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Nice Cock on BSB


P.S., Johnny. . . .

You're a real sweetheart, so hang in there. . . (XOXOXOXOXO)

But, lo and behold. . . almost out of nowhere (as it were) along came Mr. K. - who is so, so, soooo beautiful, to my eyes (even more beautiful, I think, than Jason or Danny or Paul): and he LIKES older guys like me, and he LIKES my looks and my personality (I don't know which of the two is a bigger stretch, for the imagination): and he has grabbed me up, and loved me, and. . . we'll see how it all goes, but - I never thought anything so nice could happen, to ME.

You're so right Ambi. Johnny is a total sweetheart.

I'm so happy that you found love Ambi. The older we get while we're single, sometimes the more we wonder if it will happen for us. Thanks for the reassurance that anything is indeed possible.
Yes. "Tank" Shane is an artist and drew the designs for the shirts himself. :) As a side business he sold them.
There is another Shane who should get an honorable mention also. We called him "Porn Shane" to differentiate him from the other Shanes listed in the index. He was one of rare professional porn models that David brought in. David was very up front with everyone that Shane was at least bi and he had done work on other gay porn sites. He was accepted and loved almost immediately, for his amazing body but also his charming onscreen personality.

Porn Shane (Now listed as Shane Willis):


From scene on College Boy Physicals: http://members.collegeboyphysicals.com/go/66468/hit

Porn Shane & Josh



And oddly enough, my true favorite scene of Porn Shane's is this one because it showed his generous and playful personality. To look at them you would think that Dylan was totally out of Shane's league. Yet this was Dylan's day to remember forever. Why? Because Shane willingly gave himself over to the task and sparks flew and magic happened. :)

Shane & Dylan

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And oddly enough, my true favorite scene of Porn Shane's is this one because it showed his generous and playful personality. To look at them you would think that Dylan was totally out of Shane's league. Yet this was Dylan's day to remember forever. Why? Because Shane willingly gave himself over to the task and sparks flew and magic happened. :)

Shane & Dylan
View attachment 12469

Dylan was a bit unique in that David introduced us to him as a fan of the site, who supposedly paid for the privilege of having sex with his favorite model's, including Porn Shane. It was a bit of a different premise for a scene.
Thank You


Dear Ambivalent.
First Thanks for all your kind words.
BUT..I never want you to put yourself down again. Please..Any one who writes as Beautiful as you do just has to be a Beautiful person.
Yes beauty is important. Especially into the life we were born to. But I have known some real beautiful dumb jerks.
Of all the people I have had the great pleasure to meet on this forum no one writes like you.
(( And there are some great writers on this forum ))
All your posts are like reading poetry. You are kind, sweet, sensitive, and your so fucking smart. What I would give to have
one eighth of your talent and mind.
My whole life my biggest regret has been my education. But to be able to read the beautiful words you and others write .
And be excepted just overwhelms me.
So glad you have met MR.K he is a very lucky man.So wish you all the happiness you so well deserve.
All the music you post is great. But your last one really got me.

Short story. My Father looked like Dean Martin. And put one drink in him he thought he was him.
My last great memory of him .We were at a Big Old fashion Italian wedding and he got up on stage and started singing.
Everybody Loves Somebody Sometimes. And the whole place joined in. I never Loved or felt more proud in my life.
He was a hard working man. Regular guy, but I sure loved an miss him. And he loved his gay son. His words of advice to me
Don't hurt yourself or any one and call your Mother. So thanks for bringing that back.Thanks for the song.
So Ambivalent you are loved. Wish you so much Happiness. You deserve it
So four thousand kisses to you....
Your friend.
xoxoxo Johnny
Now.. I have to go blow my nose and wipe my cry baby tears....Ya Peter is right..Don't take much. LOL

You are far too kind to me. I don't really put myself down, ever - I'm just realistic, I think. My face and form are not what would entice anybody - but I hope I have other qualities, which might. And I've been just lucky enough to find friends, like you, and a loved-one, like Mr. K., who appreciate me for those other things.

I very much appreciated your kind words about my writing, which are far, far, too generous. But there is nothing sweeter, to a writer's ear, than to hear and know that even a sentence he has written, has moved someone, helped someone, or been in some way appreciated. Thank you, Johnny: really, my heart is overflowing, because of YOUR kindness, today.

IN FACT, you write every BIT as well as I do. And I would like to thank you, so sincerely, for your beautiful and luminous story about your Dad, and all he meant to you. That was a superb, a sublime, and an absolutely touching moment, that you shared with me. I had no idea that one little song would open up that treasury of memory, for you: but I feel absolutely privileged, that you DID share those memories, with us.

Johnny, as everyone here knows - you're a fine and caring and wonderful man. And you deserve happiness, too. What is certain is, you're loved by everybody here, and you are certainly my friend, for life.

My dream for you, Johnny, is that you will find the love YOU deserve - - - and that, in the meantime, Mr. Paul Canon will come to San Francisco, and give you a GREAT BIG HUG!!!

Thanks, Johnny - friends like you, make life worthwhile. You're a treasure, and the sweetheart of all time. God bless you, and may He (and all the saints and angels, in heaven) keep you and care for you, my dear friend, Johnny.



Thank You Again Ambi..
That was another one my Dad loved we sang it together. Peter.. Best be Mean to me cause don't know if I can take anymore.
That's Amore.. Think I need some porn,Tyler's nipples..Glad I didn't wear my false lashes today.