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Paul canon fucks johnny forza


Long time forumite
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Brooklyn New York
I am surprised that twelve hours have passed since the release of this scene there has been no "review" thread stated here yet. The production date shows 8/213, which seems to be a typo and should be 8/13. I have long stated that I was a huge fan of Paul when he joined Broke Straight Boys, loving his looks, personality, and impish sense of humor. I've also stated many times that Johnny Forza does not have a body type that really turns me on, and so I like him more in his BTS than in his sex scenes. And I am no fan of the "cold open" scenes with no chit chat, that always begin with gentle kissing leading to the models removing each others clothing leading to sucking each other followed by fucking. To my sensibilities, this scene was no better or worse than any of this genre. My only questions are why no one has started a thread regarding this scene yet, and when will the "Clay scenes" be finished?
Johnny and Paul kissing, sucking, and fucking--now that's good porn! Who among us would not like to give it to Johnny like that and/or take it from Paul like that?!?
I am surprised that twelve hours have passed since the release of this scene there has been no "review" thread stated here yet. The production date shows 8/213, which seems to be a typo and should be 8/13. I have long stated that I was a huge fan of Paul when he joined Broke Straight Boys, loving his looks, personality, and impish sense of humor. I've also stated many times that Johnny Forza does not have a body type that really turns me on, and so I like him more in his BTS than in his sex scenes. And I am no fan of the "cold open" scenes with no chit chat, that always begin with gentle kissing leading to the models removing each others clothing leading to sucking each other followed by fucking. To my sensibilities, this scene was no better or worse than any of this genre. My only questions are why no one has started a thread regarding this scene yet, and when will the "Clay scenes" be finished?

I'm not sure why there was no thread started mikeyank but, I didn't watch the scene yet myself. A few days ago I was looking through old scenes ( in anticipation of this scene upcoming) to rekindle my enjoyment of Paul. I like bottom scenes mostly as, that is the thing I enjoy! I know that Paul doesn't enjoy bottoming as much as topping. I watched a few scenes with him and Johnny. This scene also has the same date 8/2013 as the previously released Johnny/Paul (Paul bottoms). In my observation, Paul seemed to perform well with Johnny in most of their scenes together. His oral scene with Johnny a while back, he came while performing oral on Johnny with very little stimulation. He could just have a very sensitive penis or, heightened sense of "stimulation" with Johnny when performing. His bottom scene with Johnny, was interesting to me because, he managed to keep hard, or at least the camera showed him being hard pretty much throughout his being fucked by Johnny. Again, I haven't watched the scene but, I am certain when I do, Paul will probably perform quite well topping Johnny. Johnny, I don't expect to see "great things from either way" but I expect to find some interesting comments posted later on the scene. That's my "pre observation" observation!:blush:
Well Mikey,

I concur with much of what you say about disliking the cold opens and so on. While the musclebound body type is not really my favorite compared to a good swimmer's build...I do like Johnny. I watched this scene very late last night and so I'm just getting around to commenting on it. If I had tried to start a thread around 3 am, there's no telling how many typos it might have had. haha With a current rating of 4.2, I'd say it was a successful scene. So I wouldn't read too much into the fact that nobody had jumped to start a thread about it.

I have not always liked all of Johnny's scenes for reasons I've already stated elsewhere. Here however (towards the end of his time with us) he did put more effort into his scenes. I thought this scene was quite good. I've always been a big fan of Paul. Johnny reminds me of the high school jock who roams the halls rather cocky and smug...getting all kind of attention from the girls and even the envious straight guys with serious man-crushes on him. haha You see him with his hot girlfriend(s) and wonder if he would ever do things with a guy. You realize though that even if he did, that he's probably way out of your league. Your chances of scoring with him are right next to or below zero, even if he did have a bi side. haha

So for me Johnny has been the quintessential straight high school jock who was always unavailable, unattainable and way out of my social circle. What if I could score with one of the hottest and most popular jocks in school? What would he be like in bed with a guy? What would he look like naked? Thanks to Johnny and Broke Straight Boys I've been able to vicariously fulfill that kind of high school fantasy. And for that, I thank them both! :) haha I gave this one a 5. It was slightly generous given the cold opening and so on. However now that Johnny has left us, I am feeling more charitable towards him. He did a good job with this scene. :001_smile:
That was a 5 for me! Okay, most of the sexiness came from Paul...with his lovely long locks, but the kissing was great too. The best part for me was Paul jerking off; usually I skip through to the cum shot, but Paul seemed very "in the zone" and it paid off big time! :001_wub:
I really, really, really, really, really, really, really liked this scene. Gave it an easy 5. It was Johnny Forza and Paul Canon.... what more do I have to say.
Paul is one of my favorites on this site. He is the consummate Broke Straight Boys model [along with a few others] but in addition he is a human who has shown us his other side for which I feel very lucky to know. Johnny is a beautiful young man and capable of doing good work but he is also one who has on occasion just phoned it in. I see Johnny's perceived cockiness as pretty much the front put on by a guy who is not completely certain of himself which is unfortunate because I think he is capable of doing whatever he really puts his mind to. [I could be wrong and I freely admit that. Observations through the imperfect medium of a website are fraught with possibilities of error.]

This was a good scene but as mikeyank mentioned, I do like to see a bit of chat at the beginning and not just a cold start.
I am surprised that twelve hours have passed since the release of this scene there has been no "review" thread stated here yet. The production date shows 8/213, which seems to be a typo and should be 8/13. I have long stated that I was a huge fan of Paul when he joined Broke Straight Boys, loving his looks, personality, and impish sense of humor. I've also stated many times that Johnny Forza does not have a body type that really turns me on, and so I like him more in his BTS than in his sex scenes. And I am no fan of the "cold open" scenes with no chit chat, that always begin with gentle kissing leading to the models removing each others clothing leading to sucking each other followed by fucking. To my sensibilities, this scene was no better or worse than any of this genre. My only questions are why no one has started a thread regarding this scene yet, and when will the "Clay scenes" be finished?

The reason I didn't start a thread on this scene is because I didn't think it was worth it. While I have always been a fan of Johnny's body, as a porn model he was never really that good. In many scenes he had trouble keeping his dick hard throughout, he never tried to push himself in the cocsucking department, when topping he was never aggressive enough to fit the personna he developed for his character, and bottomming he was nothing to write home about. As a big fan of Paul, in this scene he was just average. It was fuck by the numbers with little evidence of chemistry between them. Probably because filmed in August, everyone knew Johnny's contract was up and he was moving on.

I was surprised, mikey, that it was you who started the thread, given that Johnny is not your type and that there was kissing involved which even I felt was not organic to the scene.

As to your question about how many Clay scenes are left, who knows? I seem to remember someone in the past whether a model or Broke Straight Boys staff saying they filmed a bunch of scenes at a time inorder to have a backlog to post. Who knows what the machinations were during the transition from Clay to the new guy? Maybe they got a whole bunch of scenes out of Clay before he left, or maybe these so-called "cold opening" scenes were filmed by someone else after Clay left but before the new guy came on board.

In any event, I gave this scene a 3 because, at best, it was just average.
I was surprised, mikey, that it was you who started the thread, given that Johnny is not your type and that there was kissing involved which even I felt was not organic to the scene.
Actually Stowe, I started the thread, not because I enjoyed the scene but because I watched it last night, and woke up this morning curious to read how the rest of the forum reacted to it, and looked high and low and could not find the thread, so I "took matters into my own hands", so to speak.

As far as how many scenes are left "pre Johnny", as you and I both know, management here is very selective in which questions they answer, and I have a feeling that we will have to wait it out and see for ourselves.
actually stowe, i started the thread, not because i enjoyed the scene but because i watched it last night, and woke up this morning curious to read how the rest of the forum reacted to it, and looked high and low and could not find the thread--that should have told you something about how the rest of the forum felt; look at this thread - 4 of the posts are ours - lol!!--, so i "took matters into my own hands", so to speak.--only "matters" - lol!!--

as far as how many scenes are left "pre johnny", as you and i both know, management here is very selective in which questions they answer, and i have a feeling that we will have to wait it out and see for ourselves--the point of my third paragraph exactly!!--

But for obvious age differences, Johnny & Jerry could have passed for each other...

I must confess that if find all of this hard to verbalize because I have a hate/love relationship for Johnny. For instance, I always hated his timid and cowardly cock- sucking technique, yet I loved his V-shaped torso, waistline, and bulging pecks he regularly flashed and teased us with. I simply cannot imagine anyone giving a worse blowjob than he did over and over again and I would hope in all fairness that this is his well-justified "enduring reputation" on Broke Straight Boys, as it surely was intentional. I felt that was a deliberate choice he made and an example of his "passive/aggressive behavior". To me he was defiantly expressing his growing resentment towards giving B/J's and in the other extreme his sense of "entitlement". He decided what he will show us and his innate hostility was obvious.

No, I will never regret his leaving Broke Straight Boys because of his sense of "entitlement" and his "lackluster b/j retaliation" we all endured repeatedly. He may have had a big smile smeared across his face, but that was only a façade he daily applied like his own personalized make-up. Actually, through NO FAULT OF HIS OWN, Johnny visually resembled to me a younger version of someone quite infamous from Penn State's Coaching staff - Jerry Sandusky (who is currently serving time in prison, although he is completely convinced of his innocence, convicted for his horrifically monstrous, inhumane, and cruel crimes committed against many financially needy and defenseless little boys of 7 or 8 attending his "Summer Sports Camp" coming from economically disadvantaged homes. He started with sexually assaulting them when they were to little to resist after bribing them first, guaranteeing their silence. He thought he was being a "humanitarian" by offering to serve as their mentor, (while at the same time he served up their innocent mouths and asses for his obscene purposes).

While I realize that this had nothing to do with Broke Straight Boys's Johnny Forza.:offtopic: May I conjure the following in keeping with FOX NEWS long held operational means of news gathering techniques? Facts were not paid attention to and I improvised where ever necessary, resulting in the following fictitious "news gathering". Yet, ever since as this scandal first came to light in the national media, I could not get it out of my head that, based only on circumstantial shared resemblance alone, Johnny could well have been Jerry Sandusky'syounger clone. It makes me really wonder if Johnny was perfecting through his imitation of Sandusky's presumably lackluster b/j technique? Once this connection became apparent, reverting back to reality was NOW impossible to achieve and ran counter to Fox's goals of getting the kind of ratings they were looking for!

Therein lies my unforgettable reasons for disliking Johnny, even those he did not deserve it all. He simply came along at the wrong time and my liking him was now impossible. Even with his perky pecks, I have now obliterated them from my consciousness. I am happy for him to not being around as an unfortunate reminder for me of Sandusky!

Sincerely stated as "my opinion only", as it is not established based on any actual facts connected with Sandusky's case in any way other than coincidence for Johnny to be guilty of. Those who have found this posting offensive, I have to agree with you too! Mostly I am happy Johnny is a goner!

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You're quite right Stowe that Johnny never pushed himself to try to be very good at dicksucking. For that and many other reasons we've already alluded to, it was time for him to move on and let some new guys have a shot. Yet oddly enough I am still a little sad to see him go. It makes no sense. I know. haha
Johnny was just not in to it. Maybe it was filmed on the day he gave notice. And he had to work with Paul the new Broke Straight Boys number one model.
I really wanted it to be great for Clay.Since most of the people on the Forum have thrown him over for the new obnoxious ,loud
director from Bait Bus.But I could tell right from the start Johnny was working and showed no joy at all.I love Paul I would pay to
just look at him doing nothing.But come on the models just did not connect.Sorry if it was Clay that directed I wanted him to leave
on a high. This scene was not it.But Clay you gave me some real great scenes.Much more sorry to see you leave than Johnny.
I must confess that if find all of this hard to verbalize because I have a hate/love relationship for Johnny. For instance, I always hated his timid and cowardly cock- sucking technique, yet I loved his V-shaped torso, waistline, and bulging pecks he regularly flashed and teased us with. I simply cannot imagine anyone giving a worse blowjob than he did over and over again and I would hope in all fairness that this is his well-justified "enduring reputation" on Broke Straight Boys, as it surely was intentional. I felt that was a deliberate choice he made and an example of his "passive/aggressive behavior". To me he was defiantly expressing his growing resentment towards giving B/J's and in the other extreme his sense of "entitlement". He decided what he will show us and his innate hostility was obvious.

No, I will never regret his leaving Broke Straight Boys because of his sense of "entitlement" and his "lackluster b/j retaliation" we all endured repeatedly. He may have had a big smile smeared across his face, but that was only a façade he daily applied like his own personalized make-up.

On that much we can agree Stimpy. In fact though I remember saying the same things almost word for word about another previous model here who has since moved on. The other model did much the same thing, but worse. Like an entitled emperor who refused to suck dick even close to the minimum necessary to get through a gay for pay scene. But at least Johnny would emote and not just sit there like a bump on a log waiting to be serviced. haha Because of the other model, I get exactly what you're saying about the passive-aggressiveness of it. When certain models are offered contracts they sometimes decide they don't have to work as hard because they know they will get called back regardless.

And we can also agree about our love/dislike relationship with Johnny. Hate would be too strong a word for me. lol He did have some qualities that I quite enjoyed. :)
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I always like Johnny and Paul. Gave a 5. Johnny's enthusiasm has long gone. Maybe like so many of us we burn out at work. I wonder how he is doing at his new job at a different site? I was very disappointed that he did that. There was a behind the scenes episode way back where I saw a very happy and enthusiastic guy. I wonder what happened? Maybe he doesn't like being a bottom. in any case he's gone. How many more episodes here? Did they start showing his new stuff yet at his new site? Anyone see it? Wonder how he's doing?
Anyhow hope he is well.
a different perception of reality

On that much we can agree Stimpy. In fact though I remember saying the same things almost word for word about another previous model here who has since moved on. The other model did much the same thing, but worse. Like an entitled emperor who refused to suck dick even close to the minimum necessary to get through a gay for pay scene. But at least Johnny would emote and not just sit there like a bump on a log waiting to be serviced. haha Because of the other model, I get exactly what you're saying about the passive-aggressiveness of it. When certain models are offered contracts they sometimes decide they don't have to work as hard because they know they will get called back regardless.

And we can also agree about our love/dislike relationship with Johnny. Hate would be too strong a word for me. lol He did have some qualities that I quite enjoyed. :)
Obviously you are once again referring to Jimmy, Tampa, and once again I must point out that it is YOUR perception of what is the "minimum necessary" is to perform on a niche site such as this featuring believably straight guys, and that there are guys such as myself who actually enjoy watching "an entitled emperor" being serviced. And of course in porn the perception of what constitutes "working hard" will vary from viewer to viewer.

Interestingly, I was informed just yesterday by one of our fellow forumite's that Jimmy is currently starring on yet another gay porn site, and had a new film released "doing the same thing" as you would say, so obviously there is still an audience willing to pay to watch him "doing the same thing" like "an entitled emperor" being sucked off and topping other guys. If there wasn't an audience for that type of model doing that type of scene, he would not still be working in the industry, now two years after his contract with Broke Straight Boys expired.

I can't really comment on Johnny Forza, as he was never physically "my type", and so it is irrelevant to me if he tops, bottoms, gets sucked or sucks cock poorly, but I want to remind you that there are many fans in the porn audience, like myself, who thoroughly enjoy watching a masculine young guy portray himself as a straight top, and we feel that he works just as hard as the bottom, perhaps even harder as he has to maintain an erection throughout his scenes.

My favorite models ever on Broke Straight Boys include Jimmy, Mike Robbins, Jordan, Tank Shane and Ayden. I believe that Jimmy and Jordan are the two who never bottomed, while the other three did it once each, and I feel that those were my three least favorite scenes with those otherwise hot guys.

I just wanted to remind you that referring to a str8 guy on a gay for pay site who does not bottom or even enjoy sucking dick is okay with a segment of the audience, and I feel it is unfair to categorically portray such guys as showing passive aggressive behavior, or sitting like a bump on a log while getting serviced. We fans of a straight guy who allows himself to be pleasured by another guy are grateful and appreciative for his appearances on a gay porn site for us to 'get off' to his masculine presence.
Obviously you are once again referring to Jimmy, ...

I just wanted to share about Jimmy ( I actually did enjoy btw) who has gone on and continues strongly in the industry without compromising, I might ad. I don't know that everyone can be a Jimmy J. I've actually viewed some of his recent work and don't find anything about him I don't like personality wise! As much as" you already know" how much I enjoy watching my guys bottom, I would be disappointed to watch Jimmy do so. It's just not him! And for me (on him) that works!
I just wanted to share about Jimmy ( I actually did enjoy btw) who has gone on and continues strongly in the industry without compromising, I might ad. I don't know that everyone can be a Jimmy J. I've actually viewed some of his recent work and don't find anything about him I don't like personality wise! As much as" you already know" how much I enjoy watching my guys bottom, I would be disappointed to watch Jimmy do so. It's just not him! And for me (on him) that works!
Thank you so much Betu, for "coming out of the closet" as a Jimmy lover. You were not on this forum during Jimmy's year of fame or was it notoriety, as I read some of the most vicious posts in the five plus years that I have been a member of this forum regarding any model.

As you have made it known from day one, how big a fan you are of guy's who bottom, I am so pleasantly surprised to read of your stance on Jimmy. While I in no way represent Jimmy Johnson, as a fan of his, I thank you for publically stating what is a minority position on the Broke Straight Boys forum.:thumbup:
Jimmy seems to be doing very very well ? Doing just what he wants.I thought he was kind of a ass.But the more I watch him
the more I like him.He seems to like what he is doing.And is good at it.
Jimmy seems to be doing very very well ? Doing just what he wants.I thought he was kind of a ass.But the more I watch him
the more I like him.He seems to like what he is doing.And is good at it.
Perhaps the further we move from Jimmy's year as the "face of Broke Straight Boys", some of the hostilities shown towards him may have dissipated a bit. I do feel that he was over exposed over that year, and his scenes should have been spaced out more, just as was the case with Mike Robbins, when he seemed to appear in every other scene. Sometimes absence does makes the heart grow fonder.

I agree with you Johnny that Jimmy is good at what he does, (as evidenced by all of the sites who have hired him based on his popularity in the industry), and perhaps you are also right, that he now may actually enjoy fucking a guy. :doggystyle: