Well-known Member
I vote a definite yes of course.
Like Slim the thought had occurred to me that even if he had the free time and ability to be scheduled to do more shoots that he might decline on principle. After all, in spite of David's best efforts to sugarcoat it I'm sure he had to have been VERY hurt and not a little bit humiliated by his treatment here at Broke Straight Boys I'm not referring to David but to the fact that none of the other models would work with him. David introduced him to at least a few of the models and they were nice to him to his face. Then David had to tell him that those same guys wouldn't have anything to do with him with his clothes off. It's very sad.
My hope is that David will be able to get him back and his self esteem can be restored. And Josh can feel vindicated that he's still an incredibly handsome guy who shouldn't ever be treated like a freak or a leper. I'm hoping that being asked to come back could be an incredibly positive experience for him. Time will tell...
I absolutely, totally, unquestionably want to see JOSH BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
Tampa, my good friend, you really "HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEAD" (UM, not that head).
David I can't think of a better way to restore Josh's self esteem than to bring him back. I would even encourage you to share with him, what we have all written here.
If the "straight" guys seem put off, then perhaps you can get the "gay" guys to go for it. And since the goal is for our new friend Josh to take it in the end, I doubt any gay guy would say no.
Lastly, David perhaps you can share our thoughts and comments with the "guys" who rejected Josh. Perhaps they might re-evaluate their positions, as did some of our forum friends did.
Live Long and Prosper,