Hi Chuck!
At risk of turning this into an IT support thread, I have a question I hope you or some other member or staff member might be able to help me with. Before my forced upgrade to Windows 10 my default video player for
Broke Straight Boys videos was Windows Media Player. I liked it. Right after the upgrade to Windows 10 I was defaulted and forced into using a new video player that sucks for watching adult videos. I'm specifically talking about videos I've already downloaded. The resolution of the newer video player is marginally better. But... It has no fast forward feature other than the option of skipping forward a full 30 seconds or rewinding exactly 10 seconds. Also whenever you hit pause, the brightness of the picture either fades to near black or otherwise darkens slightly. Then you have to click the picture with the cursor over the screen to brighten it back up.
Through a cumbersome process I found that I still have Windows Media Player downloaded onto my computer and can watch my downloaded videos on it. But as I say, it's a cumbersome process requiring several extra steps each time I want to watch a video. If I finish one video on the WMP and want to watch another one consecutively, I get booted out of WMP and have to go through the same process all over again to watch the next vid. Is there a relatively easy way to reset my computer to WMP as the default video player for my
Broke Straight Boys videos?
Thanks for any help somebody can offer me on this.