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Our Country is dying FAST!


Well-known Member
Dec 6, 2008
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Oahu Hawaii
We are so screwed with the current administration in Washington! The crap they are pulling is so bad and most of the dumbass people in this country have no idea what is up! And the Whitehouse counts on that! Tons of stuff that they are doing that makes us look like Nazi Germany or worse. Today the news in New York reported they are setting up a new law that we the American public can not "annoy" the police. Look I have the utmost respect for the police, especially the State police. The City and County cops can be dicks, "wanna be" State Cops. But this new law will allow the cops in New York to arrest people for taking videos of cops arresting people because if it annoys them. The people taking the videos go to jail if this is passed! Most cops are Ok but many are bad! Bad cops that treat people poorly and take away their rights because they don't like them. Now with this law in NY... IF it is passed, it will expand to other states, so they can do what ever they want and any video taken will have will be thrown out of court. I LOVE my country but I fear my Government!! So friggin sad! EVERY American Right or Left should be so outraged by all of this!!!

The mainstream media, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSMBC, CNN are so in bed with Obama they don't say shit! It sucks so bad. The mainstream media recently had to get dragged into the scandals going on in Washington now because it is SO big it can't be ignored. Some reporters in that group are outraged but just watch! That group will let it slid. reporters that are pissed will be given other assignments and we will never get the truth! What is going on is WAY worse then Watergate. Shit, Americans have died and we get zero answers. Watergate was all about Nixon being a paranoid ass that he would loose his election and yet he won by a landslide. Nobody died and even Clinton getting BJ's in the Oval Office was a bigger deal. Now we have a lot of dead bodies, guns given to drug lords in Mexico by the American government that killed an American Border Patrol agent in the "Fast and Furious scandal that has been swept under the table. One of our own was killed and nobody gives a shit?? What third world country have we become?? Tell the wives and kids of these Americans that were hung out to die by their own country we don't give a shit!! We have the President the last 5 years running around apologizing for what a terrible country we are. BULL SHIT! We do more around the world then anybody, we give out billions to those that hate us for no reason and our country is broke! I would stop that in a heart beat! Wake the fuck up America! Most of the country has no idea of any of this or that American rights are being totally eliminated . I am so pissed at how dumb our country has become. All they give a shit about is what the Kardashians and American Idol are doing and such. You watch Leno or Letterman when they go on the street and interview people. The people on the street can't tell you who Joe Biden the VP is, or the Secretary Of State, they have no idea what Benghazi is, no idea that the IRS has become a NAZI organization targeting people and groups taking away our civil rights and much more. But these same morons can tell you who that douche Justin Bieber is and all of the same stupid people like him. Yet THEY have the right to vote. You should have to take a test to have the right to vote to show you have a friggin clue!!! Yet Obama pushed to not have any ID verification for voting and is behind all of the scandals no matter what you think! He is a self centered dick! I am just as pissed at George Bush for some of the shit he allowed! Wake up! It doesn't matter if it is liberal or conservative, we are loosing our country fast! I am 25 and my plans are to move out of the USA within the next two years. My grand father died in WW2 saving us, my Dad fought for our Country and nobody gives a fuck. I don't see things getting better so I have several countries I am looking at to move to. I am not going to put up with a country of morons! I just don't think the Americans will ever wake up until it is too late! I would love to stay but I don't want to learn Chinese or some other language when they take over OUR Country!!!!! Wake the fuck up people! PLEASE!!!
rickbell19, You make a lot of good points. You are paying attention. I think the current problem is that our elected officials are bought and paid for. The financial problems of 2008 proved that. They depend on campaign contributions to their re-election efforts, big time. They do not represent us but big money. The second problem comes form where the next job is coming from. This relates to elected officials and civil servants. If you are working in government and make nice to the money boys, you might get rewarded with a nice private sector job. Robert Rubin comes to mind. Keep thinking that way.
The problem isn't entirely Obama'a fault. Even if he wanted to change things, he couldn't. Our entire congress is so beholden to the people and corporations that put them there, and are afraid to put into motion legislation that would benefit the people. For example, right after the financial crisis in 2008, Congress passed a piece of legislation that changed the way banks were approving loans. It basically stated that they couldn't hand out subsidized loans as freely as they'd been doing. It also stated that if the banks found themselves in such dire straits again, they had to bail themselves out and could not rely on the government to do so, and so they have to set money aside in the case of national economic emergency. Now, not even five years after the 2008 financial crisis, politicians are trying to repeal the legislation. Why? Because the banks want them to. And who funded the politicians? Yep, you guessed it. Banks. Not outright, of course, but through a system of transnational corporations who have quite a stake in American banking systems. So, you see how this entire process is one big circle and it never benefits the people. And if the system is so convoluted and corrupt over just ONE piece of legislation, imagine trying to pass any kind of substantial law; like banning the use or ownership of a firearm. Yeah. Not going to happen. By the way if the legislation were to pass, banks would once again be allowed to hand out bad loans that led to thousands of people losing their homes, and everything they spent a lifetime trying to achieve. So yeah, Obama's not entirely to blame here; Romney would have encountered the same problem and would have been just as trapped. I think we can safely assume our President is nothing more than a powerless puppet, and the corporations have now usurped the power. And it wouldn't be different with anyone else.
Whatever you write on here GCHQ and NSA will be watching your every move. Just as they intercept your cell phone and emails. Big Brother is here to say, get used to it.
Whatever you write on here GCHQ and NSA will be watching your every move. Just as they intercept your cell phone and emails. Big Brother is here to say, get used to it.

To say nothing of MI-5. Watch yourself, jon!!!-lol
The president is not totally at fault. How many congressman and senators have been in office over 10 years there is no limit for them. Big corporations own them and they do as they are told. I am so tired of people complaining about how they are leaving there is no better country than America we have freedoms most people do not. There is a lot wrong with this country but what country does not have problems.
Sincerely optimistic still!

The president is not totally at fault. How many congressman and senators have been in office over 10 years there is no limit for them. Big corporations own them and they do as they are told. I am so tired of people complaining about how they are leaving there is no better country than America we have freedoms most people do not. There is a lot wrong with this country but what country does not have problems.

The problem isn't entirely Obama'a fault. Even if he wanted to change things, he couldn't. Our entire congress is so beholden to the people and corporations that put them there, and are afraid to put into motion legislation that would benefit the people. For example, right after the financial crisis in 2008, Congress passed a piece of legislation that changed the way banks were approving loans. It basically stated that they couldn't hand out subsidized loans as freely as they'd been doing. It also stated that if the banks found themselves in such dire straits again, they had to bail themselves out and could not rely on the government to do so, and so they have to set money aside in the case of national economic emergency. Now, not even five years after the 2008 financial crisis, politicians are trying to repeal the legislation. Why? Because the banks want them to. And who funded the politicians? Yep, you guessed it. Banks. Not outright, of course, but through a system of transnational corporations who have quite a stake in American banking systems. So, you see how this entire process is one big circle and it never benefits the people. And if the system is so convoluted and corrupt over just ONE piece of legislation, imagine trying to pass any kind of substantial law; like banning the use or ownership of a firearm. Yeah. Not going to happen. By the way if the legislation were to pass, banks would once again be allowed to hand out bad loans that led to thousands of people losing their homes, and everything they spent a lifetime trying to achieve. So yeah, Obama's not entirely to blame here; Romney would have encountered the same problem and would have been just as trapped. I think we can safely assume our President is nothing more than a powerless puppet, and the corporations have now usurped the power. And it wouldn't be different with anyone else.

Dear Bobbity & Keylow,

I have to agree with your views on the role of President. It appears to be less routed in the blame game and more an objective evaluation of the existing realities available today in Washington , DC. I still have to believe in the "inherent good-intentions" Obama began with and I have to wonder if the decisions were all placed on my back, if I would do even as well as he has!

The last thing this country needs is more speculation and/or scapegoating to further increase all the monumental distractions facing Obama rising just to do his Presidential duty!

I just read an article in which Glen Beck apologized about the effects of his hate-filled and exaggerated toxic rhetoric he has used during his broadcasting career. To that end I have to say never did I feel I would ever be witness to an apology coming from his lips. If we are to advance as a nation, we must first be united in our efforts to support Obama!

Sincerely optimistic still,

President Obama is far too centrist in my personal view. Left up to me, he would be a radical left-winger.
liberal &

President Obama is far too centrist in my personal view. Left up to me, he would be a radical left-winger.

Dear DrabBois,

I too would prefer a more left-leaning 'Progressive" approach by Obama. I would take a George McGovern any day! I am a hard-core liberal Democrat and am proud of being a liberal.


There will never be a perfect society which pleases everyone, whether it is in the US or UK. Sometimes we have to sit back and think, is it all that bad ? Would you prefer to be in Syria at the moment ?
The problem isn't entirely Obama'a fault. Even if he wanted to change things, he couldn't. Our entire congress is so beholden to the people and corporations that put them there, and are afraid to put into motion legislation that would benefit the people. For example, right after the financial crisis in 2008, Congress passed a piece of legislation that changed the way banks were approving loans. It basically stated that they couldn't hand out subsidized loans as freely as they'd been doing. It also stated that if the banks found themselves in such dire straits again, they had to bail themselves out and could not rely on the government to do so, and so they have to set money aside in the case of national economic emergency. Now, not even five years after the 2008 financial crisis, politicians are trying to repeal the legislation. Why? Because the banks want them to. And who funded the politicians? Yep, you guessed it. Banks. Not outright, of course, but through a system of transnational corporations who have quite a stake in American banking systems. So, you see how this entire process is one big circle and it never benefits the people. And if the system is so convoluted and corrupt over just ONE piece of legislation, imagine trying to pass any kind of substantial law; like banning the use or ownership of a firearm. Yeah. Not going to happen. By the way if the legislation were to pass, banks would once again be allowed to hand out bad loans that led to thousands of people losing their homes, and everything they spent a lifetime trying to achieve. So yeah, Obama's not entirely to blame here; Romney would have encountered the same problem and would have been just as trapped. I think we can safely assume our President is nothing more than a powerless puppet, and the corporations have now usurped the power. And it wouldn't be different with anyone else.

Sounds about right.
However, should we, as individuals, not be able to deal with some of this bullshit. I was aware there was an internet bubble in the late 1990s. I was aware that there was a housing bubble in the 2000s. One should not buy into a bubble. Salesmen can sell, and we can say no. It seems that a whole bunch of people bought into the bullshit and bought homes with bad mortgages. People have to get smarter and the sellers have to be charged with fraud. These were bullshit mortgages from the gitgo. They were made and then repackaged by Wall Street, with a Triple-A rating. Where were the regulators and our elected officials, looking out for our interests - all bought and paid for.
"Tons of stuff that they are doing that makes us look like Nazi Germany or worse."

I'm sorry, but this statement made me stop reading, as it demonstrates the author has a complete lack of knowledge of history, and is hyperbolic in their arguments. I don't know what was said after this, but if it was an attempt to justify this statement, EPIC FAIL.

I strongly suggest that the author do some reading on what actually happened during Nazi control of Europe. Whatever ills one might perceive in the country right now are not even remotely similar, and making a comparison to Nazi Germany is an INSULT to all of the people who suffered so traumatically during that period.
"Tons of stuff that they are doing that makes us look like Nazi Germany or worse."

I'm sorry, but this statement made me stop reading, as it demonstrates the author has a complete lack of knowledge of history, and is hyperbolic in their arguments. I don't know what was said after this, but if it was an attempt to justify this statement, EPIC FAIL.

I strongly suggest that the author do some reading on what actually happened during Nazi control of Europe. Whatever ills one might perceive in the country right now are not even remotely similar, and making a comparison to Nazi Germany is an INSULT to all of the people who suffered so traumatically during that period.


I heartily agree with Huh?, in his concerns about this post. Rick, I have a sense that you are a nice person, with some serious concerns about the present state of U.S. government. It is absolutely "fair ball" for you to criticize President Obama for any one of his economic or social policies (though I, as a moderate Canadian conservative, happen to think they have been mostly helpful and useful ones, for your country): or, even more, to express concerns about the recent IRS scandal, and other infringements upon personal liberty and freedom of expression. These are, absolutely, legitimate questions, and, furthermore, questions which informed people ought to ask, and ought to debate.

However, there is no possible justification for comparing the present U.S. Administration with the brutal regime which ruled National Socialist Germany from 1933 to 1945. A regime which murdered six million Jewish people; arrested at least a hundred thousand homosexual people (torturing and murdering many thousands of them); and murdered at least one hundred thirty thousand Roma people, within its territories - whilst planning to enslave and exterminate millions of Slavic people, by starvation and forced labour. Though it is little discussed in the West, the old Soviet Union bore a huge burden in the fight against Hitler, suffering (by reputable accounts) upwards of TWENTY MILLION deaths, military and civilian. (Stalin, of course, was guilty of his own heinous crimes against his own people, on a scale equal to, or greater than, Hitler's.)

Rick, the total death toll occasioned by the combined Axis advance was upwards of 60 million people: and this loss was justified by an ideology which was explicitly racist, accounting the lives of those not in the "proper" ethnic groups, or of the correct sexual orientation, to be not only expendable, but utterly worthless. The CONFLICT occasioned by this advance very nearly destroyed Western civilization: and it was really only very narrowly won.

Rick, in likening your distaste for the policies of the current U.S. President, to those of Hitler - just as Huh?, suggested - you disrespect the memory of all those who served (many of whom gave up their lives) to put a stop to this evil; and the countless multitudes who were tortured and starved and mutilated, and suffered and died, under the yoke of this oppression. You do a disservice, I would politely suggest, to the memory of your own Grandfather, who bravely served his country, in this conflict.

