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Leon, Sean, and Jayce


Well-known Member
Oct 24, 2009
Reaction score
Well, guys and gals, there was a lesson in how to have a three-way. I thought the whole thing was really hot. I know other members of the forum will give a better blow by blow (sic) analysis (and by the way, I love the detail folks go into; some don't like that, but it really adds something for me. Others see things I miss and then I go back and say wow! I didn't notice that).

But a few thoughts:

I was really stoked to see what Leon would do and brother, he makes a great top. He certainly took Sesn and Jayce all the way.

Jayce was really into it and showing it and moaning it..

Sean - two loads?....great theatre!! A Great bottom.

I know Leon will be "forced" to bottom at some point, but I say let him just become a top for a whole list of guys you all can imagine.

The three-way just worked. everyone was into all the time- every hole and pole was in action. Loved Jsyce's affection toward Sean and his reaction to the nipple play, which clearly turns him way on.

Others will have more to say - I just found the whole thing a 5++
I just got done watching as well I LOVED It :) I think Jayce is a NEW BOTTOM BOY! I think it's great that he did the tour first and kinda found his way into the studio. Oh boy did he look like he was having fun. I would love to see Jayce and leon again as a dou ;) Hell really any good top with Jayce.* He now has a fan for life*

I know this is bad to say this but I am going to anyway... There is something about sean that I dont like. I dont know if he is to much of a dorky kind of guy or what. I just dont get drawn in with him.

anywho would love to hear what others think as well.

We were typing at the same time. I really like your post. If I knew how to delete a thread I would delete mine and just add my post to yours.
Here's my post any way because it appears this will be the main thread.

I think this Is one hot video. Sean is at it again of being his adorable self of just wanting the scene to happen. He’s willing to do anything to accommodate David and the other guys. He does this all the time you can count on him to make it happen. Leon is hot as usual having his first experience of topping and man, did he ever work up a sweat servicing both Sean and Jayce. I saw a side of Jayce that I had not seen before, he is downright good looking, great body and cock and a great spirit of making it happen too. I had to give it a 5 for it was most enjoyable to me. Hope the rest of you guys and gals like it.
Sean is this totally awkward guy. He makes me giggle and strangely turns me on at the same time. Sometimes I feel embarassed for him, but I think that is because I'm just so fond of the little fellow. I think of all of the BSBs I see he really seems genuine and I think that is probably how he is when he's not on the futon as well. I have to say I just adore the shit out of him.
No complaints from me at all. I was sort of indifferent to Sean before this shoot, but now I'm a convert. They were all delicious. I laughed a little when Jace aimed some of his reactions at the camera. My main complaint about many of the Broke Straight Boys boys is they seem not to be having fun. Not these three this time. By the way, not here but before, if David calls a penis a "pee-pee" again I'm going to come down there and rip his out.

Leon just turns me the fuck on. For a non-skinny guy (skinny being the preferred paradigm) his body appears to be totally faultless. You can't find a square centimeter on him that isn't beautiful. And his obvious intelligence is hot, and his slightly geeky, careful, round enunciation is so effin' classy. Add to that the elegance-in-motion of his fuck technique, what's not to love?

Jace, as you guys have said, has totally come into his own. He really likes the sex, something we've all doubted up to now, and it was so excellent to see his hand fumble softly from one guy to the other, back and forth, as he was being pummeled by The Fuck Machine. He wouldn't have said no to a kiss from Leon either if their lips had got just half an inch closer when L. came up for air during the tit-tillation. Christ, that accent, and Heavens! those Georgia cracker pale blue eyes, like the photo of a Rebel hottie in uniform from 1862. I loved Jace in this video.

Sean has this loud, squawky voice that maybe reduces his charm level by a decimal point or two. He's got a sense of humor in there somewhere I'm sure, but he tries too hard to make everything he says amusing. He's wry and self-deprecating but it's often all about him whenever he speaks, even to the point of bargaining himself down by $300.That actually made me think that he might be ignored a lot in real life and has to pipe up in order to be noticed. If he had a better sense of timing and a better handle on what's funny, his voice would be a plus; as it is, it grates a bit. But he's just the nicest guy you'd hope to meet in a porn video and he's never let us down on the futon. He's fine to look at and if his gung-ho golly gee approach doesn't make you want to throttle him, you've got a great little Broke Straight Boys to watch.

OK, finished pontificating (in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti).
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Leon just turns me the fuck on. For a non-skinny guy (skinny being the preferred paradigm) his body appears to be totally faultless. You can't find a square centimeter on him that isn't beautiful. And his obvious intelligence is hot, and his slightly geeky, careful, round enunciation is so effin' classy. Add to that the elegance-in-motion of his fuck technique, what's not to love?

