I think today's duo says a lot about the audio. However, I think it may not be the actual audio volume but the fact that Clay speaks in a soft quiet voice...
I'm not too concern with Broke Straight Boys sound quality because I have it to be generally very good. But I know that there are those who do have a very critical ear for higher quality sound. Mine isn't so demanding. My fixation is on authenticity, that is, is what's coming out of the actors' mouth genuine? If I'm fairly persuaded that it is, then I could engage my imagination in over-drive and climax with gusto. But if I'm not persuaded of their authenticity, then I just click to HSBoys and find something else.
I listened to the audio on the Zane Tate/ Jonnie scene and I'm getting to think that it may not be the audio but the quietness of Chucks voice. Maybe he should use one of those radio microphones that commentators use in sport.
Denny Bear..you hit the nail on the head. I have spent my life dealing with audio and a little effort would quickly convert a room to a studio. Add in some additional mics and a mixer and many of the problems will be solved. Better yet, track each mic and then balance it all out in post production. There is little that is more annoying than a performer being off mic. Hope this is constructive to the production crew.
While I know nothing about the technical aspects of recording, what Denny and Chase have said do seem to make sense. And as we've been discussing on another thread, Broke Straight Boys is different from other internet porn sites where the only sounds necessary are moaning and grunting, but here the dialog becomes more important, as we get into the the reality based fantasy of straight boys having gay sex for money, and when the scene and the guys are "right", I do want to hear every word that they say.
rrhill, it doesn't appear so, but that's not to say it is horrible by any means, simply that it's a work in process. I don't think I have ever been satisfied with a completed project no matter how long I have spent on it and yes there are those of us who will never be completely satisfied. The product is not bad, it is good Webmonkey wants excellence.
I'm so glad we can keep these comments and suggestions in this context. The sound quality is decent and apparently it will be improving with the new upgrades. In the past the most annoying thing about the sound was when only the mic on the camera was in use. We could hear Clay's questions very well because he was closer to the mic. But then we struggled to hear what the models were saying in response to the questions.
Also it's annoying when we can't make out the comments the models are making to each other. Part of the thrill for me is when you can hear the utterances of the models when they are in the throes of passion. I remember for instance when I had to rewind several times and jack up the main volume on my computer to the max in order to make out Blake saying, "I wish I could dicksuck myself in the mornings! haha" I wish I could have heard utterances like that in real time because it would have added more enjoyment to the scene the first time around. There have been times that I wished they would have at least subtitled some of the things the models said to each other that the mics didn't pick up. But that issue has gone on since Broke Straight Boys-1 and is not something unique to Broke Straight Boys-2.
I really appreciate the fact that the site has invested in new equipment. That can only help. When we do offer criticism it is only when we want to help to help the site reach a standard of excellence in a particular aspect. It's not that we expect perfection. Perfection would be pleasing absolutely everybody. So that's not never gonna happen. haha Excellence is the most realistic goal. I hope the powers that be will not get their feelings hurt over any suggestions we make. All of us have the same goal, from mgmt on down to the paying subscribers. We just want the site to be the best it can be.
excellence is a realistic goal! perfection not so much!
progress, not perfection is all i ask for.
from the beginning of moving pictures, how to use sound has been an issue.
i simply think that if i am expect to hear sounds, then make them clear.