Ah, Dear Jamostar ~
I must sincerely apologize, in advance, for any angst or offence I might cause you, in what follows. We aren't personally acquainted, and, for all I know, you are doubtless a very nice person! And I am not wanting to treat you as LESS than the nice person that I am sure you are, or as some sort of "straw man" ~ all I should like to do is set some of your propositions, alight ;-)))) I really did think I was all finished, and done, with the whole "bareback" subject, but since you waved the red rag, in front of the bull. . . you've convinced me that a couple of further clauses need to be appended, to the previous discourse on this subject ;-)
Jamo, some fights are worth fighting; and some points are worth
making; not out of any
ad hominem prejudice or antipathy; but sheerly because of the significance of
what is at stake, you see. And you have, Jamo, adduced some SUBSTANTIVE propositions which cry out for a modest rejoinder; therefore, a rejoinder shall be given to you ~ in the spirit of the greatest respect, I trust you shall both know, and realize. (And I thank you for your patience.)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sr53o-wbaAw ;
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yi4IPXgnIyA ;
And, Jamo, as a preliminary (but not entirely idle) metaphorical, and metaphysical, reflection: I submit to you that life itself is a
little like the ancient, atavistic, spectacle, of the BULLFIGHT. An arena in which each of us is brought face-to-face, each and every day, with danger, and RISK, and in which the outcome is never ENTIRELY certain. An arena in which each of us hopes he will emerge as the handsome and courageous Jairo Miguel, triumphant and LAUDED; but in which the opposite outcome is always possible, and lurking.
I'll give you a small
hint as to my disposition, Jamo, before embarking upon my more fulsome exposition of this subject. While I agree with both Ernest Hemingway, and with Generalissimo Francisco Franco, that the bullfight is at once manly, noble, bracing, and supremely
exciting, I ALSO think it is not quite consonant with the highest ideals, of
civilized society. Rather, I suppose that real civilization consists chiefly in the relinquishment of a little excitement, in favour of a great deal more LOVE, for one's fellow-man.
Should you and your friends have ears, by all means, let them hear.
This debate, about barebacking, has been long and heated, and (let us be clear) shall ALWAYS occasion conflict - as all matters that prompt sincere and passionate differences of opinion, always do.
Though I am sure that, from sheer fatigue, the intensity of the battle will, in time, flicker, and wane, I know that the INNER struggles and hurts this rupture has caused, will go on and on. I am sure that the tone of
conversation shall return to its normal cordiality; and all things will SEEM to have returned to "normal". But, in reality, they shall not, and will not. For, the "new normal" is something which will trouble many of us, as long as we live. And, I'll explicate.
THE FACT IS, Jamo, and others who have made this point in the recent past are quite correct (and I ought to be fair, I don't mean to single out Jamo entirely ~ he was simply COURAGEOUS enough to say openly what many others feel, and for this, he deserves great credit: honesty is always admirable):
THIS PARTICULAR battle is over. As it were, "Das lied ist aus."
So far as I am aware, there is no longer ANY quality gay site, in the world, to which one might subscribe, which does NOT include unprotected sex as a regular staple of its offerings. (I am not aware of even a BAD gay site which offers solely protected sex, in its
repertoire. So, that moment in the gay story is over: Jamo and his friends have triumphed, conclusively, and EVERYWHERE.
And, unless one were to profess absolute celibacy, and relinquish the pleasures of the flesh altogether (sitting in some lonely cell, reading the works of St. Augustine, or ancient Buddhist koans) there is literally nowhere to go, for anyone who would prefer to see the lads who entertain us protected, in the way we always thought they ought to be. I would say to Jamo, and others of his ilk, as you celebrate your victory, and call on those who feel angst about it, to simply QUIT the sites (and abandon all the models, and the friends they love): this is not an awfully charitable response.
I suppose I shall do my best to be a gracious LOSER ~ since I (and others who think as I do, have clearly lost this battle, and have no choice): but - are the victors now prepared to be gracious WINNERS, and cease to GLOAT, over the victory they've won? More to the point, are they SO CERTAIN, that they are RIGHT??? Aye, there's the rub, and there's the question that will catch the conscience of. . . anyone who HAS a conscience: which, in today's consumer society, is no longer a majority. (If it ever was.)
From MY side of this debate (though I have friends on BOTH sides of the fence, and love them dearly, on EITHER side) I will READILY concede that, much further wringing of hands, and gnashing of teeth, is futile. And even worse than futile, as (at least for now) such angst disrupts the fun, and sheer CONVIVIALITY of sites like this.
And I'll admit, I am one of those to BLAME, for this! All of us, on this side, have flogged this horse so hard, and DESPERATELY, it's almost time to think about dismounting ;-)
Another KIND of comment I dislike, from MY side of this debate, is this: "I CAN'T respect this model any longer - X, or Y, or Z - because he's chosen to submit to this regime, without conventional protection." Well - really, guys? WHAT friend has ANY of us EVER had, whom we'd stop loving, just because he took a risk we wouldn't? THAT is NOT how friendship WORKS.
Because, if you have a friend, and love him (or her) ~ the very DEFINTION of such friendship is simply that you LOVE THAT PERSON, through thick and thin. Of course you give them your advice, and best ideas, but if they disagree, and do something different, you don't EXILE them. You JUST KEEP LOVING THEM.
AND, as I have said before, I DO believe that
Broke Straight Boys is offering models (and insisting on) the best tests possible (which is VERY good) and in SOME cases, may help models even MORE than condoms, in terms of safety. Hopefully, in MOST cases (as long as the regime is TIGHT and STRICT) as much as condoms. (And condoms, though they're good, are not infallible.)
So, it's certainly MY hope (I'm sure yours too) that ALL our models will come through their
Broke Straight Boys experience, just fine. And, I DO believe that
Broke Straight Boys is doing its very BEST, in this regard. (And I really, really, thank them for this.)
*Though, I would like to see each model who appears here vaccinated ALSO, for hepatitis "A", and "B". If we had an assurance that this were done as well, I'd feel much, much, better. (For the record, because my boyfriend likes to rim, I am vaccinated for BOTH.)
It's been argued in this space, before, that bareback sex on this (and other sites) has NOT been undertaken in response to clear requests from members. I agree with JAMO - this is something MEMBERS have requested, here and everywhere: and now they've gotten it, in spades. COMMERCE is the impulse driving this and every other site: if people didn't bay and cry for bareback CONSTANTLY ~ here and on CF, SC, and
Bel Ami and EVERYWHERE - it wouldn't happen.
money won this battle. Things have, I think, changed a lot, since complex retroviral therapy was introduced. Kids today think HIV is like a headache ~ take two aspirin, and everything is FINE. They like bareback sex because they are not afraid of illness, like some older gay men are - they know that "condomless" FEELS good, and so they want to SEE it, and DEMAND to see it. (Even though, on film, they don't see much.)
As I've said before, a bareback scene and condomed scene, can hardly be DISCERNED from one another, visually. The cock is buried, in either one of them. But kids demand the FANTASY. So many of them, like little
matadors, DEMAND. . . THE. . . RISK. They're not content with simple
BEAUTY; they want
And there's still risk, of notable extent. Not because our friends, at
Broke Straight Boys, aren't working HARD to keep the models safe, with all the tests (and GOOD ones) that they have at their disposal. (Which hopefully are going to see our friends like Blake and Paul and Jason, through the storm. I am COUNTING on it!)
No, because, you guys - a VIRUS isn't an INERT ELEMENT, like HELIUM or XENON, for goodness' sake! VIRUSES are complex agents that are, by definition, malleable, genetically. Where did HIV come from? It wasn't ALWAYS there ~ though it's suprisingly old ~ but it didn't always bother HUMANS: it EVOLVED.
So look, when you start thrusting hard at anal tissues (amongst the tenderest and most easily damaged in the human body), and SATURATING them in semen (a natural vehicle for the transmission of all sorts of viruses and bacteria): it is ALWAYS a bit dicey, guys.
Sure, we have tests for the most common of the STD's at this point (even including the "quick and effective" one for HIV that
Broke Straight Boys is using). . . but that doesn't mean it's all easy, and safe, and we can just
relax and have a sandwich. Because, bacteria and viruses are
MOVING TARGETS, ladies and gentlemen, and they aren't just
sitting still just because we have tests for their
superannuated cousins.
And, I don't know if I have to get a virologist on here to talk some sense into some of the happily oblivious starry-eyed (and horny) KIDS on here, but: the MORE RISKY and UNPROTECTED SEX that goes on (not just on gay sites, but in LIFE, generally) the more danger there is that dangerous infections evolve, multiply, and do their worst.
The point is - viruses have EVOLVED with us. And they LIKE us! And, if we give them the maximum opportunity to evolve, replicate, and infect us ~ they
will reciprocate the favour.
I am sad to say (Jamo, and all you bareback enthusiasts) ~ you guys may well be taking us (by the force of your pocketbooks, and SPENDING POWER)
back to the future : right back to the days when HIV and AIDS FIRST became a deadly crisis.
Sure, we are so lucky - we now have complex drug therapies which (for many, but not all) can contain HIV as a chronic illness, for significant periods of time. Believe me, I love (and rejoice for) EVERY SINGLE friend whose HIV is being successfully managed. But, ladies and gentlemen, "managed" is the word - and SO MANY people get to the point (even in TODAY'S circumstances) where the drug "cocktails" either become too toxic for the liver and other organs to BEAR, any longer; or to the point that the virus in their body becomes RESISTANT, to the drugs they are using for treatment :-(((
On a world scale, and on a personal scale, HIV is STILL beating us, as a human race, and we have
not yet found the answer. I hope we DO! But, in the meantime, people who are decent; people who CARE about each other; have got to try and TAKE CARE of each other.
I believe that
Broke Straight Boys is trying its best, as a site. I am just not sure if it is good enough, because of all the imponderables. And I do not like the risk of "imponderables", besetting people whom we truly love.
Somebody said, on one of the boards, something to the effect that, "Oh, all you guys who complain so much about all this, because you THINK YOU are the MODELS' friends, you should know, you ARE NOT - and this is just a BUSINESS, after all, so just grow up and GET OVER IT." I particularly dislike and reject this argument, for TWO reasons.
#1: Because in my own little personal life (yes, even here, way up at the North Pole) I have been fortunate enough to have TWO great friends who were once models in gay erotic film. One was a famous gay Canadian model; one was a celebrated Russian one. (A straight guy who was PRETENDING to be gay, as per the conventions of Russian erotica, which are, for the most part, precisely the opposite of those at
Broke Straight Boys ~ LOL!!!) Both are now happily retired. The Russian one is married, and has lovely children. And both insisted on condom use, throughout their filmic careers.
These men ARE my friends, and they are HUMAN BEINGS. What's more, they are nice, they are kind, and business be damned (!!!), while both DID the work because they NEEDED it, and I feel they did their fans a stellar service by way of giving them inspiration and comfort and happiness, they deserved to be safe and well-protected while at work: and I can't imagine (humanity being what it is) that the models at
Broke Straight Boys are so much different; and. . . .
#2: Perhaps it's just my personal prejudice, but I think it behooves us to treat even STRANGERS as our friends. As people who have their own lovely lives, and joys, and sorrows, and friends, and families to go home to. And who among us would say to a
construction worker, or humble window-washer. . . "It's so much more EXCITING when you take that helmet off - so PLEASE take that helmet off!"
For the management at
Broke Straight Boys, that helmet is better testing. For some of us older chaps, that helmet is a condom, as WELL as testing. All I think, is that we ought to be AWARE, and CARE, about ALL of this.
Because, as I shall never tire of saying, MODELS are PEOPLE, TOO - just like you and me. They live, they breathe, they hurt, they bleed - and this is NOT a job "just like any other." Our models take great risks to help us out, with a little joy and weekly inspiration - and not only with their health, but with their self-esteem and (in this Puritanical society) their reputations.
Even if, and perhaps ESPECIALLY IF, we do not KNOW THEM, we ought to thank them, care for them, and treat them as our friends. This is NOT just one more commercial proposition - every model here - including those you may like LEAST, is sticking his neck out, JUST for US.
In this regard, I'd say to Jamo, and to others who think similarly, YES: when models whom we love and treasure, like
JASON, BLAKE, or PAUL, weigh the information given them, and decide to take the risk on "bareback scenes", OF COURSE, for those who care for them, it's a big, big, deal. And people WILL discuss this, and express their worries and their care for guys we care about.
If we DIDN'T, we'd be LESS than HUMAN, and anyone might rightly wonder if our
consciences were amputated. I would ADD to that, we ought to worry just as much for EVERY MODEL. And we ought to worry, when EVERY model RIMS, whether he's been vaccinated.
When I found out that
JASON was about to star in a bareback video. . . it really gave me pause, because,
I LOVE JASON, SO. So I didn't get much done at work on Friday. By and large, the day was given over, to sorting out my feelings, and deciding what I would or wouldn't say, here - especially in light of Jamo's post.
Of course, I'm
hopeful. Mostly hopeful that the tests that
Broke Straight Boys is using are as good as claimed. Hopeful all the testing will be well-applied. And hopeful that diseases that these tests are meant to test for, won't evolve too quickly.
But, in truth, I am also just a little SAD. Sad that all of this is NECESSARY - all this worry. Not JUST at
Broke Straight Boys, but EVERYWHERE, this is down to gay men EVERYWHERE, who DEMAND that this be done. I am not quite sure how they are able, to square their passion for these little moments, with their consciences. . . . :-((((
Here, I have to pay a little tribute, to Jon from Liverton. He inquired about the evidence, and looked within himself, and changed his mind about this matter, and told us so. That took COURAGE, and I admire him for it. (Thank you, Jon - I have gained a new respect for you.)
Let me bring this home, and bring it to a close. All of this is very personal, to me.
I'm an older guy, who's blessed to have a younger boyfriend. (Who is good and kind and beautiful, in every way.) I met him just because he'd grown tired of people using him, for just his looks. He wanted to be loved, for all the good that's in him.
Formerly, my boyfriend used to "do it" without condoms, and saw nothing wrong with it. "I never did it with a drug addict, or someone who was. . . promiscuous!", he said. Very gently, I explained the risks. He knows that, were he ever positive, I would never seek another, or reject him. (I'd just TAKE CARE of him.) He ALSO knows that anal sex without a condom, will not HAPPEN. Just because, I told him, "SOMEONE must take care of you, and if I'm to do it, that's a problem we don't need."
He accepted that, and changed his mind about protection. I wouldn't mind if others changed their minds, as he did - but I have no illusions.
It's very clear, a certain era's done, in gay experience. Certain kinds of caution feel superfluous, to younger folk, and ARE superfluous to folk who just don't care. Though I hope that all will be OK, I fear a little; just because, life's tragedies are whimsical and errant ~ they stem, so often, from decisions hardly rising to the bar of 'sentience'. And life is so unfair, sometimes.
Trudging to my office, through the Friday sludge, I was sad. And thought a lot, on all of this. That is really all I have to say.
"Everytime we say goodbye" ~ Annie Lennox
"Adagio for organ and strings" ~ Albinoni