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Paul Canon, you are SERIOUSLY COOL :-)))


BSB Addict
Jul 15, 2009
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Hey, Paul,

Maybe this is a breach of protocol, BUT. . . I wanted to just step aside, a moment, from all the great threads BY and ABOUT you, and say, "THANK YOU."

I am proud to be an early Paul Canon adopter ~ LOL!!! When I saw your first solo on here, I didn't have to think: I just clicked "favourite", right away. There was no decision to be made. I thought, "I am gonna LOVE that guy", and I was right! :)

Way back also, I BEGGED to get you talking on the forum. Some said, "Maybe he's too straight! Maybe he's too shy!" I didn't care! I was totally intrigued to get to know you, just a little better.

Now, thanks to Broke Straight Boys and YOU, all my fondest dreams in that regard, have been FULLY REALIZED. Not only are you cute, and sweet, and SEXY-PLUS. . . Paul, you ought to know that you are a living, breathing, ICON of COOLNESS ;-)))

Since you have started chatting on the forum, I've read all your posts with great appreciation, marvelling at your maturity, and kindness, and awesome sense of humour. Honestly, it BLEW ME AWAY when, in the thread about your latest, STELLAR video with JASON, you said, "Wow, I really appreciate this, but so much of the credit belongs to JASON, and I hope he gets to read all this!"

Paul, that is the coolest, CLASSIEST thing I have ever heard ANY model say about another model, on this or any OTHER site. You are simply a wonderful, wonderful person - aside from your beauty and wildly fantastic performances: you are someone who is a JOY to KNOW: even at a distance.

I know that I (and all your fans) will never get over thanking you, for showing up at Broke Straight Boys, to make our days a little brighter! THANK YOU, PAUL.

Your fan,
"A" :))))

"You're the TOP" - well, this time, I guess you really were ~ LOL!!!
I agree Paul is a wonderful addition and should influence the other models.
Hey, Paul,

Maybe this is a breach of protocol, BUT. . . I wanted to just step aside, a moment, from all the great threads BY and ABOUT you, and say, "THANK YOU."

I am proud to be an early Paul Canon adopter ~ LOL!!! When I saw your first solo on here, I didn't have to think: I just clicked "favourite", right away. There was no decision to be made. I thought, "I am gonna LOVE that guy", and I was right! :)

Way back also, I BEGGED to get you talking on the forum. Some said, "Maybe he's too straight! Maybe he's too shy!" I didn't care! I was totally intrigued to get to know you, just a little better.

Now, thanks to Broke Straight Boys and YOU, all my fondest dreams in that regard, have been FULLY REALIZED. Not only are you cute, and sweet, and SEXY-PLUS. . . Paul, you ought to know that you are a living, breathing, ICON of COOLNESS ;-)))

Since you have started chatting on the forum, I've read all your posts with great appreciation, marvelling at your maturity, and kindness, and awesome sense of humour. Honestly, it BLEW ME AWAY when, in the thread about your latest, STELLAR video with JASON, you said, "Wow, I really appreciate this, but so much of the credit belongs to JASON, and I hope he gets to read all this!"

Paul, that is the coolest, CLASSIEST thing I have ever heard ANY model say about another model, on this or any OTHER site. You are simply a wonderful, wonderful person - aside from your beauty and wildly fantastic performances: you are someone who is a JOY to KNOW: even at a distance.

I know that I (and all your fans) will never get over thanking you, for showing up at Broke Straight Boys, to make our days a little brighter! THANK YOU, PAUL.

Your fan,
"A" :))))

"You're the TOP" - well, this time, I guess you really were ~ LOL!!!

Once again, Ambi, you amaze me. You manged to do what I wanted to do earlier which to make an appreciation thread to and PAUL and say some amazing things.
PAUL and the newly annointed JASON sitting in a tree... I want to see them in another scene together! They have so much chemistry that it'd be a crime not to! :smile:
Paul, I have left complimentary notes here since your solo. But, today you moved to the very top of the ladder with Jason, Blake and very few others. My hearty congratulations on a job exceptionally well done. Jason always brings his A game and you rose to that challenge.

If you are looking for a role model in this business, I would suggest Jason. He has managed to do what very few have ever done. That is to have a long and successful career. If you desire to have similar success, I would strongly suggest that you have a nice long talk with Jason and learn from the master. He is an exceptional talent and I am sure, after watching the two of you together, that he would be more than willing to give you good advice.

Many thanks to both of you for a wonderful job.
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Paul, I have left complimentary notes here since your solo. But, today you moved to the very top of the ladder with Jason, Blake and very few others. My hearty congratulations on a job exceptionally well done. Jason always brings his A game and you rose to that challenge.

Many thanks to both of you for a wonderful job.

Chase, I couldn't agree more than what you and others have writen about Paul (Jason too, but this thread is about Paul). Ambi, you've got it right, from the very first time I saw this fine young man, I felt that he was going to make a big mark here and sure nough he has.

I know you will agree that Paul is just enjoyable to watch. His manurisums, smiles, body language, and that wonderful sense of humor all go to make up one incredible model and yes, Chase, in just a short time he has moved up the ladder with Jason and Blake.

Paul, when you and Jason got going, my jaw droped, and I think it stayed in that position through out the entire scene. Absolutely terrific.

We love you and I am most proud of my avatar!
Since you have started chatting on the forum, I've read all your posts with great appreciation, marvelling at your maturity, and kindness, and awesome sense of humour. Honestly, it BLEW ME AWAY when, in the thread about your latest, STELLAR video with JASON, you said, "Wow, I really appreciate this, but so much of the credit belongs to JASON, and I hope he gets to read all this!"

Paul, that is the coolest, CLASSIEST thing I have ever heard ANY model say about another model, on this or any OTHER site. You are simply a wonderful, wonderful person - aside from your beauty and wildly fantastic performances: you are someone who is a JOY to KNOW: even at a distance.

I know that I (and all your fans) will never get over thanking you, for showing up at Broke Straight Boys, to make our days a little brighter! THANK YOU, PAUL.

Yes! Thank you Paul for being such a joy to watch in action. The fact that you insisted on sharing the credit with Jason just endeared you tome even more. It was indeed a very classy gesture, as well as a mark of maturity. xoo
Hey, Paul,

Maybe this is a breach of protocol, BUT. . . I wanted to just step aside, a moment, from all the great threads BY and ABOUT you, and say, "THANK YOU."

I am proud to be an early Paul Canon adopter ~ LOL!!! When I saw your first solo on here, I didn't have to think: I just clicked "favourite", right away. There was no decision to be made. I thought, "I am gonna LOVE that guy", and I was right! :)

Way back also, I BEGGED to get you talking on the forum. Some said, "Maybe he's too straight! Maybe he's too shy!" I didn't care! I was totally intrigued to get to know you, just a little better.

Now, thanks to Broke Straight Boys and YOU, all my fondest dreams in that regard, have been FULLY REALIZED. Not only are you cute, and sweet, and SEXY-PLUS. . . Paul, you ought to know that you are a living, breathing, ICON of COOLNESS ;-)))

Since you have started chatting on the forum, I've read all your posts with great appreciation, marvelling at your maturity, and kindness, and awesome sense of humour. Honestly, it BLEW ME AWAY when, in the thread about your latest, STELLAR video with JASON, you said, "Wow, I really appreciate this, but so much of the credit belongs to JASON, and I hope he gets to read all this!"

Paul, that is the coolest, CLASSIEST thing I have ever heard ANY model say about another model, on this or any OTHER site. You are simply a wonderful, wonderful person - aside from your beauty and wildly fantastic performances: you are someone who is a JOY to KNOW: even at a distance.

I know that I (and all your fans) will never get over thanking you, for showing up at Broke Straight Boys, to make our days a little brighter! THANK YOU, PAUL.

Your fan,
"A" :))))

"You're the TOP" - well, this time, I guess you really were ~ LOL!!!

That was the sweetest thing ive heard written about Paul to date, even alot nicer then what ive said about him and its all totally true! I did the exact same thing as you in that when i was going through the pages of models and I saw his picture and favourited him just on initial impressions and a feeling i had about him. (I only have 2 in my faves btw) Then I watched his video with Max and I knew I had made the right decision. He was not only cute and nice and a total pro in the bedroom but he also just has a way about him that is just so real and genuine and it makes him stand out and shine! Then he entered the forum and we got to learn just how nice a guy he really is. You literally cant ask for anything more then that.. he has it all going for him and I just really genuinely hope that all his hopes and dreams come true.

