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Performance Ratings Rights From Wrongs

Damien Kyle

BSB Model
BSB Model
Jan 26, 2013
Reaction score
so as many of you know I try to keep up with everyone's demands and give my all in everything I do. whether it be in front of the camera or behind it. regardless I give the people what the people want! I took a look at the ratings for highest models witch I was quite impressed & disappointed because as you all know if a model has a low performance ratings they most likely wont return to do more scenes. That being said I just wanted to throw it out there that if my ratings proceed to get lower I will no longer be in the studio. just wanted you all to hear it from me instead of you all finding out later on down the road on why I never returned :(. but ima keep my chin up and do what I need to do to keep enjoying my life. & Shout out to my boy Tyler White!! 2nd Highest Model! No pressure bruh if I cant steal the spot light from Mr. Paul Canon Im glad your able too. You've been the best addition to our team so far and for that im very proud of you! its been real guys - Damien Kyle
I know the members like you. I never hear a negative on you. I hope they are making their feeling known on the model page. You and Paul are always busy working the Facebook thing and you answer fan comments. You are an ideal model. Please hang in there and appeal to your fans to let management know their feelings.
I would also like to add that I watched your audition tape on the internet and I was under the impression you were going to be on the upcoming tv show. I hope that is the case. Also it looks to me like you found the "bromance" you were talking about in Paul. Hope you two hade a good vacation.
Just to put my full ignorance on display, I have not the foggiest how to rate a model.

I did see the button for rating a scene, so I guess I'm not totally stupid but I can't find any way to reward an individual model.

Anybody care to clue me in?
until a few days ago, blake was number two. following the model performance rating is like following stocks. some rise and then fall away. some stay steady and lose ground.
my dear Damien is not rated as high as I might like, he would be in the top 20 among current models. he is in 3 or 4 of the top 15 episodes and a large number of above 4.0 episodes.
as I write, Damien continues to move up and paul is number 2.
rate the model, someone is counting on you!
go to the boy section at the top of the page and find your favorite model. click on the model and on the models page you will see 5 stars. click on 1 thru 5 for the number of stars you want to rate that model.
on every episode page, you will see the name of each model in that episode. if you click on the name, you go to the model's page
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Just to put my full ignorance on display, I have not the foggiest how to rate a model.

I did see the button for rating a scene, so I guess I'm not totally stupid but I can't find any way to reward an individual model.

Anybody care to clue me in?
Click "Boys" at the top of the home page. Find the model you are looking for. (Damien is on Page 3.) Click the model and on the upper left is a place to rate him. Please do that if you would like to see this nice guy stay
I actually don't know why Damien specifically gets so upset about ratings and what we score him. Every person likes different models and it's impossible to please everyone. Damien is amazing and always give 110% and he should never feel like he's not appreciated. I don't know what else he could do because it all boils down to members taste and not everyone will love one model. I hope Damien sticks around. We have already lost lots of great Broke Straight Boys models recently like Blake and Adam and Brandon just to name a few and I would hate to lose Damien to.
ok, figured it out.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to explain the obvious to this confused newbie.
It seems to me that the rating system should be segregated between current models and past models no longer working for Broke Straight Boys You could have a section of "Highest Ratings for Current Models". Then have a section of "Highest Ratings for Past Models" or a section of "Highest Ratings for All Models". I think it would be a fairer reflection of what the current membership thinks of the current models in comparison to each other and their performances with each other.
Damien you know by now that you are one of the best/favorite models to appear on Broke Straight Boys in the last two years. Regardless of where your ratings as an individual model are (my top fav) on a business side, they couldn't get rid of you it wouldn't make sense. I can't seem to find this "list" of top rated models, but someone told me whose on it and some have been gone forever. I must say I agree with Stowe on how the rating system should work. Again don't worry about the "list" your not going anywhere anytime soon!! I'm sending you a hug buddy thats what you really need. haha Peter
Damien is a great model to shoot and work with...always the professional and brings his all to the set each and every time- I couldn't be more pleased with a model. Everyone has their own taste as far as the ration system goes...I'm SO proud to have coached up a guy like Tyler... He came in nervous, unsure and worried. He trusted me and just went for it 100%...and isn't done yet. He actually learned and took a lot out of his scenes while working with Damien, if you recall how things went. Do NOT worry...NEITHER model is going anywhere! I expect Damien to be around as long as he chooses to - he's a GREAT guy and an important part of our TEAM!! Notice I said TEAM...yes there Sre individual ratings, but we work and operate as both a team and a family...I'm glad to be a part of it.
Johnny Robins
Damien is a great model to shoot and work with...always the professional and brings his all to the set each and every time- I couldn't be more pleased with a model. Everyone has their own taste as far as the ration system goes...I'm SO proud to have coached up a guy like Tyler... He came in nervous, unsure and worried. He trusted me and just went for it 100%...and isn't done yet. He actually learned and took a lot out of his scenes while working with Damien, if you recall how things went. Do NOT worry...NEITHER model is going anywhere! I expect Damien to be around as long as he chooses to - he's a GREAT guy and an important part of our TEAM!! Notice I said TEAM...yes there Sre individual ratings, but we work and operate as both a team and a family...I'm glad to be a part of it.
Johnny Robins
Thanks for chiming in on this Johnny, as I've always felt that Damien takes these "ratings" a bit more seriously than he needs to, as it is obvious how popular he is, and how much love the fans have for him. And based on what I read about which models will be attending the Pride events this year, Damien & Paul seem to be the one's who will be out representing for Broke Straight Boys, and I know if I were visiting an event this year, they are the "dynamic duo" that I would most want to meet and greet this year.