Jace, as you guys have said, has totally come into his own. He really likes the sex, something we've all doubted up to now, and it was so excellent to see his hand fumble softly from one guy to the other, back and forth, as he was being pummeled by The Fuck Machine. He wouldn't have said no to a kiss from Leon either if their lips had got just half an inch closer when L. came up for air during the tit-tillation. Christ, that accent, and Heavens! those Georgia cracker pale blue eyes, like the photo of a Rebel hottie in uniform from 1862. I loved Jace in this video.

Sean has this loud, squawky voice that maybe reduces his charm level by a decimal point or two. He's got a sense of humor in there somewhere I'm sure, but he tries too hard to make everything he says amusing. He's wry and self-deprecating but it's often all about him whenever he speaks, even to the point of bargaining himself down by $300.That actually made me think that he might be ignored a lot in real life and has to pipe up in order to be noticed. If he had a better sense of timing and a better handle on what's funny, his voice would be a plus; as it is, it grates a bit. But he's just the nicest guy you'd hope to meet in a porn video and he's never let us down on the futon. He's fine to look at and if his gung-ho golly gee approach doesn't make you want to throttle him, you've got a great little Broke Straight Boys to watch.

OK, finished pontificating (in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti).

This is one of those "others" who I said will have more to say....Slim, loved your observations, particularly about Jayce moving his hand from head to head - or as you so poetically put it "to see his hand fumble softly."
no lengthy dissertation here, just a full 5. I loved it. Sean is wonderful,sexy, willing, personable and one of the best BSBs ever. Jayce is certainly coming into his own and is so hot..love seeing him in his little CK briefs. Leon.wow..he has come a long way quickly. This will rate as one of the best scenes for sure. Many thanks to all three-GREAT job and thanks to David for putting them together. I just hope he has a lot more of these guys in the can. Sean seems to have become the new star on Broke Straight Boys Damn, gonna go back and watch this one again and again.
A Classic 3-Way!

This is another of David's classic demonstratons. Imposible of course without the players. I'm not usually a fan of 3 Action because someone is often left out. In this case no one was left out! I will stifle my tendency to gush, but I must note that Jayce has been royally fucked for once. Sean is under appreciated but I have always enjoyed his enthusiasm. I vote we take up a collection and buy Sean a single pair of tightie whities for his modeling adventures. Really, he has a great little package and I vote for him teasing us with some tighties: But only when modeling, as I wouldn't want to crowd his rather large nutz. He, he.
I agree with the previous posts that this was a hot 3 way. Leon has a great body, toned and natural muscle definition besides having a nice cock. He was a hot top with his verbals and quick thrusts. Jace just loves sex and was obviously loving his nipples sucked. Nice directing by David to get that going. Sean reminds me of the guy in high school that would hang around the jocks, even as being dorky, would be likeable for being easy to get along with and agreeable to everything. Maybe this is why he's lasted so long but I can't see what he adds to these shoots. Also a lesson to Sean from Negotiating 101...Always highball yourself to give yourself enough room to come down a little. He could have gotten $300 more but instead was happy to be paid for what most oral scenes are paid.
The money was all wrong!

$2000 for Leon, $1000 for Jayce, and Sean opted for $700? Broke Straight Boys, there must be more parity, especially since Sean rendered two cumshots! Leon is good as a top and Jayce and Sean get kudos for being great bottoms! I like the session and learned that Jayce loves having his nipples sucked! Both jayce and Sean need bigger cocks to awaken their inner selves. Now, that's an idea!
Fantastic Job: Leon and Jayce

I agree with the previous posts that this was a hot 3 way. Leon has a great body, toned and natural muscle definition besides having a nice cock. He was a hot top with his verbals and quick thrusts. Jace just loves sex and was obviously loving his nipples sucked. Nice directing by David to get that going. Sean reminds me of the guy in high school that would hang around the jocks, even as being dorky, would be likeable for being easy to get along with and agreeable to everything. Maybe this is why he's lasted so long but I can't see what he adds to these shoots.

I agree totally with this quote and would only state that as willing as Sean is, he only detracts from the scene when paired with the likes of Leon and Jayce. I hope to see Leon and Jayce much more frequently and especially the acrobatic sexual positions and nipple play that added so much.
*5* All 3 guys gave this vid their all. No slackers here.

Leon is a hottie. I also love to hear him speak. He's smart, polite, and still talks naughty when he feels the need. Like him a lot!

Sean is a give it a go kind of guy. He obviously enjoys his time spent on the Futon. He's not afraid to speak his mind, and I love his enthusiasm. Other models could take a lesson from Sean in enthusiasm.......

Jayce is so fun! Broke Straight Boys has a new bottom boy. He certainly seemed to enjoy Leon fucking him in all those positions. I reminded myself why Jayce tends to look in the camera. The Broke Straight Boys tours. He's met many members, so he KNOWS who's watching. It's all for the members.

This is a great Broke Straight Boys vid!
Sean is this totally awkward guy. He makes me giggle and strangely turns me on at the same time. Sometimes I feel embarrassed for him, but I think that is because I'm just so fond of the little fellow. I think of all of the BSBs I see he really seems genuine and I think that is probably how he is when he's not on the futon as well. I have to say I just adore the shit out of him.

Miss D you have read my mind. Thanks for saying it so well. I have a feeling like Slim said that he doesn't get much attention in real life. Which is a pity. So he feels he has to try harder at times. I luv him to bits. He is always so eager to please. He'll do anything reasonable that's asked of him. And always tries to impress and hopefully exceed people's expectations of him. Can you get any more endearing than that?

So he comes off a little dorky at times. Yes. He needs to get tighter underwear that make him look more sexy. Sometimes he tries a little too hard to get attention. He's not super confident. But he'll get there eventually because he is a charming and handsome guy. He just wants desperately for people to like him. And I do! lol

Knowing just what a great guy he is I would take him over the slightly better looking but arrogant jock in the high school. If I were high school age still. The more confident jock guys would not be as interested in taking care of their partners as Sean would. Better looking and more confident guys would be LUCKY to get Sean as a boyfriend or partner. And in the sack they would find that they had a tiger by the tail.

I loved the part in the scene when Leon had just entered Jace. Sean leaned over Jace's chest to watch, couldn't help himself, and just blurted out loud, "That is so freakin HOT!"

Hot indeed. lol

An easy 5 scene!! :thumbup:
Have to agree about Sean there is something so dorky cute about him, I went back to find older vids. He is so doofy but he's sexy top or bottom (and actually says 'fuck me') that makes it hot, different from some usual tension
Very Hot!

$2000 for Leon, $1000 for Jayce, and Sean opted for $700? Broke Straight Boys, there must be more parity, especially since Sean rendered two cumshots! Leon is good as a top and Jayce and Sean get kudos for being great bottoms! I like the session and learned that Jayce loves having his nipples sucked! Both jayce and Sean need bigger cocks to awaken their inner selves. Now, that's an idea!

Come on, now. If you haven't figured it out by now, Sean's in it for the sex. I don't care how straight he may have said he was at the beginning, he's into it. He likes getting fucked (you don't cum with a dick up your ass unless you like it.) He likes servicing the other guys. It may have been a discovery for him, but he likes sex with hot guys. ... And from the looks of it, Jace may be having a bit of an awakening himself.

For Sean, the sex is the reward - though if I were David, I think I would give him a little bonus for the extra cumshot. ;-)
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What a hot video!!! These three boys are HOT with a capital H. Loved Sean as always, loved the fact he shot his load while getting fucked, I think that is so HOT! Leon and his first time topping, what can I say Damn that boy was made to fuck HOT, Tight ASS that is for sure. He is a great TOP!!! Last and certainly not least is Jayce!!! WOW he just gets hotter and hotter in my book. I loved his facial expressions and at one point he's moaning out yeah fuck me and oh shit. It seemed to me he was getting into it. I loved the touching and nipple play. I love nip's and I am so very happy that Jayce likes to have his nip's sucked and played with, made it all the more hot. The shot of Leon Fucking Jayce standing up off the edge of the futon was way hot and totally made me blow my load, and what a load..... The shot of Leon's shaking/fucking ass and the way he was fucking down into Jayce's ass and the way Jayce's ass got all tight when he entered, that is a picture that will last with me for a very long time!!!

I have to say without a second thought this was way hotter than I ever expected and although I like almost everything this website puts out, this was way over the top for me and for the first time in a long time, I wished the rating system went much higher than just 5!!! I would have given it a 21 gun salute..... Now that is what I'm talking about. You have to have to bring these three back again!!!! I just can not get enough of them and Jayce, please don't let him go, he is so fucking HOT!!! Thanks David for a GREAT video!!!
I have to brag a little bit here and remind anyone within driving distance of Orlando, FL that Jace will be there in person next weekend. I will be meeting him for the first time at my first event. Along with Diesal and JC. (Who we haven't been introduced to yet) There may even be a David sighting at Disney or Parliament House. And I hear rumors that Cousin Mikey might make an appearance also. It should be alot of fun!

I'm so glad that I got to see this particular scene before meeting Jace in person.

We definitely saw a whole new side to Jace in this vid. After all that nipple play and great head it would not have taken much more coaxing, in the heat of passion, for him to have kissed either Leon or Sean.

I think his girlfriend is going to have to up her game if she wants to hold on to him. haha Either that or she's going to have to share him. I see a strap-on purchase in her future. :biggrin: