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My Monday! A true story of a homophobe getting what he deserved!


Well-known Member
Dec 6, 2008
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Oahu Hawaii
Hello All,
Ricky here!!

For those who don't know me I am a college student currently taking time off and teaching scuba diving in Hawaii. I am a PADI master instructor. Right now my boyfriend Brad who is recently back from his third tour in the middle east as a combat Marine is here with me. Brad and I have known each other since we were kids and I hadn't seen him in over three years until a couple of weeks ago. He is the love of my life!

We both are leaving Hawaii this weekend and going to Texas to stay with Brad's uncle for a bit. Then Brad is back on base in California and I am out east at college. I have been here in Hawaii for about 16 months. The dive center owner hired two new instructors to replace me when I leave.

One is Paul from Germany, the other Travis from the USA.

Brad and I had them over for dinner last week to be nice and even though they had seen us together before the dinner, while eating Brad reach over and kissed me. Both Paul and Travis were amazed and never had a clue we are gay. Paul made some slightly rude comments but we passed it off. Travis was totally cool with things.

The following is an email I sent to my Broke Straight Boys forum buddy Jon. We email each other frequently about life in general.

Jon felt I needed to share with my friends here on the Broke Straight Boys forum so I am.

This is a totally true story that happened to me this past Monday the 16th.

September 18, 2013

Aloha Jon

I had a very interesting day Monday to say the least!!! Paul, one of the new instructors who came over for dinner the other night.... We were bringing fresh tanks to the boat and hauling back empties.

He told me "he was glad I was leaving because he didn't want to work with a fag".

I jumped and grabbed him by the neck lifting him off the ground and told him, "you are lucky this fag doesn't break you in half let alone see what my fag Marine boyfriend would do to you if he heard that!

I shoved him hard against a wall and told him to keep his homophobic mouth shut and let go of him.

I was finishing what I was doing and Travis the other new guy came down to help and see if I was OK. Travis told me that Paul had just told him "that fag just tried to hit on me and I had to rough him up".

My blood started to boil and Travis saw I was pissed and said "Rick I saw and heard the whole thing" I know what Paul said to you and don't let it bother you.

He is really an asshole and I am stuck working with him. Travis said he has been talking shit about you and Brad ever since dinner that night.

So about an hour goes by and we are in the office along with the owner and four customers came in. Paul was working the desk and greeted them. It was pretty obvious two were gay. Paul is explaining the dives, costs and stuff and the gay couple started holding hands.

Friggin Paul says to them" so you know, we have our own fag Divemaster here that will give you extra special attention on your dives."

Travis looked at me and then Paul, and I looked at the owner who came out and said "I will take over Paul. The customers got pissed and left so Paul comes back in and the owner said "Paul, you are done. Pack your shit".

Paul goes ape shit and I dragged him out of the office. He sucker punched me in the face and I gave him a massive upper to the jaw and another to the side of his head and he went down big time. Robert the owner drove his ass to Paul's apartment and told him he had 4 hours to be packed and gone.

I finished what I was doing and Travis and Cathy had the desk. We had two boats out with clients so I said "you guys have this"?

They said yes. I told them I would be back about 5:00 and help get the boats sorted out for tomorrow and then left. As I walked out to the Jeep, Travis came up to me and said" Rick, I am really sorry about Paul."

I told Travis it wasn't his fault and that he was a great guy who I liked very much. Travis said" I really wish you were staying. I am as straight as they come and have never once even thought about you being gay when we are together. You are probably the coolest guy I have ever met"

I thanked him and told him the same. Travis gave me a big "bro hug" and told me to go chill, he has this!

I was still really pissed when I got home and Brad saw me. Also Brad saw that I had a cut on the side of my face that was still bleeding some. I told him what went down and he calmed me down. I guess I am really lucky I don't run into a lot of homophobic pricks in life. In fact, I haven't been called a fag in probably 4 years!

Brad grabbed the keys to the Jeep as he said "he needed to go get us food for dinner and give me some alone time".

I sat thinking how sad it was that Paul is so full of hate inside. Again, he is from Germany and I would have thought he would be more tolerant as Europeans seem to be. He is really a beautiful guy on the outside. Both Paul & Travis are stunningly good looking.

