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Paul in Long Beach


BSB Model
BSB Model
Feb 9, 2013
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So as all of you may know, I made the trip across the continent to California to visit Long Beach for their pride event over the weekend and might I say, it was quite interesting. I kind of knew what to expect with having been here on the forum for the past few months.

I met a lot of current fans and also made some new ones. Like Adam said in his post, we didn't have too much time to ourselves once the even started. From the crack of dawn, until the wee hours of the morning we relentlessly promoted Broke Straight Boys and what we're about. There were a lot of very colorful people there too. And I don't mean rainbows, I'm talking burly men, princess faries, butch lesbians, THE HOTTEST GIRLS IVE SEEN IN MONTHS, and everything in between.

My trip started extremely early Friday at about 4am when I left to the airport to catch my 6am flight to meet up with the one and only Sha in Atlanta's gigantic airport. Then we continued on to LA to meet with Adam and Kellan from College Dudes and start the weekend finally. We checked in at the hotel and made our way to find a place to get some grub and get to know eachother. The rest of the day was mostly spent settling down and resting for the next day because we had to be up and out before 8am. Friday night was also when Brandon joined us because he is sort of local to Long Beach.

Saturday started with breakfast at Jack in the Box which is a new thing for me considering I've never even seen one before. I was throroughly pleasedand stuffed to the gills with food to get me through the day haha. After breakfast we made our way to the event to set up our booth. The day went well and we all got a bit of sun, but nothing I've never roughed through before considering I'm from FL haha. Saturday ended with us closing up shop and running to Denny's before crashing back at the hotel to do it all over again the next day.

Sunday, we got about an hour more to sleep in because we were able to keep most of our things at the booth. Sunday was a lot busier than the day before because they held their pride parade which ran everyone right into the event afterwards. Like Saturday, Sunday was long and sunny, with a cool ocean breeze coming off the Pacific. We got to meet a lot of new people again as well as some we had seen and got to know the day before. I also met a few really cool people Sunday that stuck out in my mind more than Saturday. One was the owner of the first Marijuana dispensary in California. He was a really animated older guy wearing all black and had the swaggg of a miltiplatinum rap artist. The other was also an older guy who has faught cancer with HIV and is alive today to tell his story and bless others with his optimism and motivation. He caught my eye from a good distance away and I wasn't going to say anything at first, but found myself walking towards him to congratulate him on his perserverence and strength. He was such a great guy, and believe it or not, had also done porn, met the President, and even does celebrity impersonations on the side.

All in all, Long Beach will forever have a special place in the back of my mind as the first of many pride events I will attend in my life time. I really enjoyed myself and even got to know myself better as an individual. I appreciate any questions or comments on the matter and look forward to the next few weeks. NEXT STOP, ORLANDO!

Peace, Love, and Lots of lube,
Paul Canon
I am in love with you , crazy guy. I wish you nothing but love
It's always nice to hear from models and learn about their Pride experiences. I really enjoyed reading about yours. It seems like you had an amazing time and met some amazing and unique people.
Thanks for taking the time to share your experience with us.
Looks and sounds like u had a great time glad you enjoyed it
It's always nice to hear from models and learn about their Pride experiences. I really enjoyed reading about yours. It seems like you had an amazing time and met some amazing and unique people.
Thanks for taking the time to share your experience with us.

not a prooblem..this is a quick summary, but i cover the main seam of what we DID at pride..i would go back every day if i could
thanks a lot jon..it was a lot of fun! we even made some new friends we will be seeing at west hollywood pride in a few weeks

Wish I could get over dude but nowadays it's so fucking expensive. I keep trying to contact you on F4F but you're hardly on.. Shit to time difference.. Love you loads ... and I'm gay xx
Paul, thank you for summarizing your Long Beach pride experience for us. Living in another part of the world means the places you visit and the things you see are new and interesting to me, and I appreciate you sharing.

Glad you had a good time and keep on posting. :001_smile:
Paul, thank you for summarizing your Long Beach pride experience for us. Living in another part of the world means the places you visit and the things you see are new and interesting to me, and I appreciate you sharing.

Glad you had a good time and keep on posting. :001_smile:

The same applies to you too Grace. I'd love to come to your lil island, as long as you protected me from those man eating Tazzies.

This band are amongst my favs of the 80s.

The same applies to you too Grace. I'd love to come to your lil island, as long as you protected me from those man eating Tazzies.

Interestingly Jon, in Tasmania you could find loads of men who literally love eating other men...and other fun skin on skin activities...lol. No protection from me needed, you could probably even toss out Grindr.

We have a quite large number of gay men and women in almost all areas and workforces. Being "clean green" the island attracts lots of minority and alternate groups...not sure why that is, but I love that it does. :smile:

Sorry, Paul, a bit off topic.
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I am SO BUMMED that NYC is NOT being factored into the Pride mix at all this year!!! This time I WILL be in town for it seeing as I missed Pride last year and consequently missed you guys too!!
I am SO BUMMED that NYC is NOT being factored into the Pride mix at all this year!!! This time I WILL be in town for it seeing as I missed Pride last year and consequently missed you guys too!!
I was there last year Donner, and I share your disappointment. Jason and Blake were so cool last year. I also met Denver and Cole from College Dudes

I would love to add Paul & Adam or Graham or Damien to the list of Broke Straight Boys that I have met. Maybe they will have a last minute cancellation elsewhere and they can make a return visit.
The same applies to you too Grace. I'd love to come to your lil island, as long as you protected me from those man eating Tazzies.

This band are amongst my favs of the 80s.

What a great song. My partner had the same mullet haircut as the guitar player and I sported the rat tail. I believe circa 1989 man that was while ago.
I am SO BUMMED that NYC is NOT being factored into the Pride mix at all this year!!! This time I WILL be in town for it seeing as I missed Pride last year and consequently missed you guys too!!

If I'm able to I will be going to pride in NYC on my own as I am somewhat local and I've been wanting to go to NY so you may get lucky!
If I'm able to I will be going to pride in NYC on my own as I am somewhat local and I've been wanting to go to NY so you may get lucky!
If you do attend Paul, please tell us a time and place where your fans might be able to meet you, as it is a huge event with probably tens of thousands of participants. Perhaps we can set up an unofficial Broke Straight Boys locale to meet one another. That would be very cool. :thumbup1:
You being you, I know you had a good time because I don't think it matters all that much where you are you are definitely going to enjoy yourself as you enjoy life.

Would I be correct that Sha or someone was there filming a BTS episode? If so, then perhaps we will get to see just what a good time you had and those around you too.