dr had informed him that they are/were pre-cancerous.

I thank you for letting me post this!

Your friend

Your father -- and you -- are both in my thoughts and prayers!


I'll absolutely be keeping you and your dad in my thoughts. Keep us posted!
I hope they've caught it in time. Most of those cancers are very treatable. There are a couple of varieties that are quite nasty and require pretty dire treatment, but just the fact that your dad noticed something odd and got to a doctor could mean that whatever he's got is in its earlier stages.

Bob, this forum is yours mister. You never need anyone's permission to post whatever you like. Thanks for letting us know so that we can pull for your pa.
You guys are in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing the very best for you and your dad.
Dear Bob,

Of course we will lift up you and your father in prayer. Ask and ye shall receive. :)

Most skin cancers on the face are Basal-cell carcinomas that are easily treated by either scraping or freezing them off. Of course you can never be too careful with skin cancers. They will always biopsy the more suspicious spots to make sure that they are of a benign variety or whether more treatment is required. Continuous followup with a dermatologist on an every 6 month or an annual basis is always advisable.

Please keep us posted Bob. The prayers are on their way. :)
I can tell you about basil carsinoma. I had it on my arm and forehead. It was a very simple procedure performed by my dermatologist. Just a few stiches here and there. I wish you and your father well. Tell him to be sure and follow up with his dermotologist every 6-12 months. Take Care.
will do, thank you, Scott

I can tell you about basil carsinoma. I had it on my arm and forehead. It was a very simple procedure performed by my dermatologist. Just a few stiches here and there. I wish you and your father well. Tell him to be sure and follow up with his dermotologist every 6-12 months. Take Care.
When I go to Mass this Sunday, I will light a candle at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in my church for you and your Dad.

I am NOT meaning to be rude by just posting my initial post/request, however, there have not been any updates since the tests were done!

Once again, thank you to each, and EVERY ONE of youfor your thoughts/prayers/support!!
For those of you that know me, I am not 'that close' to my Father. However, I do give him credit, over the past recent years, he has tried to rebuild our relationship.

That being said, he calls me 2 times a week, to 'check in/check up' on how I am doing. Today no exception. HOWEVER, in addition to wanting to know how I was doing, he informed me that he had gone to the doctor's/dermatologist-(a first I had heard of this), and that he had some scrapings taken off his face, and that the dr had informed him that they are/were pre-cancerous.

I thank you for letting me post this!

Your friend

Prayers covered Bob. I've found a lot of love and support of this forum in the past few weeks, (when I needed it most), so I hope I can pay back some love and help put your mind at ease a little.

I had this happen several years ago as well. I had a basal cell carcinoma. (squamaus cell is also very similar). Mine was excised using a Moh's micrographic surgical process. For mine they had to go kind of deep, and it's a pain in the ass, (not in a good way), but it's a common procedure. They typically excise the area and go as deep as they feel they need, to get the entire site cleared. They leave the site open, bandage you and you basically go sit and wait for them to test the portion removed to verify they cleared it all. In my case, they had to go back a second time, but they got all of mine, stitched me up and it was all done in an afternoon. I am healthy as an ox and you would never know I had anything removed in that area. Basal Cell Carcinoma can appear and remain small for a long time, then accelerate in size, but regardless of growth, it doesn't metastisize, (spread to other portions of the body). I kept nicking mine when I was shaving. Once I went to the doctor, and was diagnosed, I freaked a little bit, (who wouldn't). But it's really the most minor (and very common) skin cancer you can get.

If this is the case and your Dad has to have this procedure, I would recommend making sure that the dermatologist that does the procedure is also a plastic surgeon, since it's on his face. I know it sounds a little crazy, but it makes a huge difference in the way they close the incision.

My prayers are with you both! I hope this helped. Please let me know how everything goes!
All my best!
Thank you to everyone that has wished my Dad, and myself well, in time of need...I feel quasi negligent that I have not posted 'more' on the forum, as of late, however, there has been nothing to report, as well, work has me extremely busy....what a '180' they are doing to me!

Once again, thanks!
okay, once again I am asking for support. Here is the situation:

I just texted my 21yo "little Bro"-no blood relation, just a REAL GOOD friend, as he is away at college. I always keep in touch with him, and had not heard from him in awhile by text/call, thus the reason for today. I found out that the reason he had not been in touch, was that he had lost his house in a fire earlier this week, and things, (as you can expect), are ashambles!

Thus, if not prayers, I would ask that you 'think good thoughts' that he gets the right services he needs, as I have tried to guide him, and tell him that 'now' basically is the time to say 'to HELL with my pride', and, if need be, go to the Salvation Army, or Churches

ONCE AGAIN, thanks for listening, and will keep you updated.