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New Solo 2/20.......a little familiar

Ms. Kianna

BSB Addict
Apr 17, 2010
Reaction score
I clicked on the home page today, to see if the picture for the next update was posted. I was crushed to see that it was yet another solo, because as I have said before, a solo scene is a missed opportunity to see CHAD, and we are long overdue for a CHAD scene.:001_wub:

However, I looked at the nameless guy posted for the sole. Then I came back and looked again. Before I posted this thread, I even looked one more time:confused:..........

Maybe it is just me, but something about this new guy(from the neck up), reminds me of Diesal:w00t:

Is it just me????????????
I agree it's been way to long since we've had a chad scene it's not fair. I can see a resemblance to diesal. This new guy looks good though.
I clicked on the home page today, to see if the picture for the next update was posted. I was crushed to see that it was yet another solo, because as I have said before, a solo scene is a missed opportunity to see CHAD, and we are long overdue for a CHAD scene.:001_wub:

However, I looked at the nameless guy posted for the sole. Then I came back and looked again. Before I posted this thread, I even looked one more time:confused:..........

Maybe it is just me, but something about this new guy(from the neck up), reminds me of Diesal:w00t:

Is it just me????????????
There is a definite resemblance, and as we haven't seen Diesal here for so long, he may have changed, but I don't think it's him, but I'm not 100% sure.

Are you thinking to first bring back Diesal and then find his long lost romantic partner from yesteryear, Jimmie Slater, and then to release the blockbuster hit of 2012- Diesal & Jimmie - Part 4 ????? :groovy:
I clicked on the home page today, to see if the picture for the next update was posted. I was crushed to see that it was yet another solo, because as I have said before, a solo scene is a missed opportunity to see CHAD, and we are long overdue for a CHAD scene.:001_wub:

However, I looked at the nameless guy posted for the sole. Then I came back and looked again. Before I posted this thread, I even looked one more time:confused:..........

Maybe it is just me, but something about this new guy(from the neck up), reminds me of Diesal:w00t:

Is it just me????????????

You know. Ms. K, when I read this and then went to look at the picture of the solo, I said to myself, no the mouth is different, the head shape is different, eyebrows different. Then I scrolled down to the picture of Diesal in the episode under Members Favorites and the more I scrolled back and forth the more I could see the resemblance. Head shape, same; eyebrows, same; smile, same; Would that it were so dear Ms. K, but I have a feeling if Mark were able to get Diesal back, his reintroduction would either be to great fanfare, or under disguise so people would be really surprised. Having said that, we girls can always hope.

As to your second point about solos. I can only agree. They rarely do anything for me. It appears that the pattern is solos on mostly Mondays and partnered scenes on Thursdays and Saturdays. That doesn't offend me too much since I'm still getting 2 out of 3 that are partnered and sometimes even the occasional solo scene can, as Truvy would say, "melt my butter". What does bother me is when there is a solo scene which doesn't light my fire accompanied by one or both of the partnered scenes of the same calibre. That doesn't happen very often but when it does I am disappointed and left frustrated. But I am reconsidering my belonging to College Dudes because it only updates twice a week and one of those is almost always a solo. So even at the discounted rate for Broke Straight Boys members, I have to consider whether I get the most bang for my very limited discretionary buck. Decisions, Decisions!!!

As to your third point about Chad, I heartily and enthusiastically agree. It has been a month and 2 days since our last Chad scene and that was hardly worthy of our hero given it was the Cliff scene and Chad didn't even get to take his pants off. Boo! Hiss!.

We want Chad! We want Chad! We want Chad!

i don't think it's diesal, the new guy does bring diesal to mind.
Ms K, the resemblence is there, but I cannot say for sure tho the one thing about this solo is that as soon as this young man drops his pants we'll know for sure if it is Diesal Dolly's plastic surgeon couldn't change that dopple ganger to something I wouldn't recognize! Also, not only is Chad missing among us but I seem to be missing Bobby but heard the rumor while in Washington the other day that Hillary has sent him to Syria....something about the peace accords.....is there any confirmation to that ?
As soon as I saw this guy I was immediately reminded of diesal. I know it's not him, but no one can.
I am 99% positive that it is not Diesal, but he reminds me of Diesal:biggrin:..........

Maybe he will get a scene with CHAD!:001_wub: Can SOMEONE, PLEASE have a scene with CHAD?:001_wub:
Funny, The new guy doesn't remind me of Diesal at all. Yes, I do have my glasses on correctly. haha lol. For me, I'm glad it's not Diesal because I am enjoying getting to meet these new guys. I suppose that Clay must get the solos when the person is ready, but I wonder how many non-solo scenes are backed up in the hopper? Non the less, I think Broke Straight Boys II is doing well and really can't complain.

To Clay and all the models: Thanks for all your work on these scenes. They really provide my many happy hours of viewing. You are all tops in my book. Best Wishes.
I dont see Diesal at all, but does look very familiar also. When I saw it, I had to take a second glance because I saw the familiarity of CJ, although CJ never smiled that much in his life.
I dont see Diesal at all, but does look very familiar also. When I saw it, I had to take a second glance because I saw the familiarity of CJ, although CJ never smiled that much in his life.
Maybe this new model is actually another of Scorpio's "Morphy" characters, a compilation of past models, part Diesal, part CJ................:biggrin:
Maybe this new model is actually another of Scorpio's "Morphy" characters, a compilation of past models, part Diesal, part CJ................:biggrin:

Haha. Yep that's it, it's Morphy! Wouldn't that be scary lol
Morphy leaves a lot to be desired, but does he have 4 hooves and a tail?

Dear Scorpio,

This is a textbook case of the pitfalls of "design by committee" and why most wisely prefer "whatever the hand nature deals them " instead.:001_rolleyes: I would like to assist in finding this unfortunate creature a pasture for him to live out his life grazing for the remander of time he has left. No more heavy loads for him to pull!:ohmy:


I've been spending some time with Denver. He really is a great guy. He's hot, funny and has some good stories. He talks about fucking girls a lot lol. I'm going to try to get him to post on here for you guys. :)

Thanks Mark, that would be great, I thiink we all like to "play with the boy toys" here!:nicethread:
denver seems like a nice guy. would be interesting to see how he interact with others.
as a side note, i see that my plea to have the guys stay in their underwear for a second or two went unanswered this month. maybe next month!
I liked Denver's solo; he seemed to have fun. I also think he would make a nice addition to the Broke Straight Boys group; he is friendly, outgoing and has a willingness about him that I think will work! Thanks Denver!
I really liked Denver and I can definitely see the resemblence to Diesal.. l wouldn't be surprised if he is a younger cousin?

Anyhow, I'm looking forward to Mr Positivity coming back :)
Yes he does remind me of Diesal allot and his solo was not so bad .As you all no I am not a fan they are baring as hell but sometimes we get a good one and this was great,sure hope to see him back with anyone even Chad lol.