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New Member
Aug 22, 2009
Reaction score
Long Beach, CA
Sorry, new to forum and having trouble with this old computer navigating around. How do you submit a request for modeling on the site?
Go to the very first Broke Straight Boys page and click 'tour site' on the next page up the top you'll see a 'modelling' button, hit that and you'll find an an application form...good luck
Jon, I hope you wouldn't take a sebatical over one bear fetish video.:001_rolleyes: There are so many worse things they could do.........
OMG no - we don't want fat old guys on here..

Sorry to say this Jon but my bet is that you just described the lion’s share of the membership! This also means that being young, thin, and incredibly good looking puts you in the minority. We however will hold nothing against your status and in fact will encourage you to embrace your position by demonstrating your adorable good looks and sexual abilities in either pictures or video that you could share with us.
Sorry to say this Jon but my bet is that you just described the lion’s share of the membership! This also means that being young, thin, and incredibly good looking puts you in the minority. We however will hold nothing against your status and in fact will encourage you to embrace your position by demonstrating your adorable good looks and sexual abilities in either pictures or video that you could share with us.

I draw the line at that. Plus the question was would you pay to see fat old men in front of the camera ? From what you have asked me to do, I doubt it very much.
OMG no - we don't want fat old guys on here..

Dearest Jon,

You need to quit being so shy. You need to open up a little and let people know what you're all about. You mustn't be such a slave to political correctness. :001_tongue: LOL :biggrin:
Dearest Jon,

You need to quit being so shy. You need to open up a little and let people know what you're all about. You mustn't be such a slave to political correctness. :001_tongue: LOL :biggrin:

Due to pressure both within the forum and private messages I have now deleted my profile album. No doubt some "collectors" will have kept them for their own amusement. It's up to you but you won't be getting anymore, period.
The modelling link is now on the top bar of the home page. I've had a good read and picked up on the following points.

A - You have to be a USA citizen or resident.
B - You can be aged between 18 and 50.
C - Top models earn up to 50k per annum.
D - We may not like you if you're a skinny whimp, so get to the gym and beef up. :eek:)
B - You can be aged between 18 and 50.

D - We may not like you if you're a skinny whimp, so get to the gym and beef up. :eek:)

18 and 50?!? Ive got 8 years to hit the gym and tone up! Ya think Blake or Jason will still be around then? Oh, wait! Nevermind, by then they'll be over 30 and too old for me... ;)
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I think it would be hot to see a slim model like Colin or Blake with a husky linebacker type guy or with a guy who is a bear. Personally I think it's really sexy to see different body types together. I think some men who look fat in their clothes can look really sexy naked. I'm not saying there should be 350 pound guys on here but a guy with a little extra padding can be nice.
There I was half way through the model application when i read "no fat old guys on here" or something close to it.......well, tossed that application.....truth is if Mark signed me then the solo alone would cause the demise of Broke Straight Boys quicker than anybody or anything else could ever do.......truth will out sadly.
There I was half way through the model application when i read "no fat old guys on here" or something close to it.......well, tossed that application.....truth is if Mark signed me then the solo alone would cause the demise of Broke Straight Boys quicker than anybody or anything else could ever do.......truth will out sadly.

Don't be discouraged, RRJ there are several sites out there looking for plump older men willing to share their talents, some of them like to pair up older men with younger guys.