When Paul was going off on me and when he told our customers about the "on staff fag Divemaster", you could truly see the venom of hate in his eyes. When he looked at me you could tell he hated being near me and if he could, would eliminate me his hate was so intense.

About 2 hours pass and I am wondering where the heck Brad is. It was 4pm and I had to get back to the dive center soon. I finally hear him pull up and come in the apartment with no groceries.

I said "I thought you went shopping"?? Brad replied "I went to visit a sick friend".

I looked at Brad and he had that sly smile on his face. I said "What sick friend"??

Brad said "that sick motherfucker Paul".

My heart sunk to the floor thinking Brad beat him to a pulp.
I reached out and grabbed both of Brads hands and looked to see any cuts or bruises and there were none.

Brad said, I didn't rough him up. Then he smiled and said...... "well a little bit"!!

So Brad tells me what went down;

Brad told me he went by the dive center, picked up Travis and they both went over to Paul's. He was there drinking beer and sitting on the third floor balcony. Travis said to Paul, "dude you have got to get packed. Robert wants you out of his apartment by 6pm.

(Robert is the dive shop owner and he owns several small apartments that his staff live in including my place)

Paul said "FUCK Robert, I will leave when I am good and ready. He can't just throw me out"! Then he looked at Brad and said"
G.I. Fag here can't do shit about it either!!

Brad said he quickly went over and grabbed Paul and completely immobilized him and he did the same thing to me but in a soft way so I could sense what he had done to Paul. It was a combat move.

Brad told Paul ..you "are" leaving and Robert will be here shortly with the cops to make sure you do.

Paul was screaming like a little bitch that he is.

Brad said he spun him around and picked him up by his ankles and held Paul over the balcony with the cement driveway three floors below.

Brad then told Paul" it would be a damn shame to read about a 23 year old guy that was drunk and fell off his balcony and broke his fucking neck!! Then Brad laughed and told me, I faked him out by letting him slid through my hands a bit thinking I was losing my grip and was going to drop him.

Brad told me, "Ricky he friggin pissed himself when I did that" Brad said laughing hard!!

Brad said he lifted Paul back over the balcony and just dropped him on the floor. Paul got up mad as hell and was going to hit me Brad said and then he just stopped. He realized no way could he do any damage to me or Travis.

I pushed his ass in the apartment and said "after you change your diaper, pack your shit and get out of here you worthless prick".

Brad said "come on Travis" who reached out and smacked the badly bruised face on Paul from your punches Ricky. Nice job dude!!!!!

Brad said as they were walking down the stairs, Robert and two city cops were coming up the stairs. So Paul was going to get another visit from friends!!! LOL

I had to laugh and I just knew when I came home and told Brad what had happened at the dive center, he wouldn't leave it alone!

I went to the dive center as promised to help close stuff down for the day and got back home about 7pm. Brad had run the 2 miles each way to the grocery store and had some sweet smelling chicken and veggies on the grill for us.

The next morning at work, Robert told me they took Paul to a motel by the airport. Paul called his parents and arranged money for a flight to Los Angeles. Robert also said he logged on to the PADI Professional web site and posted a complete detail of Paul's behavior while working for him on his professional profile. Paul is going to have a rough time getting a job I think. PADI is a great organization and they won't put up with people like Paul.

Oh and get this, Robert told me that Paul told the cop at the apartment while he was packing he wanted to file assault charges on Brad and me! The cop just looked at him and laughed.

Brad and I did 4 dives and went out with Travis for dinner that night. He is really a great guy!

Bed time for me buddy, I am totally spent!



It's not that much but it felt good seeing some ignorant prick get what he deserved. His mouth cost him his job, maybe his diving career and a lot of travel money. Thanks for reading


Rick Bell
The sad thing is, Paul probably never learned a thing.
The really sad part is that Paul is almost assuredly "in the closet", quite possibly to himself too. It is usually the case when a guy has violent homophobic reactions to seeing or knowing a gay guy, it is usually because he hates his own secret desires for men and transfers the hatred to the other guy.

Travis the American guy is probably straight, as your being gay doesn't faze him in the least. Why should it? He knows who he is and accepts who you are and it doesn't matter to him in the least. And Brad sent the right "message" to Paul after what he did to you.

P.S. An aside to Jon. Does your off site communication with Ricky constitute as a form of Broke Straight Boys Mafia, too?????:001_tt2:
The sad thing is, Paul probably never learned a thing.

The really sad part is that Paul is almost assuredly "in the closet", quite possibly to himself too. It is usually the case when a guy has violent homophobic reactions to seeing or knowing a gay guy, it is usually because he hates his own secret desires for men and transfers the hatred to the other guy.

Travis the American guy is probably straight, as your being gay doesn't faze him in the least. Why should it? He knows who he is and accepts who you are and it doesn't matter to him in the least. And Brad sent the right "message" to Paul after what he did to you.

P.S. An aside to Jon. Does your off site communication with Ricky constitute as a form of Broke Straight Boys Mafia, too?????:001_tt2:

he learned that some gay men and people who don't like hostile environments think the word fag is offensive. true straight men have to reason to hate/fear gay men. men who hate/fear their own thoughts attack those who are more open in their expression. I have found this to be true.
Germany has never been cleansed of its subrosa-Nazi-homosex-in-private espouse hatred in public crowd. Then again neither did being a member of the French Resistance or being a member of the Communist Party or a workers' Soviet mean that these places and organizations were embracing of open homosexuals....all of these organizations had purges of gays and suspected gays. Lesbians were simply raped into heterosexual compliance....
This is not a shock...the uSA elected a half-Black half-White guy or Kenyan-American POTUS and still among White homosexuals one could hear racist remarks about dinge-queens and monkey-lovers and n**ger-lovers in the supposedly accpeting and tolerant gay community...People are products of their environments The republics in North and South America were all founded upon White European subjugation through murder, rape, maiming, theft and cheating Indigenous Peoples out of their land and expropriating the mineral resources for the enrichment and development of European nations in technology - better weapons to murder more people. The egacy plays out in many ways including gay anti-gayness and gay anti-blackness or the opposite fetishizing of Blacks, Asians, Latinos....
he learned that some gay men and people who don't like hostile environments think the word fag is offensive. true straight men have to reason to hate/fear gay men. men who hate/fear their own thoughts attack those who are more open in their expression. I have found this to be true.

true straight men have no reason to hate/fear gay men.
Fight or Flight??

The way that was handled leaves a lot to be desired. If the homophobic was hurt, you could suffer a big financial cost for his medical and emotional bills. I am not defending him, just saying you open yourself up for trouble. The better way is to just tell him you are offended at the start. After that, if it continues, tell the boss and have him do his thing and dump the guy. If it still escalates, then call the cops or a lawyer. Violence is not a good policy unless you are in active duty for the militia or USMC OR if you are in imminent physical threat; after all, we are not animals.:fight:
once it was brought to the workplace, it became a management issue. the use of force and the level of force should be carefully measured. on reflection, there are procedures in place to deal with this sort of thing. however, punching an asshole provides a certain level of satisfaction. thinking man still has the reptile need strike when placed in an uncomfortable situation. action comes with risk.
I cant remember ever being called a fag ever in my life, but it sure sounds like it probably felt good to hit that guy haha. Not condoning violence but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. Thanks for sharing this.
The way that was handled leaves a lot to be desired. If the homophobic was hurt, you could suffer a big financial cost for his medical and emotional bills. I am not defending him, just saying you open yourself up for trouble. The better way is to just tell him you are offended at the start. After that, if it continues, tell the boss and have him do his thing and dump the guy. If it still escalates, then call the cops or a lawyer. Violence is not a good policy unless you are in active duty for the militia or USMC OR if you are in imminent physical threat; after all, we are not animals.:fight:
I'm gonna have to agree MM69. I learned years ago that I only have control over me!! Thats what I hear, how I hear it, how I take it, what I say, how I say it etc. I'm not defending the guy that said these hurtful things and I'm sure not condoning you or your partners actions. Someone elses actions should never let you lose control of who you are. Unless your a hot head already!! When one responds in a negative or physical way to someone elses remarks, then the problem is now 50% you. I'm sorry this happened to you Rick, but your actions and that of your partners just added fuel to a lit fire, when you could have walked away and laughed at him for his ignorance.
Just as I had guessed, Paul was the victim and I am a monster. More aimed at Brad I guess.

You weren't there, you don't know me, you especially don't know Brad who is active duty USMC, what he has been through and his physical abilities. Nor do you know Robert the dive center owner, the other staff at the dive center, Travis or even the cops that ALL were glad I stood up to Paul.... AND that Brad gave Paul some intimidation in return to see how it feels.

So now that I am running at full tilt venting just out of bed, Brad is fixing breakfast,
looking at me laughing and telling me to "calm down tiger"! A great day in Hawaii shot!

Brad just told me "he has thought about it and he feels bad for what he did to Paul" but would have never hurt him.
He proved to Paul how intimidation can feel. Good for him BUT..........

And yeah, to support Miss K.... Paul probably won't learn a thing and to support another post, Paul probably is over compensating for his own feelings and may be gay and fighting it. But he will continue to cause pain where ever he goes just as he did here.

Somewhere along the way, enough of the P.C. shit. It is out of control!!

If you do wrong, hit me, you will get what you deserve in return. I am NOT going to say to Paul, oh poor baby, I see you hate gays, hit me more please, I will just go hide under a rock and you can spout all of the filth you want!
Sorry guys, NOT ME!

I have turned the other cheek whenever I have had too many times. But when some asshole verbally attacks me, our customers, then physically hits me, I am not turning another cheek... someone is getting the shit kicked out of them.

Honestly, Paul was the first person I have ever hit like that in my life. I am not proud of it, but I also do NOT feel sorry for him or bad about it.

Sorry it was Beth' comment, Not Miss K's
Just as I had guessed, Paul was the victim and I am a monster. More aimed at Brad I guess.

You weren't there, you don't know me, you especially don't know Brad who is active duty USMC, what he has been through and his physical abilities. Nor do you know Robert the dive center owner, the other staff at the dive center, Travis or even the cops that ALL were glad I stood up to Paul.... AND that Brad gave Paul some intimidation in return to see how it feels.

So now that I am running at full tilt venting just out of bed, Brad is fixing breakfast,
looking at me laughing and telling me to "calm down tiger"! A great day in Hawaii shot!

Brad just told me "he has thought about it and he feels bad for what he did to Paul" but would have never hurt him.
He proved to Paul how intimidation can feel. Good for him BUT..........

And yeah, to support Miss K.... Paul probably won't learn a thing and to support another post, Paul probably is over compensating for his own feelings and may be gay and fighting it. But he will continue to cause pain where ever he goes just as he did here.

Somewhere along the way, enough of the P.C. shit. It is out of control!!

If you do wrong, hit me, you will get what you deserve in return. I am NOT going to say to Paul, oh poor baby, I see you hate gays, hit me more please, I will just go hide under a rock and you can spout all of the filth you want!
Sorry guys, NOT ME!

I have turned the other cheek whenever I have had too many times. But when some asshole verbally attacks me, our customers, then physically hits me, I am not turning another cheek... someone is getting the shit kicked out of them.

Honestly, Paul was the first person I have ever hit like that in my life. I am not proud of it, but I also do NOT feel sorry for him or bad about it.

Thank you for sharing that story Rick.

I am not a violent or a very young physically fit person myself. So I never could have done responded with violence to that jerk even if I had wanted to. Not that I haven't wanted to at times over the years. lol I still wouldn't do it even if I could. But that's just me. I'd be lying though if I said I didn't enjoy the part about him pissing his pants. lol While I won't say that I condone the level of violence, I also have to admit that it's nice once in a while to see the shoe on the other foot. After all, how many times have we read of young vulnerable gays being jumped, assaulted or killed just out of hatred or even sport by their tormentors?

Matthew Shepard for instance was 5'2" tall and not much over 100 lbs. The two murderers who killed him were taller and much bigger. Given the age in which we live, maybe it's not such a bad thing to leave homophobes wondering that if they get especially nasty or violent...that maybe they'll run the risk of picking the "Wrong One" to mess with.
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a man tells you he does not like your kind and punches you to make a point. where is the duty to flee the scene? self-defense is a natural right. no one has the right to attack you. everyone has the ability to attack you. you have a right, if not a duty to act. thanks for sharing your experience.
Rick babes. I am not surprised or shocked at some of the responses that you've had from our PC brigade of members and now I feel that I should not have suggested you post your story. As far as I am concerned, considering the circumstances and the way the arrogant German reacted when you asked him over that first night for a meal, I think you did the right thing. I mean look at the Germans reaction towards the manager and the police afterwards, such an asshole. Also if your boss thought that you were out of order then he would have at least put you on a warning, but he did not.

Violence is pretty prevalent in the USA and yet little seems to be done about it. There is still no intent by your Govt to curb gun law and judging by recent events and the lack of posts/threads on this side of the forum, I get the impression that either you're all fed up with all these murders or now it's so common that your country has got all blase regarding it.

I find it very confusing and somewhat disappointed that people would rather react to a football teams nickname issue then comment on 13 or so killings in Washington.
Tampa: We are talking about a small 9 person business. Brad and I went out of our way to invite the new guys back to our place and made them a nice dinner. Paul did get out of line when he realized Brad and I are gay. And to point this out, Paul worked with me and met Brad several days before that dinner night and he loved me and Brad. He had no idea we were gay. What I should have mentioned was after that night at dinner at our place, the very next day when Paul got to the shop, I was out for the whole day taking people diving. All Paul did was make rude comments about having a fag manager (me) here and especially running down Brad who is a highly decorated Marine that has been though living hell and wounded badly two times. He made rude comments to all of the staff, every day before last Monday including the owner. All of whom by the way love me and they told him to shut up but Paul wouldn't leave it alone. I am not some thug! I am a 4.0 student as is Brad prior to the Marines and he is done in 9 months with his commitment and going to finish college. I have spent my life helping others. On MY OWN time which is very rare, I have taught over 25 Wounded Warriors and disabled kids to scuba dive in the Cayman's and Hawaii on my own time. Then I catch a bunch of shit for once being tired of letting things slid. I have over 2400 dives under my belt and each and every one, people put their trust and their lives in my hand and I take excellent care of them and give them a great experience!

Paul was a fellow new employee that spewed his hate every day to staff. When it got where he did that to customers last Monday, the owner drew the line. Paul got very pissed and I quote" told Robert you let a fag run your business?? Robert said "Yes I did and Rick was the best manager and instructor I have ever had". "You will never come close Paul"!! At that point Paul called Robert an ignorant fucker and Paul was getting out of control. I was 4 feet away and grabbed him to take him outside and cool off. THAT is when he hit me and the rest of the story goes on from there. Look, I shared this because Jon knew every detail and long history of me, Brad and such. It was my mistake. I posted once before and got shit from everyone about our Country dying. This will be the LAST post I ever write and I am leaving the site too!

No anger toward you Tampa, Just sick of the arm chair quarterbacks as usual. And by the way. Driving from California back to Michigan, Brad, his uncle Ned and I took time to spend the night and next day finding Matthew Shepard's site where he was tied to the fence and beaten just outside of Laramie, Wyoming. When you see where he was, it was the most sadly profound experience I have ever had in my life. Mathew was a small guy. Brad and I are 5'11" which is not huge but both in excellent shape. Brad even stronger then me! Poor Matthew could not stand up for himself and that bothers me to this day. And a few are so mad at me for what I did to a hater?? So be it. I have better things to do then put up with that! So yeah, THAT experience of Matthew was in the back of Brad's and my mind too that day even though we may have not been thinking it at the time.

I sound bitter, damn right I am. Good bye gang!

Thank you for sharing that story Rick.

I am not a violent or a very young physically fit person myself. So I never could have done responded with violence to that jerk even if I had wanted to. Not that I haven't wanted to at times over the years. lol I still wouldn't do it even if I could. But that's just me. I'd be lying though if I said I didn't enjoy the part about him pissing his pants. lol While I won't say that I condone the level of violence, I also have to admit that it's nice once in a while to see the shoe on the other foot. After all, how many times have we read of young vulnerable gays being jumped, assaulted or killed just out of hatred or even sport by their tormentors?

Matthew Shepard for instance was 5'2" tall and not much over 100 lbs. The two murderers who killed him were taller and much bigger. Given the age in which we live, maybe it's not such a bad thing to leave homophobes wondering that if they get especially nasty or violent...that maybe they'll run the risk of picking the "Wrong One" to mess with.
since our government can only act with the consent of the people, on issues that many consider untouchable the government is powerless to act. a powerful king would ban the private ownership of guns, the constitution be damned. if I were king the first thing I would place everybody in the militia and ban private ownership of guns; the second thing I would do is step down. return sovereignty to the people. they do the right thing, after the alternatives have failed.
I am shock by the fact that in 6 years there have been 4 mass killings. 13 or more victims. after the second and third time, I posted that background checks, mental health services and limitation on video violence were the least we could do. all we could do given the current reading of the constitution. to said it again after the fourth time would seem to service no real purpose. I am again sadden and shocked!
if one do not defend ones beliefs and oneself, then what is left to defend?
the story related an event, I cannot say that I the moment I would have reacted differently. having the time to take the event apart, I might see a different approach were possible. short attention spans and hindsight have their value!
black and white skins playing on a team called the redskins. seen American to me
No anger toward you Tampa, Just sick of the arm chair quarterbacks as usual. And by the way. Driving from California back to Michigan, Brad, his uncle Ned and I took time to spend the night and next day finding Matthew Shepard's site where he was tied to the fence and beaten just outside of Laramie, Wyoming. When you see where he was, it was the most sadly profound experience I have ever had in my life. Mathew was a small guy. Brad and I are 5'11" which is not huge but both in excellent shape. Brad even stronger then me! Poor Matthew could not stand up for himself and that bothers me to this day. And a few are so mad at me for what I did to a hater?? So be it. I have better things to do then put up with that! So yeah, THAT experience of Matthew was in the back of Brad's and my mind too that day even though we may have not been thinking it at the time.

I sound bitter, damn right I am. Good bye gang!


Dear Rick,

I'll be very sorry to see you go if you leave the site. I thought my post was one of the most supportive of you. While I said that I couldn't take on somebody physically because I don't have the youth, health or strength...I enjoyed the story of a homophobic jerk getting his comeuppance. I'm glad that you shared the story. And again I enjoyed hearing it just as you hoped that so many here would.

I had the honor of meeting Mathew's mother Judy Shepard at my alma mater in 2005. I shook her hand and we exchanged some pleasantries. I expressed my condolences for her loss after she had told a rapt audience in the auditorium the full story of what happened after the rancher had found Matthew barely alive and strapped to the fence in the freezing cold. His death was a tragedy for not just his parents but also his younger brother who took the loss very hard.

Brad is a hero for serving our country and even getting wounded in the process. Please pass on to him how grateful we are for his service. You've found a good man there. But you know that already. :)

That Paul guy is an jerk who accepted your hospitality and then turned into a hateful prick. I won't lose any sleep over the fact that he picked on someone who he though should just meekly walk away in shame, and instead picked on people who fought back and gave him the worst end of the fight. Hopefully he'll think twice about starting his crap with someone else in the future. It's even more galling that he's not even a citizen but we gave him a chance to come over to a paradise in Hawaii. And then that's how he behaves with an employer who was willing to give him a chance, and Americans like you and Brad who offered him the hand of friendship. No. I won't be losing any sleep over his injuries, his bruised ego or his lost job.

If he wants to act like that in today's world, then let him stay home in his own country and let the people there have to put up with him. Work visas for the U.S. are limited and hard to come by. We can certainly find better quality people more deserving of the chance to pursue and experience the American Dream.
Once again some insensitive comments have driven away a good member. I now feel that any member who would like to open up to the forum will be reluctant in doing so. I will never ever again disclose what is happening in my real life again.