I wanted to talk about the written narratives of the new scenes. Broke Straight Boys has improved them greatly over the last 2 years. Gone are the days when typos, misspelled words and mangled grammar were common. The narratives have improved tremendously. Thank you. And keep up the good work.
I was all prepard to talk about how paragraphs are our friends. lol Because the first day the latest scene came out the narative was all bunched up together in a pile. This makes it very hard to read from a computer screen if you have to struggle to find the beginning of the next line of text. But lo and behold before I even had the chance to ask them to, they had already fixed it. Thanks guys...(And gals?)
I know that with different personalities running things that the tone and realtionship between producton staff and models will be different. That's totally understandable and not at all unwelcome. Change can be good. I must say though that some of the tone coming out at the very beginning is worrying me. Because it leads you to wonder where the new path is heading.
If the new vision is to bring in common street hustlers who are just moderately attractive I don't think that would go over well. For the epitome of that genre you'd have to go to that cesspool ASG site. Yuk. I'm not saying that I think this is where Broke Straight Boys is going. I know the staff here is too smart for that.
I know that with this being porn you can't sell an idyllic vision of Broke Straight Boys land being some Shangri La....where production staff and models are all wrapped up in Kumbaya hugs and a total lovefest. Some straight models are going to be a pain in the ass to work with. Figuratively... lol But if we want to attrract good looking, self respecting, straight models who are 8's, 9's and 10's to apply to the site...and I think we do...then we need to do better than the last narrative.
What classy self respecting guy wants to apply and work on a site that in its advertising refers to its own models with contempt?
"The boys did good, and some boundaries were pushed, so I'm hoping that after these lazy fucks blow through their money they will come around for some more."
Really?? I think we can do better than that.
I was all prepard to talk about how paragraphs are our friends. lol Because the first day the latest scene came out the narative was all bunched up together in a pile. This makes it very hard to read from a computer screen if you have to struggle to find the beginning of the next line of text. But lo and behold before I even had the chance to ask them to, they had already fixed it. Thanks guys...(And gals?)
I know that with different personalities running things that the tone and realtionship between producton staff and models will be different. That's totally understandable and not at all unwelcome. Change can be good. I must say though that some of the tone coming out at the very beginning is worrying me. Because it leads you to wonder where the new path is heading.
If the new vision is to bring in common street hustlers who are just moderately attractive I don't think that would go over well. For the epitome of that genre you'd have to go to that cesspool ASG site. Yuk. I'm not saying that I think this is where Broke Straight Boys is going. I know the staff here is too smart for that.
I know that with this being porn you can't sell an idyllic vision of Broke Straight Boys land being some Shangri La....where production staff and models are all wrapped up in Kumbaya hugs and a total lovefest. Some straight models are going to be a pain in the ass to work with. Figuratively... lol But if we want to attrract good looking, self respecting, straight models who are 8's, 9's and 10's to apply to the site...and I think we do...then we need to do better than the last narrative.
What classy self respecting guy wants to apply and work on a site that in its advertising refers to its own models with contempt?
"The boys did good, and some boundaries were pushed, so I'm hoping that after these lazy fucks blow through their money they will come around for some more."
Really?? I think we can do better than that.