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Here are a couple of guys who are not rough, grungy or tatoo'ed up. Can we get some new models like these?


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No but if you enjoy any of the bonus sites it might be. I have to admit so far there have been no models that have made me even the slightest bit interested in even watching the vids. It seems they're all tattooed and just unappealing to me. I'm still giving it a bit longer but not sure even I can justify giving it too much longer. I mean it's been quite a few vids now and I haven't wanted to watch a single one.

I am truly sorry you feel that way but the fact is that many people, including myself do like tattoos or at least don't care if a model has them. A number of the models on BSB1 had tattoos and piercings including Diesal who was [and still is] quite popular with many people. In addition for the most part I have found the new models quite attractive. I realize reasonable minds can differ on a subject like this as tastes differ.

But if it is not your cup of tea then perhaps you should consider exploring other sites which more closely match the tastes you do have rather than wasting your time and money here. I do not mean that in a disrespectful way, simply making the observation. After all I have been a subscriber to other porn sites where the presentation shifted to areas I did not care for and I simply cancelled my subscription and went on my way.
I'm being self-reflective: why do gay gays pay money to watch other guys have sex with each other who think that it's so repulsive and disgusting and that they would only do it for money: a)internalized homophobia, b)self-loathing and hatred for being gay, c)non-acceptance of self, d), d)pseudo acceptance based on "straight" guys having gay sex, e)all of the above.

How about none of the above? I really do think there are probably as many different reasons for enjoying scenes of this sort as their are people who watch them. I have been an out gay man for the vast majority of my life, including the last 2 years of high school [1970/1971] which was not too easy let me tell you. But I never bothered to apologize for being gay, accept other people's definitions who who I was or put up with people's bull puckey about gay people. I grew up in a large urban area in a blue collar neighborhood and I learned how to fight quite young and so those who decided to pick on me quickly found out they picked "the wrong fag to fuck with".

But the other interesting effect result was that my very first sexual trysts were with guys who came from the same socio-economic class and looked a lot like some of the young men we see here. One in fact looked enough like Diesal to be a close relative. Mike Robbins looked a lot like my half brother. Others looked generally and behave very much like guys I knew "back in the day". Most of those guys are now married and living with wives and children. I still see them form time to time when I go back to visit the folks.

Another interesting aspect of that upbringing was that in my experience there were a lot of guys who might be primarily straight but who for a variety of reasons including horniness, curiosity etc would on their own meet up with me and engage in sexual activity. It was all on the downlow of course but that never bothered me. Since my experience has lead me to view sexual orientation as more ofa spectrum from completely one to completely the other with most somewhere scattered in between. I do not generally get hung up on the labels people attach to themselves or others.