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Mark / Clay..Anyone in Admin...


Active Member
Oct 18, 2008
Reaction score
I have read several threads where subscribers inquire as to updates on certain models..as to possible pairings..even requests and inquiries as to if we will see anymore of certain models,,all seemingly being ignored by management. Is there a reason why you DO NOT RESPOND to your subscribers?..Do you read our messages we post here..I notice that you responded when asked about College Dudes site.. but I am inquiring about this site.. Broke Straight Boys2. Yes, I admit.. I am frustrated..but would sincerely request that you respond to this inquiry. Thanks
You noticed that too huh? Broke Straight Boys replies VERY rarely to members questions unless their promoting the site so potential, and current, members will spend money etc. I'm not griping but just stating a fact.
We take all posts and threads on this forum into account. Its the whole reason we started this forum in the first place. Whether or not we respond to some or not is another issue, but we do listen. No matter what we do we can never please each and every member since we all have different takes on what makes the perfect site.

You can also make any suggestions directly to us by selecting "suggestions" on our customer service site found here: http://www.blumediasupport.com/help/index.php?pid=newticket&cmd=viewcatclient
I get it. There's a priority list that has to be fulfilled before a request/inquiry is answered. Just like calls into 911 are answered by priority or urgency. Maybe if Broke Straight Boys could give us a hint as to how and when our inquiry will be answered, we wouldn't waste time and effort writing unnecessary request/inquiry.
When it comes to us asking about models from way back, wanting to know what they are doing, when they will be back, and suggestions for who to pair them with........How do you want them to answer that?

They don't know where a model from 2007 is right now. That guy didn't give them a new address when they moved, or a new cell phone number, the 6 or 7 times they have changed it since then. Unless that guy calls them, or shows up at a Pride somewhere like Logan, they can't say anything except "I don't know," and you can only say I don't know so many times.
When it comes to us asking about models from way back, wanting to know what they are doing, when they will be back, and suggestions for who to pair them with........How do you want them to answer that?

They don't know where a model from 2007 is right now. That guy didn't give them a new address when they moved, or a new cell phone number, the 6 or 7 times they have changed it since then. Unless that guy calls them, or shows up at a Pride somewhere like Logan, they can't say anything except "I don't know," and you can only say I don't know so many times.

You're quite right Ms.K. Those in management by the definition have full time jobs that require their immediate daily attention. They obviously do read the forum to get a pulse on how different aspects of the site and its content are being received by members. But...they simply don't have time to respond personally to every question and get into back and forth conversations on a regular basis. If they tried that the office would turn into a coffee shop/internet cafe and not enough real work would be getting done. So they prioritize and pick and choose the few posts they do make.

At least here in Broke Straight Boys we know we have a management team that is getting our feedback in real time. Other sites just give you a vague email address at best. And then you wonder if anybody ever reads your letters.
You're quite right Ms.K. Those in management by the definition have full time jobs that require their immediate daily attention. They obviously do read the forum to get a pulse on how different aspects of the site and its content are being received by members. But...they simply don't have time to respond personally to every question and get into back and forth conversations on a regular basis. If they tried that the office would turn into a coffee shop/internet cafe and not enough real work would be getting done. So they prioritize and pick and choose the few posts they do make.

At least here in Broke Straight Boys we know we have a management team that is getting our feedback in real time. Other sites just give you a vague email address at best. And then you wonder if anybody ever reads your letters.
Tampa, this reminds me of a similar discussion when David was filming the scenes, and was way ahead with episodes "in the can", months in advance of their release and our commentary. There was a hue and cry from several forumites, saying that what is the point of having a forum, if management is not able to read our criticisms and requests and make immediate changes in the models and the way the scenes were produced.

The point is that the forum is not necessarily for us to get immediate answers to all questions, and to have scenes tailored to each and every one of our "demands".

As Tampa said, we do have a management team that we know reads our posts, and the choice is theirs whether to act upon any individual request, or whether they choose to respond or not. It is not their obligation to personally respond to every post to the board.
CHUCK... THANK YOU.. I sincerely thank you for responding to my inquiry. I now know where to go for suggestions. It is good to know that YOU and management do read the comments posted here, and that you do take into account what your subscribers' critiques, inquiries and suggestions. Again.. Thank you.
When it comes to us asking about models from way back, wanting to know what they are doing, when they will be back, and suggestions for who to pair them with........How do you want them to answer that?

They don't know where a model from 2007 is right now. That guy didn't give them a new address when they moved, or a new cell phone number, the 6 or 7 times they have changed it since then. Unless that guy calls them, or shows up at a Pride somewhere like Logan, they can't say anything except "I don't know," and you can only say I don't know so many times.

That was probably the best way to put it all around Ms. K :thumbup1:
And as I know from experience, if they answer so many questions, pretty soon they are expected to answer every question, and with a place as big as this, that's just not feasible unless they got a customer service call center hahaha
Tampa, this reminds me of a similar discussion when David was filming the scenes, and was way ahead with episodes "in the can", months in advance of their release and our commentary. There was a hue and cry from several forumites, saying that what is the point of having a forum, if management is not able to read our criticisms and requests and make immediate changes in the models and the way the scenes were produced.

The point is that the forum is not necessarily for us to get immediate answers to all questions, and to have scenes tailored to each and every one of our "demands".

As Tampa said, we do have a management team that we know reads our posts, and the choice is theirs whether to act upon any individual request, or whether they choose to respond or not. It is not their obligation to personally respond to every post to the board.

I agree Mike, and also in their defense, if they see a trend happening that people don't like and are really vocal about (like members revolting en masse with dumping money on the models etc.), they put a stop to it right away and Mark has even come on here and said "We're making changes" "We have stopped dumping the money on the models" and so on.

Just because 1 or 2 people say something probably isn't going to get a lot of mileage, although the issue/concern/request is looked at and likely considered. But 25 people complaining about the same thing is going to go a lot further than 2 people.

AND, if you send an email to customer service, I can tell you from personal experience it's addressed and responded to in a timely manner. One time Mark himself immediately had someone from BluMedia personally to address my concern after I had sent him a PM about it.

We need to consider that while we feel really important individually, in the overall scheme of things, there are most likely well over 3,000 paying members each month. And so out of 3,000 paying/rebilling members, if you have even 1/10 of 1% complaining about something or requesting something, it still takes up a lot of time responding to those individual requests.