I sure hope that your words Johnny, have alleviated Damien's concerns. He is hot, sexy and genuine and beloved by the Broke Straight Boys fans. More power to you Damien. :thumbup:
I'm sending you a hug buddy thats what you really need. haha Peter

Maybe that's the issue, instead of stars, we need to vote in hugs like Peter did. Although thinking about it, how about if we "voted" in the number of blowjobs the model should get....hmmmm, just thinking out loud....:par13:
Damien, I understand you posting your concerns in the forum. However, you have to consider that the ratings are posted not only by us here, but also a whole other group of viewers many of whom post anonymously. If you scroll down the scene pages, you will also notice some can be rather rude in their comments. I remember a certain member who, if one of his favorites was not in the scene, would automatically rate the scene a "1" as well as give a "thumbs down" to all the comments posted. I post pics and vids on three other sites and the rating issue always comes up in those as well. I've learned to not pay attention to the ratings anymore.

Damien, don't be discouraged by the ratings. Listen to what your friends here in the forum have to share about you and with you.

Uncle Lou
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I think Damien Kyle just wanted a confidence booster. Take no notice of the ratings Damien or anyone. I have learnt to ignore what appears on the popular films page as it can change from day to day. If you're pleased with your own performance then that should be good enough. Of course it always helps to get praise from the members, but don't demand them: they will come naturally. x
I take these ratings seriously just like the rest of the models becuase even you guys know. If your rating is shitty why would they want to keep me out in the studio to do more scenes...theres no point. Im not begging or demanding anythjng just leting u all know that if my rating proceed to keep going down. Broke Straight Boys will not want to keep puting me in scenes....because clearly to you all my performance sucks... so theres no point. I just wanted to be the first to let u all know and how to fix it so Broke Straight Boys actually does keep me around. Right now I honestly feel like the mascost for Broke Straight Boys being able to chill with the top 20 models....that im not even in...yes im very disapointed but im sure some more people will be too when they dont want me there anymore....
I take these ratings seriously just like the rest of the models becuase even you guys know. If your rating is shitty why would they want to keep me out in the studio to do more scenes...theres no point. Im not begging or demanding anythjng just leting u all know that if my rating proceed to keep going down. Broke Straight Boys will not want to keep puting me in scenes....because clearly to you all my performance sucks... so theres no point. I just wanted to be the first to let u all know and how to fix it so Broke Straight Boys actually does keep me around. Right now I honestly feel like the mascost for Broke Straight Boys being able to chill with the top 20 models....that im not even in...yes im very disapointed but im sure some more people will be too when they dont want me there anymore....

Gosh "Biscuit", I personally don't rely upon the numbers to know how I feel about a model, especially YOU! I know that these "numbers" have been a "bone of contention" in your eyes for a long time. For what it's worth, new faces and new models may come and go! A lot are excited by "The New Best Things" in Life! While other's (to include myself) continue to appreciate; familiar,reliable, dependable...no matter what! I'd say, you are those things! While I cannot speak for others, I can definitely say...YOU EARNED YOUR SPOT as my favorite model through your performances, personality and TEAM SPIRIT a long time ago! I will always be a devoted fan....no matter what the NUMBERS say!
Damien is a great model to shoot and work with...always the professional and brings his all to the set each and every time- I couldn't be more pleased with a model. He actually learned and took a lot out of his scenes while working with Damien, if you recall how things went. Do NOT worry...NEITHER model is going anywhere! I expect Damien to be around as long as he chooses to - he's a GREAT guy and an important part of our TEAM!! Notice I said TEAM...yes there are individual ratings, but we work and operate as both a team and a family...I'm glad to be a part of it.
Johnny Robins

Thank you Johnny for jumping in to clarify this and hopefully giving a boost of confidence to Damien.

Damien, your scenes always rate well and I dare say that few models try as hard as you do to please your audience. :) That much is obvious to anyone who looks at your progression and the consistent high quality of work and effort that you bring to your scenes. As for the ratings, as Mikey says, you can only reach so many people through the forum. There are a majority of members who don't even participate here. Your scenes themselves almost always rate in the low to high 4's. So you can take much satisfaction and comfort in that. I too am very relived to hear that you will still be around regardless of what some model rating may say.
Damien is a great model to shoot and work with...always the professional and brings his all to the set each and every time- I couldn't be more pleased with a model. Everyone has their own taste as far as the ration system goes...I'm SO proud to have coached up a guy like Tyler... He came in nervous, unsure and worried. He trusted me and just went for it 100%...and isn't done yet. He actually learned and took a lot out of his scenes while working with Damien, if you recall how things went. Do NOT worry...NEITHER model is going anywhere! I expect Damien to be around as long as he chooses to - he's a GREAT guy and an important part of our TEAM!! Notice I said TEAM...yes there Sre individual ratings, but we work and operate as both a team and a family...I'm glad to be a part of it.
Johnny Robins

I take these ratings seriously just like the rest of the models becuase even you guys know. If your rating is shitty why would they want to keep me out in the studio to do more scenes...theres no point. Im not begging or demanding anythjng just leting u all know that if my rating proceed to keep going down. Broke Straight Boys will not want to keep puting me in scenes....because clearly to you all my performance sucks... so theres no point. I just wanted to be the first to let u all know and how to fix it so Broke Straight Boys actually does keep me around. Right now I honestly feel like the mascost for Broke Straight Boys being able to chill with the top 20 models....that im not even in...yes im very disapointed but im sure some more people will be too when they dont want me there anymore....
Damien, Please read what Johnny said about you. He said that you are not going anywhere and that he expects you to be around as long as you choose to. He is the man shooting the scenes, and Sha who is very high up there in the BluMedia hierarchy often chooses you to be one of the stars of the Broke Straight Boys Pride events, so please "chill out" Damien. The higher-ups all love you and want you to continue representing Broke Straight Boys

Also please keep in mind that we can all only vote once, so to continue to remind us here on the forum is pointless, unless someone has not yet voted at all. And at one time Mark had a staff member known as WebMonkey who told us that they do look at ratings, but it is only one factor in determining if a model will keep filming scenes. Management also read emails and private messages, but the most important factor is the "hits" on the scenes, so please Damien try to get over the "ratings" aspect, which are not truly scientific ratings as television ratings, or political polls are. The ratings here are random, whenever a member notices the voting system, and they sometimes use them to promote their own personal agenda.

As long as Johnny, Sha and Mark like you, and your fans react to you so positively on the forums, and on twitter and facebook, you are in solid with Broke Straight Boys and I do not see you leaving here for a long time, unless you choose too. Please get over it Damien, you are extremely popular and loved by your fans. Embrace the love and ignore those who do not consider you their favorite. You can never control people's feelings about you, but the one's who love you REALLY do love you.

I've been on this forum since 2008, and I swear to you that you are in the top four or five in popularity among the forumites over the years. Again, please don't focus on any negativity, but embrace your popularity. You are the king on the top of the Broke Straight Boys mountain!!!:thumbup:
Dear Damien
If your not in the top 5 and Paul is not number 1 there has to be something wrong with the voter system.
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