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past models who were on the site and hopefully they will be back


Dec 19, 2009
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Ive been a member for 3 yrs and i always wonder what ever happen to these models and hopefully they will come back, Rabid , was a hot model who bottom for the first time and in the video it look like he enjoy getting fuck and sucking dick . The next model aiden what ever happen with him Also what ever happen with jamie , joe, derek these models are hot and i think everyone want to see them again. Finally Billy this model is hot, would like to see him come back , DOES ANYONE KNOW IF BILLY has done anya other work since broke straight guy
Hey djnick! Welcome to the forum...many members have posed the same question many times. Often many boys you see on porn sites, they appear in a few episodes and they are never seen again. This is very common in the industry and its not just a problem with us but for all adult websites.

There are several reason why you don't see some of the boys often. One of the major reasons is that the model arrives and has great intentions of filming but they discover its not for them, they don't get turned on by boys and no matter how much straight porn they watch or that frequent dose of the little blue pill, they just can't perform...this is the case for the straight curious boys. They only see $$$$ but they don't realize doing adult modeling and filming is very difficult work and especially trying to have sex with another guy, which is a totally different subject.

The other major reason is that some models get here or to the studio and they are freaks, they either have bipolar issues, ADHD issues, they are rude to work with and to other models and we just don't bring them back due to there attitude.

Some other reason and this has been happening often to our models that there parents find out and the parents freak out and don't allow there Son's come back to Florida...the parents freak out on them and some even tried calling the office and the drama starts but that again is a different subjects.

Some models are married and have a wife and in some cases have children and there wives or girlfriends don't want them to do it anymore, or some end up getting jobs that are good paying jobs that doing porn is not something the "model" needs to do. While others just fade away and you can't track them down anymore and who knows what happens to them. Some I know ended up in jail...some on serious drug problems and we won't take back...some are in jail because selling drugs and unfortunately the latest one, a models death.

So you can see why you don't see many models return, while we do have many models returning and of course we are always featuring new hot boys...some will stay, some will go...some its just time they retire and move on with life...its the nature of the biz.

However, if a model from the past does want to come back and they still look hot and good...will give them a few scenes here and there :)
Lemme add a couple models from shoots past I thought were hot...Corey, the floppy haired gay boy that sucked 3 blindfolded straight guys. Was a shame he didn't do alot more Broke Straight Boys Brady, the tanned cute boy that came in with Maverick, had the very suggestive eyes and sex appeal. Trevor, the cute skinny Aussie boy that seemed uncomfortable performing with other guys. I know they come and go for various reasons and there will be more.
David. It is always great for you to talk to us frankly, and tell us the lowdown on the guy's who model for you. Your presence on this board is one of the reason's that I love it so much. As I've said many times on this forum, you are the true star of Broke Straight Boys, the only one who is virtually every episode. If there was no David, I doubt if I would enjoy the site as much. A very happy healthy New year to you and the whole crew at Broke Straight Boys, (especially Tyler) :001_tt2:
With all due respect, what is it about Tyler that everyone thinks is so sexy??
He is a pasty white blank slate to me. Tyler I have no doubt that you are a very clever boy but sexy you`re not to me! Deisel, Logan, Dustin, Austin, CJ,
and in times past Kent and Phoenix and Daxter now those guys are sexy!!

This subject of past models and who is/is not working with you comes up regularly. You always have great updates for us. But could you not add to the home page a link that could be Model Status?

Under this link could be any/all of the following categories:

1. Active Models.
2. May be returning models.
3. Model no longer interested in filming porn.
4. Lost track/contact with model.
5. Model let go by Broke Straight Boys (this would include any model released from their contract).
6. Model on new assignment (ie. College Boy Physicals).

Such a section would eliminate 90% of the questions posed on this subject. While the initial set-up might take a little work, the follow-up, once set, could be done say every 3-4 weeks.

Perhaps you could assign this project to Tyler. I think this could be a great new project for him.

OH! I'm sorry Tyler if I am adding to your workload. That's what a great assistant is good for?

Live Long and Prosper and


David. It is always great for you to talk to us frankly, and tell us the lowdown on the guy's who model for you. Your presence on this board is one of the reason's that I love it so much. As I've said many times on this forum, you are the true star of Broke Straight Boys, the only one who is virtually every episode. If there was no David, I doubt if I would enjoy the site as much. A very happy healthy New year to you and the whole crew at Broke Straight Boys, (especially Tyler) :001_tt2:

Thank you Mike for saying that so well.

Absolutely David! I don't know of any other site where the director or other members of mgmt will take the time out of a very busy schedule and actually communicate with members in such an honest and direct way like you guys do. It's just one more reason among many that makes this one of the best sites on the net.

Another thing that I want to thank you for David is your concern for the models as far as getting caught up in the fast lane of being a porn model. Even on film you have shown us instances where you warn models against the dangers of getting too caught up in the party lifestyle. I don't recall if it was in the Diesal interview or with Logan where you gave him words of warning to that effect. So that shows us that you really do warn the models not to get seduced by all that club style way of life.

The death of Dustin (GRHS) drives that point home even more clearly. Even young guys who are 1-2 on the Kinsey can be seduced by all the attention in the clubs or people who recognize them in public. When 18-21 year old guys get out there where everyone is giving them so much positive attention and flirting with them, it has to be intoxicating. Then you add in the people who are offering them free booze and drugs. Then you have guys who are super wealthy approaching them with more compliments, flattery and offers of financial support... I'm sure it's very difficult to stay grounded and level headed. I would never ever blame you or Eddie if a model strayed down the wrong path because of his own bad decisions. But I'm VERY glad to know that you and Eddie are preaching all the warnings to them.

Thank you! :thumbup1: :wink:
I don't think Tyler needs anything else to do. Nor does Monica. Nor does anyone else at D/E/Blu. But I do think something needs to be done about the number of questions posed about the same models. We all know that fantasies can get pretty hot and heavy about certain models and, as a result, the disappointment level can get really high when a newbie finds out the object of his fixation has moved on. It can cost the forum some fun contributors and Broke Straight Boys some valued members.

Early substitution of say Jimmy for Jason or Logan for Danny or Jordan for just about anybody might salvage a membership and hold on to a forumite.

I've suggested this before - I still think it would work - enter an inactive membership for each of the inactive models (much like we have for BrokeMichael and BrokeLogan) only call it (XXXJason or XModelJason or XBSBJason). No PM's would be allowed. On the About Me under "Location" could be posted all those dates on which that model's scenes appeared. AND Instead of burdening the staff of D/E/Blu with updates on them, we would provide them with messages - not to them - to each other. "Jason can be seen once on College Boys 24/7". "He's not a law stidemt, he's a bartender in Indianapolis". If management felt the inclination to contribute, they could also add a comment. Newbies interested in info on say Danny could check the page on X's and there is the list. Go to the page and there is the info.

It's just an idea. It uses what's already here. And it doesn't involve a lot of anybody's time. If you want to save even more time, find a member willing to set them up, give him a password for those new accounts, let him set them up, then change the password. Once it's set up - everyone has access to view and message, but no one can change anything except management.

Sorry, I deal with records every day. I feel the frustration of new members looking for more Danny (such gorgeous legs and eyes to die for) and old members looking for a way out of having to answer one more time that Jason's not coming back (that crooked little smile - and he was a power bottom if ever there was one.)
Hey Rifle...its a common question and we are use to it by now. Any ehancements to the site needs to be directed to Mark. People think that I do everything all by myself, but I just film the scenes and pass the content to Mark and he does the rest. The same goes for College Boy Physicals and Boy Gusher sites as well. I film the sites, Mark runs them....and Steve does the designs plus there are many others behind the scenes that help Mark and I run the sites so its just not little ole me :)

As for models...I wish we can see some of them back to...but then again, how many times can we see the same models over & over again...in a way, its good that some models just don't come back...if we use them a lot, eventually we have to let them go and make room for others. Its only fair to the new models and to keep the site fresh with new talent...then we become boring and stale. The exception of the rule is Tyler, I think he will be here for a long time...I know many don't see the attraction but overwhelmingly we have more requests for Tyler then any other model in the history of Broke Straight Boys However, we can't place Tyler in every scene and swamp the site with "Tyler Scenes".
Sorry, I thought when I eliminated the staff of D/E/Blu, I was directing it to management. It was just a stupid idea - sometimes even I laugh at me.
. People think that I do everything all by myself, but Mark runs them....and Steve does the designs plus there are many others behind the scenes that help Mark and I run the sites so its just not little ole me :)

And here I thought you wore a cape. :biggrin:

You must prefer the boys that seem more like men than like boys. I personally think Tyler is hot. He has this intelligent innocence about him that gets me hard everytime. He's got a sincere, beautiful and warm smile that can melt the polar ice caps and a perfectly sized and shaped dick that I could play with for days. I'm glad he's still around and I am looking forward to his next scene in front of the camera.

Sincerely and honestly,