Questions for Tyler Continued
Continued from a previous post on this thread
44)I had a bunch of questions to ask you about all of your videos and I had went through all of them making notes about what I wanted to ask you but, I doubt if you can remember all the details of the videos that you've been in so I thought I would just ask a few of them. In the Episode that you did with Derek which I think is the first bi-racial video on the site How did you feel about that video? How did you feel about Derek? Did you really think he was actually cute? Did David force you to make that video against your will? Do you actually enjoy having any kind of sex with someone outside your own race? (I'm not a racist or anything but it had to be a really big change and something that maybe you haven't really done so that is why I am asking those questions)
45) In one of the videos you were in on the site althought it was not included in the actual video it was still given away in a subtle manner that you had rimmed them (I think you know what it means). Did you really want to do that? How much of the stuff you've done was kinda insinuated that you would do it?
46) Have you ever been told that if you didn't do a particular scene or video than you would be out of here and not make anymore money?
47) We have also discovered through searching other porn sites that some of the models here have kind of went out on there own and made there own porn sites so I was wondering if any of the models that have been here ever tried to get you to join them at ya'lls own kinda site? is there any model on this site that you have not been in and episode with rather released or still in the files somewhere?
48) In the very first video that you made here you was at the Miami Car show and you was with your dad so when David and Aiden asked you to hang out with them and you said yes, What did you do with your dad? I hope he's not still at the car show looking for you...hahaha
49) on the third video you was in on this site you bottomed for Aiden and you didn't seem to mind it much and so I was wondering had you at least considered doing the Anal thing with a guy before you did the scene?
50) I really hate to ask this next questions because it brings up some really bad memories for me but, I wanted to know when you were younger did any guys make you do things? I mean it could be lots of things but like did anyone drive you out in the country and tell you what you would have to do or they would just leave you out there? And did anyone ever tell you that if you didn't want to do what they wanted you to do you to do than you would never see your family again? Did anything like any of that ever happen to you?
51) I also don't know how to ask these next questions but was interested to know if you have either a boyfriend, girlfriend or both at this time. I mean it don't matter to me because I would think your still the greatest no matter what but was just curious so asked the question.
52) I was also curious about what you consider to be intimacy? I mean when you are with someone that you really care about in what ways would you be intimate with them? how do you keep that intimacy just between you and them? What do you keep for yourself and the particular one that you don't share?
53) We all know that you have been in lots of videos and so I also wanted to know what do you not do in a video that you would consider doing with only someone you deeply cared about?
54) I also wanted to know how secure you are in your present occupation? Do you see what you do as something that should last for a large number of years of gainful employment?
55) What about politics? I don't normally like to discus politics because everyone has a different oppinion but, I don't mind asking about what you think about the current conditions in the county and how do you think the situation could be improved?
56) Do you consider yourself to be a very religious person? What religious denomination did you grow up in? was your family deeply into religion? If so then how?
57) do you get extra money when one of your upodates get put up> Do you get like royalties if you are in a video that gets widely sold? Do you have to be a member of any union to make porn movies... Like the actors have the screen actors guild, is there a guild for porn films?
58) If a fan wanted to show how much appreciation they have for you and what you mean to us all then what could they do? What would you not mind if a fan sent you as a gift or anything like that? Where would a fan send you something they feel you may like or enjoy....I mean what would be a good place to send something that you were sure to get?
59) I was going to save up some money so that I could buy something like the sheet that Markymark had that he won in the auction for charity but, I was only able to save a thousand bucks so far so was curious to how much the sheet or anything like that would actually sell for? what kind of a price?
60) Out of all the other models who you have personally known on the broikestraight boy site whicyh one was the most like you? Are you and the other models friend? do you ever just hang out together or do stuff together? How is your relationship with the people that you work for? Have you ever seriously considered or did date or spend sexual time together with any of the models or staff away from the actual work place?
--) I decided not to ask the question I was going to put here because I though it might make alot of people mad if I did ask it so I decided that I should just not ask it
61) what was the weirdest thing any fan ever said about you? and what was the greatest?
62) when someone is making a video and being filmed for Broke Straight Boys...How many people are normally in the room besides the ones doing the performing? How many filmers? How many camera operators? and etc?
63) Do you ever talk to your fans by e-mail
I love you
Continued from a previous post on this thread
44)I had a bunch of questions to ask you about all of your videos and I had went through all of them making notes about what I wanted to ask you but, I doubt if you can remember all the details of the videos that you've been in so I thought I would just ask a few of them. In the Episode that you did with Derek which I think is the first bi-racial video on the site How did you feel about that video? How did you feel about Derek? Did you really think he was actually cute? Did David force you to make that video against your will? Do you actually enjoy having any kind of sex with someone outside your own race? (I'm not a racist or anything but it had to be a really big change and something that maybe you haven't really done so that is why I am asking those questions)
45) In one of the videos you were in on the site althought it was not included in the actual video it was still given away in a subtle manner that you had rimmed them (I think you know what it means). Did you really want to do that? How much of the stuff you've done was kinda insinuated that you would do it?
46) Have you ever been told that if you didn't do a particular scene or video than you would be out of here and not make anymore money?
47) We have also discovered through searching other porn sites that some of the models here have kind of went out on there own and made there own porn sites so I was wondering if any of the models that have been here ever tried to get you to join them at ya'lls own kinda site? is there any model on this site that you have not been in and episode with rather released or still in the files somewhere?
48) In the very first video that you made here you was at the Miami Car show and you was with your dad so when David and Aiden asked you to hang out with them and you said yes, What did you do with your dad? I hope he's not still at the car show looking for you...hahaha
49) on the third video you was in on this site you bottomed for Aiden and you didn't seem to mind it much and so I was wondering had you at least considered doing the Anal thing with a guy before you did the scene?
50) I really hate to ask this next questions because it brings up some really bad memories for me but, I wanted to know when you were younger did any guys make you do things? I mean it could be lots of things but like did anyone drive you out in the country and tell you what you would have to do or they would just leave you out there? And did anyone ever tell you that if you didn't want to do what they wanted you to do you to do than you would never see your family again? Did anything like any of that ever happen to you?
51) I also don't know how to ask these next questions but was interested to know if you have either a boyfriend, girlfriend or both at this time. I mean it don't matter to me because I would think your still the greatest no matter what but was just curious so asked the question.
52) I was also curious about what you consider to be intimacy? I mean when you are with someone that you really care about in what ways would you be intimate with them? how do you keep that intimacy just between you and them? What do you keep for yourself and the particular one that you don't share?
53) We all know that you have been in lots of videos and so I also wanted to know what do you not do in a video that you would consider doing with only someone you deeply cared about?
54) I also wanted to know how secure you are in your present occupation? Do you see what you do as something that should last for a large number of years of gainful employment?
55) What about politics? I don't normally like to discus politics because everyone has a different oppinion but, I don't mind asking about what you think about the current conditions in the county and how do you think the situation could be improved?
56) Do you consider yourself to be a very religious person? What religious denomination did you grow up in? was your family deeply into religion? If so then how?
57) do you get extra money when one of your upodates get put up> Do you get like royalties if you are in a video that gets widely sold? Do you have to be a member of any union to make porn movies... Like the actors have the screen actors guild, is there a guild for porn films?
58) If a fan wanted to show how much appreciation they have for you and what you mean to us all then what could they do? What would you not mind if a fan sent you as a gift or anything like that? Where would a fan send you something they feel you may like or enjoy....I mean what would be a good place to send something that you were sure to get?
59) I was going to save up some money so that I could buy something like the sheet that Markymark had that he won in the auction for charity but, I was only able to save a thousand bucks so far so was curious to how much the sheet or anything like that would actually sell for? what kind of a price?
60) Out of all the other models who you have personally known on the broikestraight boy site whicyh one was the most like you? Are you and the other models friend? do you ever just hang out together or do stuff together? How is your relationship with the people that you work for? Have you ever seriously considered or did date or spend sexual time together with any of the models or staff away from the actual work place?
--) I decided not to ask the question I was going to put here because I though it might make alot of people mad if I did ask it so I decided that I should just not ask it
61) what was the weirdest thing any fan ever said about you? and what was the greatest?
62) when someone is making a video and being filmed for Broke Straight Boys...How many people are normally in the room besides the ones doing the performing? How many filmers? How many camera operators? and etc?
63) Do you ever talk to your fans by e-mail
I love you

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