BSB Addict
I would do Beth but these time zones suck.
Come check me out tonight at midnight for a little "Happy Birthday Paul" celebration on the webcam. That's 12am EST on the "Live Shows" section here on Broke Straight Boys SEE YOU TONIGHT!View attachment 9388
I just signed onto the webcam! Come hang out for a while.
Damn, i missed u yet again! I bought credits to use for you and miss u everytime! This stupid Australia - USA time difference does my head in!
Do people really pay money for that you can get real sex cheaper. Completely stupid!!!!! But different strokes for different folks.
Not all people pay money Frontier. That is why the site is called Flirt 4 Free - you get to chat to the models in the free zone until someone pays up and takes them into private.
Oh no Mike, way from it. I anal(yse) each film on merit and prior to PC's last one I thought he was very good. The fallout after the last one was unfortunate and probably unnecessary but that's because we're all passionate. I would pop into Paul's room on F4F and say hello, but I wouldn't pay those extortionate prices for a private section. I'm a poor newly qualified engineer not a rich professor.
I just signed onto the webcam! Come hang out for a while.
This is an aside, but, your post is funny and cool, from my perspective, because. . . I'm an M.A. in political philosophy, and used to work at a university. There was an engineer on our team, and we did this interesting "Myers-Briggs" testing series, and team-building exercise, with a clinical psychologist at the U. . . .
One of the guys on our team was an engineer, and a confirmed ESTP (my polar opposite: I am an INFJ): So, he and I were perpetually at odds, about all sorts of things, but - once we had been through this exercise, it helped us a lot: especially when we discovered that we were not gathering information the same way, perceiving it the same way, processing it the same way, feeling it the same way, or making decisions in the same way.
Believe it or not, that little exercise helped S. (that was his initial) and I not only to work together, but to become decent FRIENDS. Of course I could never MARRY someone of his temperament; or he, mine - but, it really does help to know a little about people's background, and where they are coming from. Because. . . .
Sometimes you do happen to meet someone whom you intuitively like and respect, but just have trouble connecting with, for a variety of reasons. Because, you just look at and think about and feel the world too differently. I wonder sometimes, if this is the case, with you, and me? (I know that, sometimes, your posts have just left me roiling wroth, and incredibly frustrated - and I am SURE, vice versa: but, at OTHER times, I've said to myself, "Quite objectively, Jon is talking very good sense, on this point!" And I have always wondered why we could differ so extremely at some times, and be in perfect agreement, at others!)
So, Jon, while I am sure that we will always disagree, as much as we ever agree - I kind of appreciate your having shared, in this post, that you are an engineer. (You might have disclosed this before, but I don't read all the posts on the board, by any means.) Most engineers I know approach the world very differently than I do - and this is by no means a criticism, I am sure you guys are all a LOT smarter than I am, in many, many ways - but it is a big help knowing this, in fostering friendly relations - LOL!
"A" ;-)
P.S. Sorry for the digression.
Hi Ambi.
Don't be sorry for digressing: Jeez if we all apologised for that then I would be doing it 150 times a week or maybe 160. Yes we disagree on certain things, but don't worry I disagree with most of my friends on here - and why ? It's because it makes the forum interesting and fires up debate.
Why agree with someone just for the sake of it. If you have something to say or even slightly disagree with someone's point then say so, rather than biting the bullet, so to speak. Engineers are only smarter on their own subject, and being a junior engineer I'm not all that smart at that either lol, it's just that my job has many challenges and I love challenges. So that is why I challenge posts on here, but not for the sake of it, but to find out what exactly people are thinking.
When I was in school, there was a guy in our class who didn't contribute much to any subject and if he did it was quite irrelevant. However, once in a while he would come out with a pearler (that is a classic) statement - to which we would all stand back in amazement. That has always made me think never to ignore someone no matter what.
Hope all the above makes sense.