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last newbies


May 21, 2011
Reaction score
I just want to make a comment.
Without mentioning names, it is obvious that some of the last 4 or 5 newbies have obviously been chosen under different standarts. They are not as cute or handsome as the rest of the models, and not even in good shape.
Is Broke Straight Boys changing and moving somewhere else?
I come here to enjoy the view of guys who are over the average of good looking. I believe that a good majority of Broke Straight Boys fans would agree with me. Usually the newbies are a bliss, but sadly some of the recent ones were dissapointments.
Off course this has nothing to do with the fact that they might be the best guys on the planet. But the fact is that we come here to see good looking guys.
Lets see what happens.
I won't leave you hanging there all by yourself Blueboyy. Yes. I know what you mean. We can hope that these occurrences become rarer as time goes on. Don't lose hope though. There are always endless possibilities around here. :) The view changes quickly and often.
The world isn't made up of beautiful people. I had the best sex with average and less than average guys. What's in their minds and hearts is so much more important.
I am totally with you Blueboyy, not necessarily about these latest two models, but generally speaking, if I am paying to watch porn, I want to see ideal looking guys, well above the average man that one sees. Much as if I go to a big league ball game, I want exceptional athletes, not the kind you see in the park in a beer league, or if I go to a Broadway show I want to see professional actors at the top of their profession, not hack actors from community theatre.

Again I have no particular problem with Kyle & Tristen's looks, (not to say that I don't have a "different" problem with them), but generally speaking the guys I watch in porn, and especially pay to watch need to be the best of the best. Their bodies and their looks are what they are being hired for. It may be superficial, but that is the reality of the porn industry.
I like Tristan also. I believe Blueboyy tossed out a wider net so as not to single out other models by name.
I won't leave you hanging there all by yourself Blueboyy. Yes. I know what you mean. We can hope that these occurrences become rarer as time goes on. Don't lose hope though. There are always endless possibilities around here. :) The view changes quickly and often.

The world isn't made up of beautiful people. I had the best sex with average and less than average guys. What's in their minds and hearts is so much more important.

I am one of those who enjoys a variety of guys both in terms of looks and body types. I also can become bored with the same models, even the most popular ones on the site! From time to time, an infusion of newbies is good to see. I think once I get to know more about them or see their performances with some of the more seasoned veterans on the site, I will either start to enjoy them more (or not.) It's like watching your favorite TV show. When the commercials come on, that's when you do other things, channel surf, then come back when they are done. I say, be patient. Before you know it, you will be enjoying your show again!
I am one of those who enjoys a variety of guys both in terms of looks and body types. I also can become bored with the same models, even the most popular ones on the site! From time to time, an infusion of newbies is good to see. I think once I get to know more about them or see their performances with some of the more seasoned veterans on the site, I will either start to enjoy them more (or not.) It's like watching your favorite TV show. When the commercials come on, that's when you do other things, channel surf, then come back when they are done. I say, be patient. Before you know it, you will be enjoying your show again!

I agree with you on that one :)