Wait, so what does junior member even mean???
Thanks Broke Straight Boys for taking away my Junior Status...
You've earned it!!!! Now your well on your way to becoming Senior Status.
just when I was discovering a deep emotional bond with Logan. The physical bond has been there since I first delighted in watching him...of course that bond is with my fist and privates.
Logan read my post...dudes, I am all tingly...I am bound for Senior status knowing that Logan is really out there reading posts...you can't get me to shut up now...and I will behave DaddyDave.
Thanks Jay for the explanation...where is all of this written?
Unfortunately, it is not written anywhere. WE all figured it out on our own.
Is there a Broke Straight Boys holy grail or arc of the covenenant out there I have missed in my horniness to see nekkid straight dudes doing it?
Nothing of the sort. Just sit back, watch, enjoy and do what comes, well, natural.
You dudes think Logan flashed that killer smile when he read my post? Need some alone time now...to... ... ...bond.
You dudes think Logan flashed that killer smile when he read my post? Need some alone time now...to... ... ...bond.
Thanks Broke Straight Boys for taking away my Junior Status...just when I was discovering a deep emotional bond with Logan. The physical bond has been there since I first delighted in watching him...of course that bond is with my fist and privates.
Logan read my post...dudes, I am all tingly...I am bound for Senior status knowing that Logan is really out there reading posts...you can't get me to shut up now...and I will behave DaddyDave.
Thanks Jay for the explanation...where is all of this written? Is there a Broke Straight Boys holy grail or arc of the covenenant out there I have missed in my horniness to see nekkid straight dudes doing it?
You dudes think Logan flashed that killer smile when he read my post? Need some alone time now...to... ... ...bond.
Logan, hope you have figured out the study/party ratio.
My classes start on Monday. I went to the bookstore today to get my books. Thank God for my dad's credit card. Where did the summer go?
Of course I did! I have 10 hours straight of classes twice a week, and 6 hours the other two days, just to make sure I have Fridays free hahaha