With you all the way Stowe. This guy shouldn't have been cast. His build and his attitude don't make the cut. We lose Max and we get this guy? Come on
Broke Straight Boys
We can't help who we lose. Some models like Max come in and disappear etc etc. We try to keep the popular guys but it isn't always possible or our choice.
If we were in a court of law, your having made this statement would be considered your opening the door to the questions I'm going to ask. Unlike a court of law, you are not compelled to answer them and I'm guessing you won't for a variety of reasons, some of which I might understand. Still, I feel compelled to ask them:
1. What determines ":the popular guys"? Since the forum doesn't represent the full membership, it can't just be whom the forum posters like by their posts. Webmonkey awhile back alluded to a system comprising a variety of factors, such as "hits" on the scenes they are in. Is that accurate? On the models' homepages, there is a rating system. How is that determined?
2. Can we members logically presume that a popular model (for example
Spencer Todd: rating on his page 4.6/5) who has not been in a scene since 10/27 has left of his own free will or other personal circumstances?
3. Jason is popular on the forum; his rating is 4.7/5; did several Pride events; yet he has not had as scene since 8/2. Is this another example of a model leaving of his own free will?
4. How big a factor is how a model gets along with management and staff in his retention? (A cruder way of asking this question: How big a role does ass-kissing play in a model's retention?)
5. Are there any circumstances under which you can and/or will tell us why a model is gone? For instance
Dan White. A new thread has just been started about him. I and others have asked whatever happened to him many times in the past. He had the highest solo scene rating on this site and almost univeral acclaim on the forum. Yet, he never came back for other work. I can't imagine why you or someone couldn't just say that he didn't want to do anything more; or he had person difficulties which precluded him from more work. It wouldn't be breaching any confidence to give such generalized info, but would lie to rest the question of Where is he now?