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My new broke straight boy boyfriend....

13 days, nine hours, but who's counting! LOL!

I would be if it were the countdown to when you're going to perform the surgery on me. Of course it's all to do with the saint's day of an Irish martyr, or was it the snakes?, but I swear that in your holiday avatar you look a little like someone important in a major ER operating theater.

What was the operation for, by the way? Jowls and eyes, or was I going to be circumcised?:blushing:


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If you find yourself in need of a ride (across country),
plenty of truckers (myself included); would be more than happy to give you a lift and cum!
Hehe I am very surprised how many truckers are members here. :thumbup1:


I am just glad they are members and they chat in the Forum too. I am surprised too though to a certain degree.:001_smile:
I am just glad they are members and they chat in the Forum too. I am surprised too though to a certain degree.:001_smile:

Why be surprised to a certain degree?
A majority of the OTR drivers may be str8t; just as in the US Armed Forces. Though, there are openly gay guys in transportation; there are many closeted ones too.
In the Military it was pretty easy to pick out of the closet.
A true fact: What's the difference between a straight Marine and a gay Marine?
I will give the answer in another post... something for you and others to ponder on.
He looks scrummy! I would like to see him with Landon. That would be a really hot shoot!
Why be surprised to a certain degree?
A majority of the OTR drivers may be str8t; just as in the US Armed Forces. Though, there are openly gay guys in transportation; there are many closeted ones too.
In the Military it was pretty easy to pick out of the closet.
A true fact: What's the difference between a straight Marine and a gay Marine?
I will give the answer in another post... something for you and others to ponder on.

Actually, an ex-BFof mine is a long haul driver. He used to call when he made his stops at nite. Maybe if computers had been more popular back then, we might still be in touch. It was always harder when he was in truck stops, what with ears everywhere, but hopefully that has changed as well.

I am,
Actually, an ex-BFof mine is a long haul driver. He used to call when he made his stops at nite. Maybe if computers had been more popular back then, we might still be in touch. It was always harder when he was in truck stops, what with ears everywhere, but hopefully that has changed as well.

I am,

We say the difference between a straight guy and a guy guy is 6 pints of beer.

A few years ago I made an impromptu visit to Las Vegas and stayed at the Super 8 motel on Koval - which is the next block to strip. It was a very friendly place to stay, not as expensive as the main mega hotels, but only a short distance walk from the casinos - ideal. The overnight car park was full of trucks and you could hear the "ladies of the night" popping into their rooms for you know what.
Why be surprised to a certain degree?
A majority of the OTR drivers may be str8t; just as in the US Armed Forces. Though, there are openly gay guys in transportation; there are many closeted ones too.
In the Military it was pretty easy to pick out of the closet.
A true fact: What's the difference between a straight Marine and a gay Marine?
I will give the answer in another post... something for you and others to ponder on.

I never found a difference between a straight Marine and a Gay one. LOL Did you...?

After I posted; I started thinking about how many truckers use laptops to manage their business and tracking of all of their reports and forms. Now, I am surprised their are not more truckers on the Forum. :thumbup:
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Some what correct!! Had a few "str8t" marines, with nothing but hormones kicking into overdrive and having some great sex; Marine to Air Force. Though 97.67% of the time, on the Northern shore of Okinawa (Futema); a 6 pack would get a or two Marine(s) into some fantastic sex on the beach!
Yes I have and use a laptop PC, with Sprint Broadband USB Modem. For a while I used the Wi-Fi services offered from Flying Hook and TA; at that time the connection was very poor.
Some what correct!! Had a few "str8t" marines, with nothing but hormones kicking into overdrive and having some great sex; Marine to Air Force. Though 97.67% of the time, on the Northern shore of Okinawa (Futema); a 6 pack would get a or two Marine(s) into some fantastic sex on the beach!
Yes I have and use a laptop PC, with Sprint Broadband USB Modem. For a while I used the Wi-Fi services offered from Flying Hook and TA; at that time the connection was very poor.

Yep, one beer and they can feel it. Two beers and anyone can feel it. LOL :wink: My favorite was the old "I have never done this before" or "I am not really gay. I have a girlfriend. I just need to get laid." and they always wanted to be fucked to see what it is like.
I thought all marines had six packs!? Or is it just the position he assumes in bed? Jayman, can you help me out here? LMAO!

With love,
Please understand, I will not be posting on a regular basis.
As most professional driver's know; waiting on a load in the meat patch, can take a few days. Then you run your ass off for several days, catch a breath, get a load and run till you hit the meat patch again, or run out of hours!
Yep, one beer and they can feel it. Two beers and anyone can feel it. LOL :wink: My favorite was the old "I have never done this before" or "I am not really gay. I have a girlfriend. I just need to get laid." and they always wanted to be fucked to see what it is like.

:lol::001_tt2: and we all had a great time!
I thought all marines had six packs!? Or is it just the position he assumes in bed? Jayman, can you help me out here? LMAO!

With love,

I don't know. I think most Marines had 4-12 packs for stomachs. But a six pack of beer always seemed to loosen people up... Then you just push a Marine's belly button and watch their legs go in the air. LOL It worked out for me because I always preferred top but every once in a while it was fun to take a wild ride.

Below is a Jayman Pic. running a final PFT (Physical Fitness Test) in boot camp. I can laugh today. Then I ran three miles wearing combat boots in 16:48 min. Folks that was just a little over a 4 min. mile. The fastest run time that day was 16:22 min. 75 percent of my platoon ran that 3 miles in under 18 min. It would be a miricale to run an 8 min. mile for 3 miles today.

I would say that most Marines had six packs. LOL The best part of it was being stationed in the Jacksonville area. 220,000 male Marines between the ages of 17 and 25 and all in amazing physical shape and maybe 15,000 eligible women. Oh, then there is all of the field training 15, 30, and 45 days in a clip away from their women folks. Of course there is the 6 month Mediterranean float at sea. BTW you are the contingency force for the US. That means you are the first wave of Marines to hit the beach to serve your country if called upon. You never know if today is your last day on Earth. I cannot imagine why these guys would fuck a knot hole in a fence given the chance. LOL

This is why the military is afraid of gays serving openly in the service. They are afraid of how many young men and women would be converted. It is already estimated that 75% of the female Marines are Lesbians. LOL :wink: I can't wait until the letters come in to congressmen from mothers everywhere. "You helped to make my son gay by making him serve with those queers." LOL


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Do you still have to keep those damn journals, or daily report sheets? Fucking paperwork man. What a bitch!

Be happy!