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Members' Favorites & Voting - The Who? & The How?


Ye Olde Curmudgeon
May 28, 2011
Reaction score
Pittsburgh PA
It is Wednesday, 1/25/12, 1:43 am EST here in the 'Burgh. I was looking at the Members' Favorites on the Broke Straight Boys Homepage and I notice there are two 4.4's from bsb1, and ten 4.3's all from bsb1. Some forumites continually note that all or a vast majority of the Favorites are highly rated episodes from bsb1, thereby supporting their contention that bsb1 is superior to bsb2. My question is : Who selects the episodes which are displayed as Member Favorites? Because whoever it is, skews it for the older scenes. I have done a quick perusal of the first 2 pages of all episodes dating from the most recent (1/23/2012) through 11/17/2011. This shows that while there were no 4.4 ratings or higher, there were thirteen episodes rated 4.3. It seems to me that they should be sprinkled in along with the older ones to give a better representation of the totality of episodes. I'm presuming, of course, that the selection of favorites is done by the ratings. If not, then I'd like to know from the person who chooses them, what the criteria are.

Now to the voting for each episode. I notice that when I vote for an episode, the next time I go back to watch it, I'm allowed to cast another vote. So as not to skew the results in favor of or against a particular actor, the voting should be restricted to one time only. The current system amounts to "stuffing the ballot box" and I would think the system could be relatively easily fixed to make it one person, one vote.

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It is Wednesday, 1/25/12, 1:43 am EST here in the 'Burgh. I was looking at the Members' Favorites on the Broke Straight Boys Homepage and I notice there are two 4.4's from bsb1, and ten 4.3's all from bsb1. Some forumites continually note that all or a vast majority of the Favorites are highly rated episodes from bsb1, thereby supporting their contention that bsb1 is superior to bsb2. My question is : Who selects the episodes which are displayed as Member Favorites? Because whoever it is, skews it for the older scenes. I have done a quick perusal of the first 2 pages of all episodes dating from the most recent (1/23/2012) through 11/17/2011. This shows that while there were no 4.4 ratings or higher, there were thirteen episodes rated 4.3. It seems to me that they should be sprinkled in along with the older ones to give a better representation of the totality of episodes. I'm presuming, of course, that the selection of favorites is done by the ratings. If not, then I'd like to know from the person who chooses them, what the criteria are.

Now to the voting for each episode. I notice that when I vote for an episode, the next time I go back to watch it, I'm allowed to cast another vote. So as not to skew the results in favor of or against a particular actor, the voting should be restricted to one time only. The current system amounts to "stuffing the ballot box" and I would think the system could be relatively easily fixed to make it one person, one vote.


There are A LOT of episodes that are all sitting at 4.3. They just rotate them through the members favorite page. I can't figure out why sooooooo many episodes just sit at 4.3.
There are A LOT of episodes that are all sitting at 4.3. They just rotate them through the members favorite page. I can't figure out why sooooooo many episodes just sit at 4.3.

I agree, Ms. K, but the members favorites are always heavily skewed to bsb1. My contention is that in the rotation there should be more of the 4.3's from bsb2 so as to more accurately portray what members like from the entire archive of Broke Straight Boys episodes.

And then there is the question of voting. It should be one vote and no more. Otherwise, people can continually vote low ratings for a performer they don't like or high ratings for a performer they do like. It should be one person, one vote.

Broke Straight Boys 1.0 scenes outnumber Broke Straight Boys 2.0 scenes roughly 4 to 1.
i think i counted 168 Broke Straight Boys 1.0 scenes with a 4.3 rating, 38 Broke Straight Boys 2.0 scenes with a 4.3 rating. that's 206 scenes vying for 12 slots.
the 4.3 rated scenes have a true rating of 4.25 to 4.34, rounded up or down.
in case of a tie in the pre-rounding, the first in would be posted.

once i vote, i get a message that says, thanks for voting. i have never been able to vote more than once. when i go to the new boys section, i can see which scenes i have voted on. i cannot unvote or change my vote as recorded.

i think the rating system works like this:
say 25 members vote on a scene. 12 give it a 5.0, 8 give it a 4.0 and 5 give it a 3.0.
the average of the 25 votes is something like 4.28, rounded up to 4.3.
if 26th vote is a 1.0, then the scene would drop to 4.15 and lost among the scenes.
if 26th vote is a 5.0, then the scene would get a 4.3 rating.
the fortune of any scene is in the hands of those voting.

i think that voted should be blocked until a scene has had time to air.
i should have to view a scene before you can rate that scene.
early voting sets a pace which is unfair, whether it is giving a scene a 1.0 or a 5.0.

rant number ?.
Broke Straight Boys 1.0 scenes outnumber Broke Straight Boys 2.0 scenes roughly 4 to 1.
i think i counted 168 Broke Straight Boys 1.0 scenes with a 4.3 rating, 38 Broke Straight Boys 2.0 scenes with a 4.3 rating. that's 206 scenes vying for 12 slots.
the 4.3 rated scenes have a true rating of 4.25 to 4.34, rounded up or down.
in case of a tie in the pre-rounding, the first in would be posted.

once i vote, i get a message that says, thanks for voting. i have never been able to vote more than once. when i go to the new boys section, i can see which scenes i have voted on. i cannot unvote or change my vote as recorded.

i think the rating system works like this:
say 25 members vote on a scene. 12 give it a 5.0, 8 give it a 4.0 and 5 give it a 3.0.
the average of the 25 votes is something like 4.28, rounded up to 4.3.
if 26th vote is a 1.0, then the scene would drop to 4.15 and lost among the scenes.
if 26th vote is a 5.0, then the scene would get a 4.3 rating.
the fortune of any scene is in the hands of those voting.

i think that voted should be blocked until a scene has had time to air.
i should have to view a scene before you can rate that scene.
early voting sets a pace which is unfair, whether it is giving a scene a 1.0 or a 5.0.

rant number ?.

In response:

1. Obviously there are many more bsb1 episodes than there are bsb2 episodes. I was not suggesting that there be any kind of rigid statistical mixture, but rather that some 4.3 bsb2 scenes be included. If there are no bsb2 episodes on the members favorites page, a true representation of the site and even members favorites is not given.

2. There are 15 episodes from 1/23/12 to 1/22/11. I voted after watching each one at the time it was posted. I got the same message - "Thanks For Voting!". It was in re-watching one of those scenes the other day, one that I know I voted for, that I noticed it said - "Cast Your Vote Now!". I just checked these 15 again before writing this post and each one of them said - "Cast Your Vote Now!". Just to check I voted on a scene, my vote was taken and I got the message - Thanks For Voting!". Maybe it's just happening to me, but I suggest you check a scene you know definitively that you voted on recently, and see what it says tonight. Again, my point is that there should be one vote per viewer, one time so as not to skew the voting either in favor of or against a particular performer.

3. I agree with your point about not being able to vote until after you have viewed the scene. I'm a computer luddite, but if it is technically possible, that is something that should be put in place.

4. What does "rant number ?" mean.

I'm with another1, I have never been able to vote more than once! How did you get so lucky stowe1?
In the "members Favorites" the votes only show a "rounded" number (ex: 4.3) when it facts it's like 4.324. So we have tons of 4.3, but depending on the number after the "3", they show up or not in the members favorites panel.

Also, as of right now, it's one vote per person.
In response:

1. Obviously there are many more bsb1 episodes than there are bsb2 episodes. I was not suggesting that there be any kind of rigid statistical mixture, but rather that some 4.3 bsb2 scenes be included. If there are no bsb2 episodes on the members favorites page, a true representation of the site and even members favorites is not given.

2. There are 15 episodes from 1/23/12 to 1/22/11. I voted after watching each one at the time it was posted. I got the same message - "Thanks For Voting!". It was in re-watching one of those scenes the other day, one that I know I voted for, that I noticed it said - "Cast Your Vote Now!". I just checked these 15 again before writing this post and each one of them said - "Cast Your Vote Now!". Just to check I voted on a scene, my vote was taken and I got the message - Thanks For Voting!". Maybe it's just happening to me, but I suggest you check a scene you know definitively that you voted on recently, and see what it says tonight. Again, my point is that there should be one vote per viewer, one time so as not to skew the voting either in favor of or against a particular performer.

3. I agree with your point about not being able to vote until after you have viewed the scene. I'm a computer luddite, but if it is technically possible, that is something that should be put in place.

4. What does "rant number ?" mean.


rant is what i call it when i go from commenting on the rating system to commenting on how much i hate early voting on the scenes.
i could be sure which number rant this one was, i just recognized it as a rant like.
i have from time to time wish that i could vote again. vote early and often! but when i go to a scene and vote, i cannot revote.
when i go to the boys section i can see which scene i have voted on. if the scene had more than one boy, then when i go to each of them, i get the same result. thanks for voting and i am locked out.
that you can vote more than once, gives me pause. can many more vote more than once?
one member, one vote! boy do i support that.
staff or management, please!
In the "members Favorites" the votes only show a "rounded" number (ex: 4.3) when it facts it's like 4.324. So we have tons of 4.3, but depending on the number after the "3", they show up or not in the members favorites panel.

Also, as of right now, it's one vote per person.

that you can vote more than once, gives me pause. can many more vote more than once?
one member, one vote! boy do i support that.
staff or management, please!
posed too quickly. thanks!
you posted as i was composing.
*i could not be sure which number rant this one was, i just recognized it as a rant like.
now that sentence should make sense
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One vote is permitted per IP address. In the vast majority of cases, this permits one potential vote per member. While not presented, we accumulate total number of votes, any unusual voting activity is visable to the team here internally and can be investigated. Hope this helps.
One vote in a lifetime, is not very democratic. Why not reset all votes at the start of the year to zero. And let everybody vote new! That way we would have a new Broke Straight Boys top 100 every year.

With a 5-point voting system most video's will be rated 4.2 and 4.3. The results of 10-point voting system, with two decimals would differentiate more between video's.
Hey Stowe, since you get to vote more......can you go give the JIMMIE/Diesal videos a bunch of 5's for me. And anything with CHAD in it.:thumbup:
a statistical or democratic method.
the democratic method allow you to say, no wait i did/did not like that scene more/that much.
the statistical method ask, one a scale of one to five, how would rate this scene?

while i have a personal fondness for the democratic method, i am remained that democracy can often seem like two wolves and a sheep, voting on what to eat for dinner. what are we voting on? mutton or wolf? all in favor of having mutton ... .
i find the ratings uplifting when they support my judgment and ill-informed when they differ with my call.
i have rarely watched a scene and thought wow this is really good and watched it again and thought what was in the water to make me think this piece of crap with good?
even rarer still does a piece of coal turn out to be a diamond on second watching.
In the "members Favorites" the votes only show a "rounded" number (ex: 4.3) when it facts it's like 4.324. So we have tons of 4.3, but depending on the number after the "3", they show up or not in the members favorites panel.

Also, as of right now, it's one vote per person.

Meaning no disrespect, Steve, but going out to the thousandth of a percent is like the Jesuitical theology question - "How many angels can you fit on the head of a pin?'. Do we really have to be that exacting. My whole point is that given the ratings as we the members and/or visitors see, we would logically conclude that there are no bsb2 scenes as member favorites equal to bsb1 scenes. And I guess for a thousandth of a point that might be correct. However, the favorites should reflect the entire site and I think taking things to the thousandth of a point is way too nit-picky.

It might be one vote per person for everyone but me then. Because as I stated earlier, I have watched and voted on every scene from 1/23/12 through 12/24/11 (this was my test area, but it goes back further) at the time they were posted and after I voted the little shields moved and the message came up - "Thanks for voting!. Today I went back and all those scenes for me said "Cast Your Vote Now!". And to test it out, I voted again on Kodi's solo scene and the little shields move and the message came up - "Thanks for Voting!". Now perhaps my initial vote is not being registered, I don't know. But if this is an anomaly in my link to the site, then pm me and I will give you access to whatever it is you need to fix it.

One vote is permitted per IP address. In the vast majority of cases, this permits one potential vote per member. While not presented, we accumulate total number of votes, any unusual voting activity is visable to the team here internally and can be investigated. Hope this helps.

See my answer to Steve above.

Hey Stowe, since you get to vote more......can you go give the JIMMIE/Diesal videos a bunch of 5's for me. And anything with CHAD in it.:thumbup:

I'll check it out, Ms. K!!-lol

I have the same problem as Stowe1. All of the eposides from the latest one up to Tomas give me the message "Thanks for voting". However, from Tomas to as far back as I want to go, I have already seen the eposide and voted on it, but it still gives me the message " Cast your vote now". So therefore I would be able to vote twice on an episode. Big problem !!
i hope this is egg i am wiping off my face.
going back to early Broke Straight Boys 2.0 scenes, i know that what stowe1 is reporting is correct. you can vote again.
the earth is not flat and moves around the sun.
will have to check this out.
One vote is permitted per IP address. In the vast majority of cases, this permits one potential vote per member. While not presented, we accumulate total number of votes, any unusual voting activity is visable to the team here internally and can be investigated. Hope this helps.

Shit!, too bad President Bush didn't have you guys to count "hanging chads" in Florida!
Hey Stowe, since you get to vote more......can you go give the JIMMIE/Diesal videos a bunch of 5's for me. And anything with CHAD in it.:thumbup:

I have the same problem as Stowe1. All of the eposides from the latest one up to Tomas give me the message "Thanks for voting". However, from Tomas to as far back as I want to go, I have already seen the eposide and voted on it, but it still gives me the message " Cast your vote now". So therefore I would be able to vote twice on an episode. Big problem !!

You're right. And it was heart wrenching.........

Do I give JIMMIE another 5, when I cannot do the same for CHAD........:crying1::crying1::crying1: