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My problem with BSB is David


Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
North of FT Wayne, IN
OK, here it is, after holding my tongue for months, it's time to vent my frustrations with Broke Straight Boys in general and David in particular. This has nothing to do with the recent racial slur controversy. :mad:

First off there is my problem with David almost never knowing or remembering the names of the models in front of him. It is awkward listening to him fumble around with their names. Can’t someone in the office give him a cheat sheet? Also, when he (or someone) writes the synopsis for the shoot they often turn the names around for the person they are talking about (read the one for Cody and Luke).

Secondly, there is David's constant banter going on when the models start getting the action on. I often find it disrupting when he interrupts a scene or when he has them change positions during the height of an action scene. This might be a good time to use creative editing.

And speaking of editing, why o why does David always edit out one of the best visual scenes of anal fucking? I am talking about such things as getting the bottoms ass ready by the top by shoving his lubed finger up the bottom's ass. Or even more frustrating, why David doesn’t ever film the guy's asshole. He always edits his clips with the models talking about "lets now fuck" to "now the top has his dick inside the bottom" leaving out a potential sexy scene of the top slowly inserting his cock. :drool: :thumbup:

You may think this is all very petty, and it may be, but it is enough of a problem for me to take the time, and risk the ire of my fellow Broke Straight Boys buddies, to bring it to your attention.

Michaelboy :001_rolleyes:
Hi Michaelboy,

I hear your concern but I think your under the impression that I do everything. We have a large team of people working on all the sites that you view.

As for your first concern regarding remembering names. I have filmed hundreds of models and we have models coming and going each week and at times its difficult remember there names. I don't think not remembering names in a few episodes is going to make a big difference and I don't do it in a *tacky* way. As for the description of the scenes, I don't write them. I just started writing the synopsis/description this past week. It has come to the point and we have decided its best for me to start writing the scenarios for each episode. I'm not much of a writer...but I think it will be much better then what we have now. My synopsis will start in the next several months but for now, you will need to deal and read with what we have at the moment.

For your 2nd point..as for your comment about "bantering", I'm doing my best in recent episodes to limit my speaking. However, many of the members do like my comments, my voice and we get more positive remarks then negative. I believe I did a post regarding this issue and most of the members that post on this board like listening to me and my so called *bantering*. I'm doing my best to limit my speaking and to be a lot more sensitive to my comments and such so lets see if that improves things in the long term. In addition, when I tell the boys to change positions...lets face it...how long can you watch a boy do *doggie style*? Most of these boys don't have enough sense to change positions...we are not working with professional models and for the record, we don't edit the Broke Straight Boys site :)

And speaking of editing, you will need to direct your comments and remarks to Mark. I don't edit and we don't edit the Broke Straight Boys footage here in our office. We prepare the footage and send everything to Mark. Mark has an editor that edits the Broke Straight Boys footage. We only edit the College Boy Physicals footage and the new Boy Gusher.com footage (a site that will soon be online)

Although I enjoy reading comments...please get your facts straight before posting such threads! If you have issue's with the site, you could have or should have PM'd me or Mark and we would have been happy to answer any questions or comments you may have had regarding the site(s).
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Hi Michaelboy,

I hear your concern but I think your under the impression that I do everything. We have a large team of people working on all the sites that you view.

As for your first concern regarding remembering names. I have filmed hundreds of models and we have models coming and going each week and at times its difficult remember there names. I don't think not remembering names in a few episodes is going to make a big difference and I don't do it in a *tacky* way. As for the description of the scenes, I don't write them. I just started writing the synopsis/description this past week. It has come to the point and we have decided its best for me to start writing the scenarios for each episode. I'm not much of a writer...but I think it will be much better then what we have now. My synopsis will start in the next several months but for now, you will need to deal and read with what we have at the moment.

For your 2nd point..as for your comment about "bantering", I'm doing my best in recent episodes to limit my speaking. However, many of the members do like my comments, my voice and we get more positive remarks then negative. I believe I did a post regarding this issue and most of the members that post on this board like listening to me and my so called *bantering*. I'm doing my best to limit my speaking and to be a lot more sensitive to my comments and such so lets see if that improves things in the long term. In addition, when I tell the boys to change positions...lets face it...how long can you watch a boy do *doggie style*? Most of these boys don't have enough sense to change positions...we are not working with professional models and for the record, we don't edit the Broke Straight Boys site :)

And speaking of editing, you will need to direct your comments and remarks to Mark. I don't edit and we don't edit the Broke Straight Boys footage here in our office. We prepare the footage and send everything to Mark. Mark has an editor that edits the Broke Straight Boys footage. We only edit the College Boy Physicals footage and the new Boy Gusher.com footage (a site that will soon be online)

Although I enjoy reading comments...please get your facts straight before posting such threads! If you have issue's with the site, you could have or should have PM'd me or Mark and we would have been happy to answer any questions or comments you may have had regarding the site(s).
David keep doing what you do i love to hear your voice the things you say are funny to me so keep up the good work
I Love You Just The Way You Are (My apologies to Billy Joel)

David. Please don't change your style or anything that you do because of one member's post. We all have a somewhat different perspective on all aspects of life, from the next guy. I don't think that any television program would change it's format, based on one negative letter or email. With all of the members both on the site, and in the forum, if there was a general problem with your style, you would have known by now.

But I love you, and I feel certain a large percentage of the site agrees with me. As Slim has often pointed out, the somewhat unprofessional aspects of the site give it is's charm, and when you hem and haw and fumble over a model's name, or if he has a girlfriend, or what he did in his last scene, it is charming. I have called Tyler the "superstar" of Broke Straight Boys, but you are truly the most important person on the site, as if you left, everything would be different, and it wouldn't be the Broke Straight Boys that I love, and devote so much time to.

So please, do not stop talking during the videos or anything else, unless you think it would improve things, not because of an isolated protest. You are a natural, and your instincts guide you, so keeping doing what you think is right, and I will be happy.
David. Please don't change your style or anything that you do because of one member's post. We all have a somewhat different perspective on all aspects of life, from the next guy. I don't think that any television program would change it's format, based on one negative letter or email. With all of the members both on the site, and in the forum, if there was a general problem with your style, you would have known by now.

But I love you, and I feel certain a large percentage of the site agrees with me. As Slim has often pointed out, the somewhat unprofessional aspects of the site give it is's charm, and when you hem and haw and fumble over a model's name, or if he has a girlfriend, or what he did in his last scene, it is charming. I have called Tyler the "superstar" of Broke Straight Boys, but you are truly the most important person on the site, as if you left, everything would be different, and it wouldn't be the Broke Straight Boys that I love, and devote so much time to.

So please, do not stop talking during the videos or anything else, unless you think it would improve things, not because of an isolated protest. You are a natural, and your instincts guide you, so keeping doing what you think is right, and I will be happy.

Ditto in spades. Except for ONE THING. It would be far hotter if you negociated whatever kissing that might go on during the shoot before you started filming instead of cueing the straighties with the live cam turned mercilessly on them. That's the only thing. And I know it's lame to imagine that if you don't tell them to kiss they're gonna automatically do it anyway, but the end result is so very very much hotter without the verbal stimulus, or even any mention of it in the interview.

That nanosecond in which it becomes clear that one Broke Straight Boys is about to kiss another Broke Straight Boys, without being told to, is one of the hottest, woodiest nanoseconds in pornsville.
LOL! Slim, you have such a way with pervy words! :001_cool:

David, ditto what Mike said. It simply wouldn't be the same with out you in the shoots. You are in ALL of them. You be da star! :001_smile:

No, I'm not sucking up. I mean it, and I complain as much as anybody here! LOL!
Thank you guys for your support!!! You guys are right..I shouldn't let one post bring me down and if there was an issue, this site wouldn't be as popular as it is and we get lots of positive responses to this site. However, we did make the decision for me to write the synopsis of the episodes, but my description will be up in future episodes.

Thank you guys your response to this post means a lot to me!
Personally as a model I think david does a awesome job and yall really dont know how much he stresses with work, porn aint as easy as most think...

Keep it up batman :)
Personally as a model I think david does a awesome job and yall really dont know how much he stresses with work, porn aint as easy as most think...

Keep it up batman :)

OK Robin, as long as we're handing out laurels it's gotta be said as well that you make every episode you're in a joyful, sexy, woody, jokey event. You and David make a great team.

(Get him to take the kissing hint seriously. Use your clout. :001_tt1:)
Hi Michaelboy,

I hear your concern but I think your under the impression that I do everything. We have a large team of people working on all the sites that you view.

As for your first concern regarding remembering names. I have filmed hundreds of models and we have models coming and going each week and at times its difficult remember there names. I don't think not remembering names in a few episodes is going to make a big difference and I don't do it in a *tacky* way. As for the description of the scenes, I don't write them. I just started writing the synopsis/description this past week. It has come to the point and we have decided its best for me to start writing the scenarios for each episode. I'm not much of a writer...but I think it will be much better then what we have now. My synopsis will start in the next several months but for now, you will need to deal and read with what we have at the moment.

For your 2nd point..as for your comment about "bantering", I'm doing my best in recent episodes to limit my speaking. However, many of the members do like my comments, my voice and we get more positive remarks then negative. I believe I did a post regarding this issue and most of the members that post on this board like listening to me and my so called *bantering*. I'm doing my best to limit my speaking and to be a lot more sensitive to my comments and such so lets see if that improves things in the long term. In addition, when I tell the boys to change positions...lets face it...how long can you watch a boy do *doggie style*? Most of these boys don't have enough sense to change positions...we are not working with professional models and for the record, we don't edit the Broke Straight Boys site :)

And speaking of editing, you will need to direct your comments and remarks to Mark. I don't edit and we don't edit the Broke Straight Boys footage here in our office. We prepare the footage and send everything to Mark. Mark has an editor that edits the Broke Straight Boys footage. We only edit the College Boy Physicals footage and the new Boy Gusher.com footage (a site that will soon be online)

Although I enjoy reading comments...please get your facts straight before posting such threads! If you have issue's with the site, you could have or should have PM'd me or Mark and we would have been happy to answer any questions or comments you may have had regarding the site(s).
The information given in the banter is the reason I subscribe. I like having an idea of what the model is like and where he is coming from. Dave does a reasonable job. I know a lot of what the the models is not not factually true. But as long as they're not just reading script we learn something.
Thank you guys for your support!!! You guys are right..I shouldn't let one post bring me down and if there was an issue, this site wouldn't be as popular as it is and we get lots of positive responses to this site. However, we did make the decision for me to write the synopsis of the episodes, but my description will be up in future episodes.

Thank you guys your response to this post means a lot to me!

Sorry I'm a bit late posting, but I like the way you are. Sure you come up with some cracking comments - some are close to the edge like joking about "the retard" fucking his mother - but I guess that was meant as a joke. Keep up the good work David but if you're stressing out then take some holidays. As you've said before, there are enough films in the can.

Take care and love from England jon xx
The one day I take a rest from the computer... I'm sorry for the late posting. My loyalties here are with David. If the issues raised in that post were a concern to a majority of us then they would have come up before. So it's my belief that these views are shared by only a small minority. I think the remarks were unfair and very over-personalized. David is a good guy who works very hard to please his membership.

I do not have a problem at all with David's regular banter with the models. I think David's voice is fine. There would be no Broke Straight Boys without David. And even if they tried, not only would it not be the same...I highly doubt that it would be as good.

Much love to you David from up here in the Tampa Bay area. :001_smile:

You may think this is all very petty, and it may be, but it is enough of a problem for me to take the time, and risk the ire of my fellow Broke Straight Boys buddies, to bring it to your attention.

Michaelboy :001_rolleyes:

Now that I have just draged David through the mud on a diferent thread. Let me say Michaelboy I can understand your feelings but encourage you to look around at other sites and I think you will soon realize how really good David is at what he does. I know that making something like this work is as much science as luck and the fact that they are doing so good for so long says volumes. While some of the things you may find disturbing is the same thing that makes it so apealing to the next guy. Not every scene is the same so some people will like some sceens more then others. Try to find the ones you really like and save them for future viewing.
David you are awesome and so is the site.....
As we say down here in NZ, if it ain't broke bro then what ya tryin to fix it for aye!!

I think that the English translation to that is pretty much keep doin what you're doin!!!

Haha love what slim had to say about the kissing......bribe them before the camera rolls.....lol nice!:thumbup::w00t:
Well, I agree with everyone accept michealboy. David keep up the great work. David you were right he should have P.M.'d you and Mark. And speaking of that sexxxy peace of man meat. I think he does a great job too.

Peace and luv from the U.P. Michigan....
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Again guys!!! Thank you for your support...I do my best to please everyone...correction, we do our best as a studio and company to please everyone...but at times we can't please everyone all of the time. On the other thread, I'm being bashed for being a "racists" by a small majority of members and I have to defend myself for using a common slang word used by models.

Everyone is different and everyone is going to make judgments and have different opinions and we cater to people from all over the world so I have to and we have to as a company realize that everyone has a different view of the world.
Again guys!!! Thank you for your support...I do my best to please everyone...correction, we do our best as a studio and company to please everyone...but at times we can't please everyone all of the time. On the other thread, I'm being bashed for being a "racists" by a small majority of members and I have to defend myself for using a common slang word used by models.

Everyone is different and everyone is going to make judgments and have different opinions and we cater to people from all over the world so I have to and we have to as a company realize that everyone has a different view of the world.
David, Try to keep a thick skin, and let the accusations and derisive remarks roll off your back. You are a "public figure", here on this site, and your company has maintained this forum for an open exchange of ideas and opinions, and there are going to be shots taken at you. But as I said before, if the vast majority of members were not happy with your work, the site would not be as popular as it is. Keep up the great work!!!:thumbup:
The information given in the banter is the reason I subscribe. I like having an idea of what the model is like and where he is coming from. Dave does a reasonable job. I know a lot of what the the models is not not factually true. But as long as they're not just reading script we learn something.
Thank you Yabba for saying that. In another thread, one of the members stated that he usually fast forwards through the interviews, and I am like you. "The information given in the banter is the reason I subscribe".

The interviews make the guys seem real, and not like a slab of meat, chosen to appear because he has an unusually large dick, or whatever. And I agree with you that all of what the models say not being factually true, too. But we do get a glimpse into who these guys really are. I love it when Shane shakes his head, when Dave suggests he take a dick up his ass, and that type of banter is real. Broke Straight Boys is a very successful studio, and has a concept that works. As someone else here said, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".
ive been a member for a while i love the site as is, look forward to the new changes as well, hope to see model michael much, much, more. great jobs fore dave and mark as far as im concerned.
I barely listen to the interview portion but I wouldn't do without it. Whenever I do watch that part I have been consistently entertained...