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Must Sees For Newbies


Well-known Member
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
The first few pages are easy to navigate and pick and choose from but I feel the new recruits should hear from us oldtimers (three years and counting here) about what older vids could be worth their time!

I recommend both Jamie videos, the one with Aiden and the one with Phenix, from about three years ago. The Phenix one is funnier than hot but the Aiden one sizzles...

Then there's Brandon and Cole from about a year and a half ago. Watch a guy go from reluctant bottom to grooving on it in about twenty minutes!

Austin and Dustin are great together but the one where Austin bottoms is a rare treat (and I think it's been a year now but I'm not sure) and the two meshed like Dustin did with no other...
Why thank you Ballboy.....
GI Joe Movie Review
I would not pay full price to see this one. Hit the cheap early movie. The action is good, fight scenes are good, (storm shadow and snake eyes fight 4 stars) but there really is no plot just a bunch of action scenes put together. (Wow I almost sound like I know what im talking about!) This is the second big disappointing movie for me this summer. Transformers was a bust also. Both worth seeing on the big screen for the effects (Mann can really blow up shit) but neither with a decent story to hold it together. Hey I aint not big time critic but if you pay more than $7 you will be pissed.
And since this is Broke Straight Boys a couple of shirtless scenes in GI Joe with some cut abs...might make it more enjoyable for ya, but dont expect to see Channing and Waylons on the futon. (sorry couldnt resist)
This weekend I want to see the new Inglorious Bastards movie with Brad Pitt and see him go after some Nazis. That should be good.
Bye Jeremy
UGH..Inglorious Bastards starts next week. It will be a great weekend to save my money and go to the beach. Work on my tan...
UGH..Inglorious Bastards starts next week. It will be a great weekend to save my money and go to the beach. Work on my tan...

Or you can go back to the last page of Broke Straight Boys and see some of the early productions and see some classics. And it won't cost you a dime (unless you decide to buy some popcorn/drink to go with the shows).

Live Long and Prosper,

Why thank you Ballboy.....
GI Joe Movie Review
I would not pay full price to see this one. Hit the cheap early movie. The action is good, fight scenes are good, (storm shadow and snake eyes fight 4 stars) but there really is no plot just a bunch of action scenes put together. (Wow I almost sound like I know what im talking about!) This is the second big disappointing movie for me this summer. Transformers was a bust also. Both worth seeing on the big screen for the effects (Mann can really blow up shit) but neither with a decent story to hold it together. Hey I aint not big time critic but if you pay more than $7 you will be pissed.
And since this is Broke Straight Boys a couple of shirtless scenes in GI Joe with some cut abs...might make it more enjoyable for ya, but dont expect to see Channing and Waylons on the futon. (sorry couldnt resist)
This weekend I want to see the new Inglorious Bastards movie with Brad Pitt and see him go after some Nazis. That should be good.
Bye Jeremy

So, let me get this straight NO FUTON! Guess I'll wait for DVD. Thanks for the review, only you could have brought the futon in. Have a gr8 time at beach.
Why thank you Ballboy.....
GI Joe Movie Review
I would not pay full price to see this one. Hit the cheap early movie. The action is good, fight scenes are good, (storm shadow and snake eyes fight 4 stars) but there really is no plot just a bunch of action scenes put together. (Wow I almost sound like I know what im talking about!) This is the second big disappointing movie for me this summer. Transformers was a bust also. Both worth seeing on the big screen for the effects (Mann can really blow up shit) but neither with a decent story to hold it together. Hey I aint not big time critic but if you pay more than $7 you will be pissed.
And since this is Broke Straight Boys a couple of shirtless scenes in GI Joe with some cut abs...might make it more enjoyable for ya, but dont expect to see Channing and Waylons on the futon. (sorry couldnt resist)
This weekend I want to see the new Inglorious Bastards movie with Brad Pitt and see him go after some Nazis. That should be good.
Bye Jeremy

Wow, thanks for the review...
Despite the comments from the senior members, I found the suggested videos helpful. Thanks.
lakid - Broke Straight Boys is like a cafeteria. Start from the beginning and look at the pictures. If you see something that 'looks' good, check it out. If it 'feels' good, come forward through the episodes and watch a few more with the same ingredients, you'll discover new flavors and tastes along the way. While you're doing this watch the postings and see who also likes what you're starting to like and compare notes. You'll find we all have such diverse tastes and the best way is to explore your own. Lord there's some wonderful tidbits on this site. But the fastest way to get forty eight answers is to ask 'what's the best?' In a few days, when you catch your breath and run low on tissue and lube, there'll be forty nine answers. Oh, and randall6969 everyone knows GI Joe was a muscle queen, I went for Ken in his prom tuxedo and Aquaman, oh Lord those shoulders, and there were just these secret longings to be Robin and slip away to Wayne mansion and have Alfred peel me a grape and, yes, letting the master into his secret cave. . . .
These fantasies would be more fun if any of the 'men' in question had any genitalia...
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It's what I've always thought, Scorpio, deep down you were born a stud! I've always thought of myself as Annie Oakley. The possibilities are endless. Trick riding, fast shooting, from little ponies great stallions grow. . .oh, my. . .