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Lee, Shane and Damien

You see, Denny, it's like my grandfather used to say, "You can't argue with a stump." They don't get it. They'll never get it. They don't want to get it. They want to call us "mean spirited" and "other" and say we are "advocating censorship" and all those things we don't do just because they want to fight. Why? Well, according to the most recent studies in bullying, to compensate for small dicks, tiny musicles, and underdeveloped social skills. That's why they keep tossing out untrue charges and changing the subject. I'll give them this, they do like to hear themselves talk. Oh, well, I'm going back to the friendly side, where the civilized people live. I liked your sermon, Denny. It's a shame no one listened.
"The other one."

Excuse me sir. I'm trying to eat my hamburger.
The dawning of the "New" Broke Straight Boys has been built up so much, I just hope it lives up to everyone's expectations. I await with bated breath.
- Jason

The move to HD video is a welcome move, as you can see by the BCB site, HD is far better quality. Lets hope the material in front of the camera is worthy of HD, as it's the quality of the content I vote for.

P.S I don't like burgers anyway lol
You see, Denny, it's like my grandfather used to say, "You can't argue with a stump." They don't get it. They'll never get it. They don't want to get it. They want to call us "mean spirited" and "other" and say we are "advocating censorship" and all those things we don't do just because they want to fight. Why? Well, according to the most recent studies in bullying, to compensate for small dicks, tiny musicles, and underdeveloped social skills. That's why they keep tossing out untrue charges and changing the subject. I'll give them this, they do like to hear themselves talk. Oh, well, I'm going back to the friendly side, where the civilized people live. I liked your sermon, Denny. It's a shame no one listened.
"The other one."

It seems to me that we need a thread titled "Clear the Air." This would be the place to go and do just that. If you have a disagreement you can join with other interested parties to air your concerns and hopefully come to some type of conclusion without the lose of a brother, a friend a confederate. By so "airing out the dirty laundry" on that threat, you leave all the other threads for those who would like to stay on subject, after all that's why we joined the thread in the first place.

Now let me say thanks for letting me bloviate.
It seems to me that we need a thread titled "Clear the Air." This would be the place to go and do just that. If you have a disagreement you can join with other interested parties to air your concerns and hopefully come to some type of conclusion without the lose of a brother, a friend a confederate. By so "airing out the dirty laundry" on that threat, you leave all the other threads for those who would like to stay on subject, after all that's why we joined the thread in the first place.

Now let me say thanks for letting me bloviate.
I second that motion mactee. I started this thread to discuss the then upcoming, and now recently released episode featuring Lee, Shane and Damien. I agree that if "The other one" has an obsession with trying to drag us all through the mud with their hateful posts, it should be on another thread, where that member can sling their venomous accusations around, for their own amusement.

I love the product that David and Mark offer us, three times a week, and I'd love to be able to discuss the sexy hot straight boys that are offered to us here for our entertainment, without the hate rearing it's ugly head again and again.

David started a thread called "For the female members only! " Perhaps "The other one" might start a thread called "For the bigoted haters only!" and I can make it a point to avoid.

Thanks for the excellent suggestion mactee.
You guys are so cute. You really must have taken some shit lately to be so bitter. My heart goes out to you. I'll lay off a while so you can lick you wounds - or whatever it is you want to lick. Now remember, mikey, you don't invade other threads to spread a message of hate and negativity. . .you said that in this one. Oh, and we found a great picture of your little buddy 'j' - you know, 'the other one.' Thought you might like it. Have a great day! The hamburger lover!


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aquarius, please for heaven's sake post the photo of the mule being rescued. The idea of that beautiful equine trapped in some kind of well thingy, unable to get out, is creeping me out. Do you know anything about the back-story, how he or she (or is it neither in the case of mules?) got into that situation?

Apologies for this digression, but that cute face...
ITA, Slim! Tell us the little critter was rescued safely! That is a burro or donkey, not a mule. I know this as I have an interest in all things Equidae, which includes horses, zebras and asses.
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ITA, Slim! Tell us the little critter was rescued safely! That is a burro or donkey, not a mule. I know this as I have an interest in all things Equidae, which includes horses, zebras and asses.

I'm definitely getting "mule" when I look at that puppy's face down there in that drainage pipe or whatever. A donkey has a chubbier face, and more hair. A mule has a more elongated muzzle and shorter, horsier hair.

I'm from Missouri, so you have to show me a donkey that looks like aquarius's animal. Yes, do please show me: post something convincing you browse up on google, pretty please. I would, but I have to get to bed; it's nearly 1.30 am on Tuesday and I haven't been getting a lot of sleep with all these updates.
Oh,Paris,sweetie, you've always had a fondness for asses. Come on, confess. And a cute ass could drive you to distraction. Why I once heard you blocked traffic for a mile and a half and it wasn't the fault of a stalled engine, and wasn't the fault of an empty gas tank - it was the ass-fault. (Oh, I could well go to hell for that!) Of course he was rescued and I've been riding him around the garden. Now it's time to get off my ass and get to work.


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Oh, for god's sake Slim, when did you ever see markings like that on the back of a mule? Missouri be damned. I lived there 10 years and I know what a Missouri mule looks like. And that is not a Missouri mule.
Thanks for ending that argument for us, aquarius! Told ya so, Slim! It is an ass.
Looks like my dorm mate from earleir this year, glad he dropped out after 3 days. he smelled like a donkey, mule, or ass but was a real jackass. I don't think he showered the entire time he was here, kept saying he didn't want the "queers" down the hall checking him out. I think if he would have stayed I would be in jail for murder but the world would be a much better place.
The guy that replaced him is terrific and ani;t hard on the eyes :-) If he only knew of my imoure thoughts I have for him.