Now, this is totally off topic but I wanted to add that it really isnt fair that many young guys get labelled or dont like to tell anyone that they are working in this business for fear that they'll be rejected or thought of differently. Making money doing porn is in my opinion no different then any other job where you provide a service and get paid for it and these young guys should be nothing but proud of themselves for having the courage to explore their sexualities and to delve into things that many straight guys would like to do but are too afraid to! I think it takes guts. Sex is as instinctual for most men as eating. It is so normal and in this day and age no one should be made to feel embarrassed or ashamed of having consensual sex with whoever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want and if they are able to make money from that too then thats awesome and if not then thats fine as well. Whatever! We live in a world where everyone likes to judge everybody else unfortunately and I dont think its fair. At the end of the day the people who do all the judging and make guys who choose to do porn feel like what they are doing isnt right are likely the ones who go home at night switch on their laptops and watch some porn. Guys like Paul who have the courage and the determination to star in gay porn are for more of men then those who judge, repress or label others. I would bet that Paul like so many guys has people in his personal life that he hasn't told about his work in the porn industry whether it be family, friends or work mates. That isn't fair and we should be living in a society where others decisions and choices especially when it comes to sex and sexuality isn't anybody's place to pass judgement on. These young guys are being brave and are able to realise that when you get one life to live why not make the most of it, enjoy it, and dont waste your time on what other people have to say about it.. certainly dont let them get you down!

And lastly, just as a side note..I watched this on National Geographic recently that in roman times when males used to visit the bath houses, the roman men used to go there to have sex with other men for pleasure. Sex with women and their wives obviously occurred also but it was seen as a way to reproduce, and sex with other men was seen as a bonding experience that was purely for pleasure. I honestly think most men have that inside them still but only a few let it out because over the centuries something happened and somehow a decision was formed that men should be with women, and women with men. I think the young guys who have the courage and the guts to say to hell with societies views on what is socially acceptable and what is considered the norm.. these young guys should be praised for their willingness to express themselves sexually with whoever they want male or female. There is no right or wrong there and i honesty believe that in future we will go back to a time when we dont have to repress or hide sexual desires but instead accept people for who they are, who they love and who they choose to have sex with!
Here is Paul diving into the pool. :)


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We have some great behind the scenes coming with Paul soon. It takes a bit to edit these with the production value we are wanting so thanks for your patience. We also hope to bring Paul on the Broke Straight Boys tour. :D
That is GREAT news Mark. And if you guys come back to New York this summer, what a thrill it would be for me to meet Paul. Thank you so much. :thumbup:
Thank you, Mark!

LOVED the photo of Paul diving into the pool!

We have some great behind the scenes coming with Paul soon. It takes a bit to edit these with the production value we are wanting so thanks for your patience. We also hope to bring Paul on the Broke Straight Boys tour. :D

youre gonna have to do some convincing me to get me out there..i kind of need to get a better job and thatll look bad if i take the whole summer off because im a porn star haha
Just as Mark says Paul, if you were to do it, it would be a few weeekends here and there. Not weeks or months on end. If you do go to the events I want to be first in line at your kissing booth. And while I'd love to give you a smooch on the lips...I'd also settle for being able to kiss the other lips that Jason did. haha :p

Who else would like to line up at that kissing booth? haha :001_smile:
Just as Mark says Paul, if you were to do it, it would be a few weeekends here and there. Not weeks or months on end. If you do go to the events I want to be first in line at your kissing booth. And while I'd love to give you a smooch on the lips...I'd also settle for being able to kiss the other lips that Jason did. haha :p

Who else would like to line up at that kissing booth? haha :001_smile:

The question is: Who wouldn't be???
Just as Mark says Paul, if you were to do it, it would be a few weeekends here and there. Not weeks or months on end. If you do go to the events I want to be first in line at your kissing booth. And while I'd love to give you a smooch on the lips...I'd also settle for being able to kiss the other lips that Jason did. haha :p

Who else would like to line up at that kissing booth? haha :001_smile:

Paul has to concentrate on his main job or education first. I for one would love to see Paul every day (preferably in my bed when I wake up in the morning), but he has a career too.
Paul has to concentrate on his main job or education first. I for one would love to see Paul every day (preferably in my bed when I wake up in the morning), but he has a career too.
I agree Jon, both about Paul concentrating on his career first, and about seeing him wake up in my bed everyday, :001_tongue: but he could certainly do some pride events this coming summer flying out after work on Friday and returning home on Sunday night.

And I sure hope that Broke Straight Boys returns to New York this year with Paul, and that I get to meet him in person, as I did with Blake & Jason last summer. :thumbup: