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My home town


BSB Addict
Oct 26, 2008
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The island next door to Ibiza
Basque separatists, who've been killing people for 50 years to show how badly they want to secede from Spain, have just hit the peaceful little island where I live.


I'd taken my mom shopping an hour after the bomb went off, and since we hadn't seen the news, we couldn't understand why there were cops everywhere. We had taken the airport road as a shortcut but a 10 minute drive to the supermarket took 4 times that, and the trip back as well. I didn't see the news till I got online just now. This has happened at other Spanish resorts, but I've always thought it improbable that our island would be attacked since the ETA members who did it would have a hard time getting off the island, if they were still here when the explosion took place. They probably set it to go off for sometime post-departure of their flight back to the Basque country.
Basque separatists, who've been killing people for 50 years to show how badly they want to secede from Spain, have just hit the peaceful little island where I live.


I'd taken my mom shopping an hour after the bomb went off, and since we hadn't seen the news, we couldn't understand why there were cops everywhere. We had taken the airport road as a shortcut but a 10 minute drive to the supermarket took 4 times that, and the trip back as well. I didn't see the news till I got online just now. This has happened at other Spanish resorts, but I've always thought it improbable that our island would be attacked since the ETA members who did it would have a hard time getting off the island, if they were still here when the explosion took place. They probably set it to go off for sometime post-departure of their flight back to the Basque country.

Slim, I just read that on Yahoo. I was going to PM you to see how you are doing. That is scary! These terrorists are such cowards, but then their intention is to cause fear in anyone who disagrees with them.

Stay safe my dear friend!

Basque separatists, who've been killing people for 50 years to show how badly they want to secede from Spain, have just hit the peaceful little island where I live.


I'd taken my mom shopping an hour after the bomb went off, and since we hadn't seen the news, we couldn't understand why there were cops everywhere. We had taken the airport road as a shortcut but a 10 minute drive to the supermarket took 4 times that, and the trip back as well. I didn't see the news till I got online just now. This has happened at other Spanish resorts, but I've always thought it improbable that our island would be attacked since the ETA members who did it would have a hard time getting off the island, if they were still here when the explosion took place. They probably set it to go off for sometime post-departure of their flight back to the Basque country.

They should stay in Asturias! I can only hope and pray that you and your dear Mama will remain safe. Has Juan Carlos said anything? Keep is us in the loop. We are so grateful that you are safe.
The traffic was snailish trying to get back home on the airport road. My mother wasn't keen on hours stuck on the road, I think she actually had to pee but wasn't telling me. I had to cross 4 lanes of traffic to get off, at a point I don't usually turn right, and was suddenly confronted with two policemen who weren't happy with my manoeuvre. They stopped me and stepped forward to arrest us. I leaned out the window and said that I had to get off the highway, that my mother is 100 years old (true) and that in any case if they didn't let us by here we'd only have to do this same mischievous turn 300 yards down, just before the cathedral. As this was unrolling I had unconsciously taken the soft, warm hand of the officer on the left. His hand lay in mine as I spouted my story, holding up the inch by inch traffic to the point of a total stop, our car side on to two and a half lanes. He let me finish, holding hands with me. He'd begun to nod like one of those dogs they used to have on the little shelf in the back window of old cars, so I stopped explaining my desperate story and released him. For some reason it seemed like a good idea to do "namaste" to them, each in turn. They must have thought I was completely psychiatric; my accent more or less precluded that I was a Basque terrorist, but they could have arrested me for the palms-together-and-little-bow out the driver's window of my Kangoo...all the time I didn't know that 2 of their fellow cops had just been killed a couple of hours before, and the stalled traffic (I thought it was early exodus for August holidays) was because they were searching for the killers on the airport road in the hopes of getting them before they flew.
The traffic was snailish trying to get back home on the airport road. My mother wasn't keen on hours stuck on the road, I think she actually had to pee but wasn't telling me. I had to cross 4 lanes of traffic to get off, at a point I don't usually turn right, and was suddenly confronted with two policemen who weren't happy with my manoeuvre. They stopped me and stepped forward to arrest us. I leaned out the window and said that I had to get off the highway, that my mother is 100 years old (true) and that in any case if they didn't let us by here we'd only have to do this same mischievous turn 300 yards down, just before the cathedral. As this was unrolling I had unconsciously taken the soft, warm hand of the officer on the left. His hand lay in mine as I spouted my story, holding up the inch by inch traffic to the point of a total stop, our car side on to two and a half lanes. He let me finish, holding hands with me. He'd begun to nod like one of those dogs they used to have on the little shelf in the back window of old cars, so I stopped explaining my desperate story and released him. For some reason it seemed like a good idea to do "namaste" to them, each in turn. They must have thought I was completely psychiatric; my accent more or less precluded that I was a Basque terrorist, but they could have arrested me for the palms-together-and-little-bow out the driver's window of my Kangoo...all the time I didn't know that 2 of their fellow cops had just been killed a couple of hours before, and the stalled traffic (I thought it was early exodus for August holidays) was because they were searching for the killers on the airport road in the hopes of getting them before they flew.

Fucking A! I can just see you holding hands with the cops! LMFAO!! You are too fucking funny!! I'm happy you got mother home so she could pee.
Basque separatists, who've been killing people for 50 years to show how badly they want to secede from Spain, have just hit the peaceful little island where I live.


I'd taken my mom shopping an hour after the bomb went off, and since we hadn't seen the news, we couldn't understand why there were cops everywhere. We had taken the airport road as a shortcut but a 10 minute drive to the supermarket took 4 times that, and the trip back as well. I didn't see the news till I got online just now. This has happened at other Spanish resorts, but I've always thought it improbable that our island would be attacked since the ETA members who did it would have a hard time getting off the island, if they were still here when the explosion took place. They probably set it to go off for sometime post-departure of their flight back to the Basque country.

!Malditos terroristas vascos! Me alegro que esteis bien tu mama y tu. Si. ?Que' dice el Rey? !Cuidaos bien por favor!

Damned Basque terrorists! I'm glad that you and your mom are okay. Yes. What does the king have to say? Take good care of yourselves, please!
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I am telling you this world is getting crazier every day. As if Palma isn't small enough. Some one has to set off a bomb. I guess those that aren't praying for peace are building bombs.:cursing:
Hey Slim,

Just out of curiosity... Even though I could understand a fair amount of what they were saying in this report I suspect that it is not in the Castilian Spanish language but in Catalonian. Am I right?

That's from the local, mallorquín, TV station. The girl talked about "cap vespera" which means afternoon or literally "toward evening" here on the island. The sophisticated barcelonins would say "tarda" which corresponds to Castilian "tarde". You're a clever boots to understand any of it. You'll pick it up at once when you come.
I am telling you this world is getting crazier every day. As if Palma isn't small enough. Some one has to set off a bomb. I guess those that aren't praying for peace are building bombs.:cursing:

Lightning never strikes twice. You're pretty much guaranteed a terrorist free, tourist filled holiday when you come out here. And some of the tourists are totally to die for.
Lightning never strikes twice. You're pretty much guaranteed a terrorist free, tourist filled holiday when you come out here. And some of the tourists are totally to die for.

And so are the residents too Mr. Slim... I hear you.:biggrin:
slim I'm glad everything is alright with you and your mom. be safe my friend.
I2! At risk of hijacking the thread, how have you been? We worried about you.
I'm fine. Is everything getting back to normal over there? I hope, again be safe and give your mom a hug for me. 100 yrs, that's a lot of history, god love her.