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Pervert is stoopid!!!!


Jun 19, 2009
Reaction score
I am so ashamed ; only a few minutes ago did I discover that not only do I have an inbox, but also 3 messages waiting for me! I've briefly replied, apologised, copied and paste everyone, but just to state for the record ; I firmly believe if someone goes to the trouble of making contact, ignoring them is simply beyond rude and I apologise unreservedly for any offense I may inadvertendly have caused - those were some damn interesting messages I tell you,from interesting and fascinating people I wish to get to know a little better. Again, I'm sorry.

What else have I missed? You see, this is what happens when you only become computer literate (literate? Hah!) in your forties.

It's getting late, I'm typing this directly on the forum page (no spellchecker) and I need my beauty sleep.

Pervert the Stupid
that's ok perv, i got this computer last year when i was 44. AND YES I STILL HATE COMPUTER'S. so you see your not the only one.lolhahahahahahahahahahaha
Where, pray tell, is this 10 random thingy thread? I'm just too damn lazy to search all the posts in all the forums.

Besides, I've just come from work, I'm grumpy.

Duuuuh . . .

I am so ashamed ; only a few minutes ago did I discover that not only do I have an inbox, but also 3 messages waiting for me! I've briefly replied, apologised, copied and paste everyone, but just to state for the record ; I firmly believe if someone goes to the trouble of making contact, ignoring them is simply beyond rude and I apologise unreservedly for any offense I may inadvertendly have caused - those were some damn interesting messages I tell you,from interesting and fascinating people I wish to get to know a little better. Again, I'm sorry.

What else have I missed? You see, this is what happens when you only become computer literate (literate? Hah!) in your forties.

It's getting late, I'm typing this directly on the forum page (no spellchecker) and I need my beauty sleep.

Pervert the Stupid

In box? Whut's that? Try becoming puter literate at 70 . . .
Both of you need to do the 10 Random Things unless you want me to do them for you, and it wouldn't necessarily be pretty.

Go to scorpio's personal profile page (or "public profile" I think it is) and click on "all statistics" or something like that. Then find the threads "started by scorpio". He's initiated several and they're always amusing, but not so many of them that you can't find the 10 Random one quickly.

They're little potted CVs or resumés. Perv and rapper, have a race to see who gets his done first. On your mark boys, get set...

Edit: you get to scorpio's page by clicking on his name. If you can't immediately see a thread he's contributed to and thus where his name appears, go to Members, and then "S" and find him alphabetically.
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Well, if you insist . . .

Both of you need to do the 10 Random Things unless you want me to do them for you, and it wouldn't necessarily be pretty.

Go to scorpio's personal profile page (or "public profile" I think it is) and click on "all statistics" or something like that. Then find the threads "started by scorpio". He's initiated several and they're always amusing, but not so many of them that you can't find the 10 Random one quickly.

They're little potted CVs or resumés. Perv and rapper, have a race to see who gets his done first. On your mark boys, get set...

Edit: you get to scorpio's page by clicking on his name. If you can't immediately see a thread he's contributed to and thus where his name appears, go to Members, and then "S" and find him alphabetically.

I did my home work by looking up scorpio's stuff. Also read quite a few "10 things." Hummmm Lotsa variety. You can expect my 10 things in a day or two . . . rapper
Both of you need to do the 10 Random Things unless you want me to do them for you, and it wouldn't necessarily be pretty.

Go to scorpio's personal profile page (or "public profile" I think it is) and click on "all statistics" or something like that. Then find the threads "started by scorpio". He's initiated several and they're always amusing, but not so many of them that you can't find the 10 Random one quickly.

They're little potted CVs or resumés. Perv and rapper, have a race to see who gets his done first. On your mark boys, get set...

Edit: you get to scorpio's page by clicking on his name. If you can't immediately see a thread he's contributed to and thus where his name appears, go to Members, and then "S" and find him alphabetically.

You can do one for me...... that will be intresting to see ..... seeing you got out of answering some of my Questions by being dumped from the site (accidently) of course .... then pulling the disappearing act ..... and also dumping all yr pvm's lol ........ all very convenient i might add lmao
OOOh by the way Pervert i dont belive yr stupid for a second ....... lol

Just porn crazed...... In life u have to do things in the right order ... downloads first
Kodie's Ten Randoms (by A Fan, with love)

You can do one for me...... that will be intresting to see ..... seeing you got out of answering some of my Questions by being dumped from the site (accidently) of course .... then pulling the disappearing act ..... and also dumping all yr pvm's lol ........ all very convenient i might add lmao

1. The "boy" in Kodieboy is one of my most important attributes, even though I have grown kids.
2. I have a lot of self confidence, which might stem partly from the fact that when I was a teenager I was irresistible to both sexes, and am still pretty damned fucking cute.
3. I chucked my career as chef to be the family carer and consequently have lots of home time to do internet, which is sort of my lifeline to the wide world.
4. My story so far is probably worth a book deal. But I haven't started writing it yet.
5. I consider love to be a natural and necessary part of life, lots of it, and can give endless amounts to offspring, in-laws, pets, partner and friends. And vice versa, of course.
6. The girls are bemused by being, and amused to be, the kids of a gay dad, and just roll their eyes and smile when they see the stuff I download.
7. You haven't seen a quarter of the clips and GIFs I've got in my archive. And I know where to get more. Yes, more and more and more.
8. My ancestors were among the first pommies to arrive in Oz, transported to this terrible wilderness as punishment for some negligible misdemeanor committed in pre-Dickensian England. Go figure. Together they and others like them made it into one of the most sought after bits of the planet to live on and visit.
9. Despite this, I might one day visit slimvintage in Spain. He just sent the invitation to my e-mail addy and I'm thinking about it.
10. My bellybutton is an outie, the best kind.
Ten Randoms from Rapper

Both of you need to do the 10 Random Things unless you want me to do them for you, and it wouldn't necessarily be pretty.

Go to scorpio's personal profile page (or "public profile" I think it is) and click on "all statistics" or something like that. Then find the threads "started by scorpio". He's initiated several and they're always amusing, but not so many of them that you can't find the 10 Random one quickly.

They're little potted CVs or resumés. Perv and rapper, have a race to see who gets his done first. On your mark boys, get set...

Edit: you get to scorpio's page by clicking on his name. If you can't immediately see a thread he's contributed to and thus where his name appears, go to Members, and then "S" and find him alphabetically.

1 71 y/o
2 Bi(?) Fairy from the beginning, but playing straight
3 3xmarried. Current is 30 year platonic marriage. (She doesn't know??)
4 Retired psychiatric social worker
5 Love cars, fixingthings, music, photography, the woods & a willing man.
6 Another married man was a long term companion and kept me sane for years. He's dead now . .
7 Definitely not into cruising, tricks, rough trade, bathrooms, bars & etc.
8 I don't make rules for other people.
9. Life is short, you get one shot; Live it!
10. I forgive amost anything; Once. :001_rolleyes:
1 71 y/o
2 Bi(?) Fairy from the beginning, but playing straight
3 3xmarried. Current is 30 year platonic marriage. (She doesn't know??)
4 Retired psychiatric social worker
5 Love cars, fixingthings, music, photography, the woods & a willing man.
6 Another married man was a long term companion and kept me sane for years. He's dead now . .
7 Definitely not into cruising, tricks, rough trade, bathrooms, bars & etc.
8 I don't make rules for other people.
9. Life is short, you get one shot; Live it!
10. I forgive amost anything; Once. :001_rolleyes:

Has the current, platonic marriage been going on for 30 years, or are you platonically married to a 30 year old?

Has the current, platonic marriage been going on for 30 years, or are you platonically married to a 30 year old?

Well, specifically speaking a 30 year platonic marriage to one who is now 67. A sweet gal, but not having all the equipment I enjoy . . . :scared:
And the ones that do either let the batteries run low or the strap slips...