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My initial intentions when I joined...


BSB Addict
Mar 17, 2014
Reaction score
Florida, USA
I subscribed to this site because I was obsessed with Kodi. Yes, Obsessed! I paid the subscription fee so that I could down load all of his videos. When I was done with that I started perusing and finding other videos I liked. I went through the different eras of Broke Straight Boys from David to Clay and now to Johnny. I would view a scene and scroll down to see what the viewers had written. On occasion, I would post my own comments. During my first month here I would also jump into the forums and read the topics posted. Since I was not registered there, I could only view but not comment. Then I came across the post which was a tribute to dead porn stars. I wanted to comment so bad, but could not. Days passed and I kept going back to that post. I gave in and registered in the forums. So, here I am today. I got sucked into this cyber world of fantasy porn, fantasy people chattering away about this and that. However, it did not take me long to realize that these fantasy chattering people were real. We not only had the same common interest in this site for the porn, but also a human interest in sharing our thoughts and lives with each other. In a short period of time you all transformed from a cyber fantasy to a real family of friends.

God bless you all!


FOLKS! What brought you here? Share your stories. :smiley-love001:
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For me I've been a floater of this site for a while as I just joined every now and then to watch some scenes and then I left and then when I missed it to much I joined and left and that process lasted for a while, id always noticed the forum but thought it was for people with more knowledge than I so I avoided it. Then earlier this year on a free site I watched a clip of a recent scene and it was that scene that had me hooked straight away. This was because of a certain model known as Tyler White, as soon as I noticed him I just new that I had to follow him and watch his scenes then on, not just for the obvious reasons but because I wanted to watch him develop and progress in this new future that he choose as there was something about him that just got me hooked it wasn't just his looks but it was his personality as well so instead of just being a floater he inspired me to join for a year which I did and haven't regretted it since. After I joined I thought id be brave and join the forum and it was the best decision ever as everyone was so welcoming I felt free to be me for the first time in 30 years and was able to tell the truth about me to you all and I was welcomed after I told you all as well and so I haven't left this forum since. Dan x
The first time I saw Diesle in an xtube clip I wanted to join. I watched every xtube clip there was and clicked on the join button so many times but all I ever heard about online porn sights was how they took advantage of you, promising one fee then charging you other fees and that most of them made it nearly impossible to quit so I was nervous about joining. I tried to find other people who had joined to get information but never found anything. Then one day I finally took a chance and joined. I was so relieved to find out it was a reputable site but I didn't really learn that until I joined the forum. Like with a lot of sites you can't get much information until you actually join, some sights won't even give you the price until you fill out all the information so I'd never consider a sight like that. I finally felt this was a good site to take a chance with and I'm happy I did.

The worst part of it was after I joined I found out Diesle was no longer active but I found many other studly models that more than made up for it. I'm not really a fan of the boys who look like boys I like the more masculine and butch guys and if 1 of the models is butch I don't mind if he's with a twink. I am happy that they take this into consideration and give us a variety of manliness.
Dan. You know we all love you here. You shared some of you most intimate secrets and I know that took a lot of courage. The immediate responses only confirmed the kind of people here. You took a big step in sharing all this. I am confident it did not take you long to realize that we are a people of love and caring. You, as well as all the others, are a special brand. It may not be visible but we are all branded with the symbol of love.
Dan. You know we all love you here. You shared some of you most intimate secrets and I know that took a lot of courage. The immediate responses only confirmed the kind of people here. You took a big step in sharing all this. I am confident it did not take you long to realize that we are a people of love and caring. You, as well as all the others, are a special brand. It may not be visible but we are all branded with the symbol of love.
you're right it did not take long at all for me to realise what special people inhabit this forum, from my first post I was welcomed with open arms and found a special freind that is the one and only johnny as I've never had a freind like him before and then all of the rest of you have all become dear Freinds of mine, even the ones I don't get along with all the time but that is a family for we all have are similarities and are differences that's what make us so close. Then as you said I told a secret to this forum that no one outside this forum knows and everyone was so accepting and warm I felt able to be my self for the first time in 30 years. To me I know this may sound weird but sometimes I consider this the part of the site I signed up to and the the videos as a bonus, but that's just me I guess. Dan x
I'm not sure if it was late 2008 or early 2009 when I came across a clip from Broke Straight Boys It was a scene with Taz! I joined for 3 days as I was too reluctant to extend any longer, worried I would get stuck with a site I no longer wanted. By the end of the weekend and many scene's I still wanted to see I couldn't not join. I soon fell not only for Taz, but had a crush Maverick. Then my list of favorites began to grow. Honestly David's filming and the way he spoke with the models got me hooked. I think I'd been a member for at least a year before I even noticed the forum pages. I was reluctant to join that also, because I thought it was extra $, but is was free. I viewed others comments for quite awhile before I actually posted. I learned real fast that it would be hard to be part of the "queer click". I saw how everyone is this group were actually friends. Agreeing, disagreeing, joking etc. I kept posting went through a couple of different Avatars before I settled with my Shane. Later I found out thats when Mikeyank and the rest of his Cronies LOL noticed me. I slowly began to start my own threads and people started responding and quoting me. I have since spoke to a few members via phone whom I consider dear friends I've yet to meet and finally this Oct I'm taking a trip to NYC to visit the "great mikeyank" of BTS fame. Without mentioning anyone by name (you guys know who you are) these forums are a daily visit for me and I look forward to see what my friends are up to that day. I'm here on Broke Straight Boys for great new porn updates, but also for the vast archive of scenes I love to go back to. The Forum and the bonus sites are a just a bonus added to my already happy presence on this site. So any member who hasn't joined the forum, but reads them please join and say hi. We love new people and their perspective on porn, the models and whatever the fuck we want to talk about.:nicethread:
I subscribed to this site because I was obsessed with Kodi. Yes, Obsessed! I paid the subscription fee so that I could down load all of his videos. When I was done with that I started perusing and finding other videos I liked. I went through the different eras of Broke Straight Boys from David to Clay and now to Johnny. I would view a scene and scroll down to see what the viewers had written. On occasion, I would post my own comments. During my first month here I would also jump into the forums and read the topics posted. Since I was not registered there, I could only view but not comment. Then I came across the post which was a tribute to dead porn stars. I wanted to comment so bad, but could not. Days passed and I kept going back to that post. I gave in and registered in the forums. So, here I am today. I got sucked into this cyber world of fantasy porn, fantasy people chattering away about this and that. However, it did not take me long to realize that these fantasy chattering people were real. We not only had the same common interest in this site for the porn, but also a human interest in sharing our thoughts and lives with each other. In a short period of time you all transformed from a cyber fantasy to a real family of friends.

God bless you all!


FOLKS! What brought you here? Share your stories. :smiley-love001:


Louis ~

I had five initial reasons for joining this site:
1.) To jack off to videos of Jason Matthews.
2.) To jack off to videos of Jason Matthews.
3.) To jack off to heartrendingly beautiful videos of Jason Matthews.
4.) To jack off (and pine, in desperate love for) Jason Matthews.
5.) To drink Earl Grey tea, listen to Chopin, read Plato's Symposium, and DREAM about the beauty, of (and jack off to) - gorgeous images of: Jason Matthews.



Like Peter, I joined by seeing a clip on one of the free sites. I think it was also of Taz or Phoenix. Then i got hooked onto the forum which I sometimes prefer than watching some of the films.
P.S. Louis ~

Today, Mr. K. said to me: "Ambi, I think you maybe love that Mr. Matthews a little bit too much, for MY OWN GOOD!

I said, au contraire, my love: these are instructional videos, which are teaching me (shy and inexperienced as I am): how to SUCK YOU BETTER!!!

That's my defence, and I'm sticking by it!!!

"A" :))))


I have since spoke to a few members via phone whom I consider dear friends I've yet to meet and finally this Oct I'm taking a trip to NYC to visit the "great mikeyank" of BTS fame.
Your doing what???????????????????????? Nobody told me. lol

Somebody has to give this laid back pacific coast kid some east coast culture. :tongue:
Similarly to a few others, I was in search of something on other sites, mostly....straight appearing and acting guys, irrespective of their "actual" orientation. TBH, I assumed all guys appearing in gay porn were gay! I stumbled across the "Straight Boys" part of the Broke Straight Boys site, and liked what I saw! The guys were good looking and not (in my observation) guys who I thought looked like they would be "doing other guys" as some of the sites contain very stereo-typical looking gay guys. I monitored the site for a couple of months, one month at a time. I could never seem to keep up! The updates were three times a week (unlike 2 times a month) and I still had archive scenes to play catch up on!

I discovered the forum and once I figured out how to participate, the rest is his-story! (Sorry Michael, I just thought it fit here too! R.I.P)
you're right it did not take long at all for me to realise what special people inhabit this forum, from my first post I was welcomed with open arms and found a special freind that is the one and only johnny as I've never had a freind like him before and then all of the rest of you have all become dear Freinds of mine, even the ones I don't get along with all the time but that is a family for we all have are similarities and are differences that's what make us so close. Then as you said I told a secret to this forum that no one outside this forum knows and everyone was so accepting and warm I felt able to be my self for the first time in 30 years. To me I know this may sound weird but sometimes I consider this the part of the site I signed up to and the the videos as a bonus, but that's just me I guess. Dan x
Dear Dan
What a nice post/complement to come home to. Thank You my friend.The feeling is mutual.I Love the Forum too.Funny thing to say but it has changed my life.
Never thought I would meet and fall in Love with so many great people at this time in my life.
Need to put away the groceries,change the cat box, Get out of this fucking girdle.lol Kodi got me here. Then there was Paul.Love at first sight.
And it has only grown.Again... Thank you Dan.Love you buddy.How could I not? Later....
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you're right it did not take long at all for me to realise what special people inhabit this forum, from my first post I was welcomed with open arms and found a special freind that is the one and only johnny as I've never had a freind like him before and then all of the rest of you have all become dear Freinds of mine, even the ones I don't get along with all the time but that is a family for we all have are similarities and are differences that's what make us so close. Then as you said I told a secret to this forum that no one outside this forum knows and everyone was so accepting and warm I felt able to be my self for the first time in 30 years. To me I know this may sound weird but sometimes I consider this the part of the site I signed up to and the the videos as a bonus, but that's just me I guess. Dan x
I can assure you Dan, that you are not the only member who feels the way you do about the order of importance of the videos and the forum.

And I sure agree with you about johnny too. :angel: What a sweet wonderful warm human being. And Dan and all the other forumites make this community feel like home to me. :tongue:
I can assure you Dan, that you are not the only member who feels the way you do about the order of importance of the videos and the forum.

And I sure agree with you about johnny too. :angel: What a sweet wonderful warm human being. And Dan and all the other forumites make this community feel like home to me. :tongue:
Dear Dear mike and Dan
I could just read about how wonderful I am all night.hahaha I am not kidding.lol And Peter don't rune the fantasy.:smiley-love021: