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Mick & Ayden


BSB Addict
Feb 2, 2010
Reaction score
Although my new favorite stud Mick bottomed in this scene, he is still macho as hell. I like the passionate scenes once in awhile, but the regular suck and fuck with no chemistry is a real Broke Straight Boys scene. And this one was just that so gave it a high score. :001_wub:
Boring deadly mechanical, Who cares? And i had such high hopes
That "get 'er done" attitude got it a "2" from me. Yep, I like romance, kissing, rimming and physical touch. Next time, just put them in body condoms that way they won't have to 'touch' one another at all.
I gave this scene a five. From the beginning, you get that these are two pretty laid back guys, so the passion and high energy would have seemed "unbelievable" to me. It looked like Ayden got hard pretty quickly and started giving head to Mick. When he started to "do Mick," and said "your ass feels so good," it looked as though Mick adjusted his position a little for better penetration and pleasure for Ayden. The look on Mick's face was hard to read but, in a good way. He did look uncomfortable at times but, not completely in pain. There was some eye contact from Ayden indicating to me that he was not trying to hurt Mick but, he was enjoying what he was feeling. At the end, I imagined that Mick didn't come but, maybe he was saving it for his GF later. Just using observations and reading the body language of the models helped me enjoy this scene without trying to compare it to others. It was good to me on it's own merits. I can still imagine some of these guys might occasionally fool around in real life. (At least, in my mind.)
Bland scene - gave it a 3 - average in my grading system which was generous; and that was only because both guys looked hot and did decent oral work. Anal was subpar.
This is what happens when two guys have no chemistry with each other. Always look forward to an Ayden video but know I will never watch this one again.
I'm sorry to say that I was disappointed by this scene. It had Ayden and Mick whom I love but there's nothing in that scene that was exciting or remotely a turn on for me. I wasn't expecting kissing, like some people may think. Nor was I was expecting rimming as I don't care much about that but still, I was expecting a good scene and this one wasn't.
It's too bad, cause the guys are hot as fuck and have already done some great work before.
I hope they'll be better in their next scenes.
No excitement!! Gave it a 2.

Both guys just kind of phoned this one in. Insert A into B, and C into D. Give a cumshot and call it a wrap. Thank goodness for fast-forward. A 2 from me also I'm afraid.

I will say that Ayden's oral skills seem to be improving though. :thumbup1:
Both guys just kind of phoned this one in. Insert A into B, and C into D. Give a cumshot and call it a wrap. Thank goodness for fast-forward. A 2 from me also I'm afraid.

I will say that Ayden's oral skills seem to be improving though. :thumbup1:

True. It could have been a better scene even without the romance, like some like to call it. And Mick didn't cum for those who wanted a cumshot, they're gonna be disappointed.
It wasn't that bad of a fuck. I think they both must of had a late nighter before the shoot because they both seemed worn out. On a side note they do kind of look like brothers - they both have the same nose & everything - sort of made it hot on the kinky side. Yes I have a sick mind sometimes :thumbup:
I fell asleep after about a minute and just woke to a black screen.... Did I miss anything ?
(that was a joke)
I fell asleep after about a minute and just woke to a black screen.... Did I miss anything ?
(that was a joke)

The sleep was more worthwhile - and I'm not joking!
Ayden and Mick are two ultra straight guys who need a partner who's a tad bit more submissive and/or responsive to make things hot. But yeah, definitely not one of their better scenes.
Stretched it to a "2." As has been written on this forum before, it could have been phoned it (of course if you called in you would get a "this line is currently not n service" message. But this is what I found concerning: Ayden says that his girlfriend just got a second job. What does he have? "Zero! But hey, the little woman still comes home and "cooks dinner." Pornography by its very nature is self-limiting and looks don't last forever, plus subscribers are a fickle bunch and we get tired of the same guy eventually. Cute only gets you so far. I would imagine that those of us who subscribe have worked hard and been productive; some members have put in enough years to retire. Being a man (or a woman) requires being a responsible adult. And Mick, darling you are hot, but doing "nothing" will get you........nothing. Good luck!