Rick, there is no doubt that there are issues to be concerned about, in America, today, as in every other nation: and (as a former teacher of political science) I welcome your expressing those concerns ~ even in the most extravagant language. (I do not care whether you are a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or a Libertarian. . . a conservative, a liberal, or a democratic socialist. You OUGHT to express your concerns from your own convinced perspective, and in a STYLE that is uniquely, your own.)

However, I do agree with Huh?, that this post crossed the line in terms of both proportion AND any sort of historical accuracy - and join him in encouraging you to read some history, if you intend to expound upon it, in public. I am not meaning to chide you in an unfeeling or condescending way (because I am sure you are a very nice and well-intentioned person) but: Rick, you have invoked such issues, of such enormity - the plain facts do not support your analysis. And, though I do not expect such a thing, on a board dedicated to entertainment, I am sure that a gentle and gracious retraction or clarification would not be taken amiss, should you ever care to offer one.

This is exactly what I would have told you, were I your caring and *twinkly* old professor: and, in any case, it was surely my duty to offer it.


P.S. This post is offered to the memory of all my dear old uncles, and great-uncles, who served the cause of freedom in both world wars: and the memory of my brother-in-law's family, who were held in prison-camps, in the second one.
"Tons of stuff that they are doing that makes us look like Nazi Germany or worse."

I'm sorry, but this statement made me stop reading, as it demonstrates the author has a complete lack of knowledge of history, and is hyperbolic in their arguments. I don't know what was said after this, but if it was an attempt to justify this statement, EPIC FAIL.

I strongly suggest that the author do some reading on what actually happened during Nazi control of Europe. Whatever ills one might perceive in the country right now are not even remotely similar, and making a comparison to Nazi Germany is an INSULT to all of the people who suffered so traumatically during that period.
I agree with you Huh? that it is an unfair comparison, however when I was young and marching to protest the illegal, immoral war in Vietnam, I also used hyperbole to express my discontent with the US and Nixon and what we were doing murdering innocent people there and killing so many of our own young men.

My belief is that President Obama is a very good man, doing what he thinks is correct to protect the American people, and that once he became president he realized that some of the things he was opposed to as a private citizen might actually be necessary in the big picture to protect our society and freedoms.

But I love our freedoms here and I encourage all to protest and express their views, be them radical or otherwise, for we do have that freedom, and that to me is the most import aspect of all this.
Guys, give Rick a break. He's a young dude who is expressing his opinion. Just because he hasn't your experience or knowledge doesn't mean he's a dumbass. Chastising a young guy like you guys have done, for expressing his opinion will only stop others from posting in the future. You should all be ashamed of yourself. Ambi and Mike - I'm really surprised at you, not surprised at Huh though, mainly because he only comes on here to criticise others.
Guys, give Rick a break. He's a young dude who is expressing his opinion. Just because he hasn't your experience or knowledge doesn't mean he's a dumbass. Chastising a young guy like you guys have done, for expressing his opinion will only stop others from posting in the future. You should all be ashamed of yourself. Ambi and Mike - I'm really surprised at you, not surprised at Huh though, mainly because he only comes on here to criticise others.
Jon, go read what I said. I said I did the same thing when I was young, protesting the war and President Nixon and I said, "I encourage all to protest and express their views", as that is our most important freedom.

So tell me where I was chastising or calling anyone a dumbass??????
Hey All

I do sincerely apologize for the Nazi Germany reference. That was over the top and when I wrote it I was not even thinking of the killing they did. I was fixated on them collecting data on their own people to see if they were of a certain religion or if they were against the movement.
I would never suggest that all of the senseless killing done in Germany, Poland and other places under Hitler is remotely similar to what is going on here. Also I am not just picking on Obama. As I said Bush did things that upset me too. Personally I think all of Washington should be broomed!

And Jon, thanks for standing up for me. I "am" a young guy but I have accomplished more at 25 then most will do in a lifetime. So I should and DO know better. My comparison was wrong and I should not have used it. My sincere apologizes to those I offended. One should never rant when super tired at 3am after a really hard day. So no more venting or writing from me.
Rick Bell
Thanks for ringing my bell Rick

So no more venting or writing from me.

But please do rant and vent your opinions Rick Bell; that's exactly what this forum is all about. Sharing opinions and arguments.

You may also have started one of the most significant topics this year: what about the constitution of the United States? Should it not protect the people from a government that is violating the privacy of citizens?

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